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some terms that people use a lot:

DBM-Double bomb jump

TBM-Triple bomb jump

TBJM-Trible bomb jump and morph at the end so you get more height+distance

IBM-(in Zero Mission)spam bombs like crazy to achieve great heights!

ZM-Zero Mission

MP-Metroid Prime

MF-Metroid Fusion

if you know more,tell me,and i'll add them ;)
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Cook of the Sea
The Zero Mission Bomb Jump is called the Infinite Bomb Jump or Turbo Bombing, which I prefer.  I usually call all the games except Prime by their number(I, I', II, III, IV).  Anyone know how the Romans did fractions?  There's also Diagonal Bomb Jumping and Horizontal Bomb Jumping.  Some more: 

Crystal Flash-  A move in III which would restore your health

Shinespark-  A Speed Booster move which rockets Samus in one of five directions. 

Morphspark-  a Shinespark while Morphed, requires the High Jump/Spring Ball
As near as I know, the Romans just didn't have fractions, the same way they didn't have a 0.

IBJ could also be done in Super, and is usually done by dropping bombs in a set rythem instead of just spamming them.

Diagonal bomb jumping and horizontal bomb jumping can be done in both Super and Zero Mission, and can be abbrieviated to DBJ and HBJ respectivly.

The morphspark is also commonly known as the ballspark.

NBMB - No Boss or Mini-boss. This is a kind of run for Super that involves getting as high an item percentage as possible while not fighting any bosses except Ridley at the beginning of the game and Torizo. It is impossible to complete the game in a NBMB run. The highest percentage currently possible is 73%.

SJF - Space Jump First (in Prime).

Sessing - Redoing a segmqnt of a run over and over to get it as good as humanly possible and then a bit better. Named after Sess and his 1% technical demonstration for Fusion, which is Sessed to near perfection.

If we're including the shinespark and crystal flash, here's a few more techniques from Super:

Beam Sheilds - special moves in Super which involve equipping the charge beam and exactly 1 other beam, then selecting power bombs and charging your beam. When you reach full charge a power bomb will be used up and Samus will shoot a very powerful beam attack. The exact nature of the attack depends on the beam equipped, but most will fill the entire screen.

Mockball - a glitch in Super that allows you to roll along in the morph ball at dashing speed. It has many uses, including completely skipping the boss Spore Spawn.

Speedball - the same as mockball, but with the speed booster. It has no known use for sequence breaking or speed running, but looks really cool.

Blue Suit - a glitch in Super that allows Samus to be treated as if shes speed boosting even though shes not. Once you activate the glitch, Samus will be invunerable and destroy most enemies just by touching them as if she was speed boosting, and can shinespark from anywhere.

Murder Beam - a glitch in Super where you equip all 5 beams at once. Usually crashes the game when used, but if used correctly will continuously eal tremendous damage to all on-screen enemies while causing extreme slowdown and messing up some of the sprites on screen. The most well-known use is to make the Mother Brain fight drastically shorter.

Time/Space Beam - similar to the murder beam, but without the wave beam equipped. Also very difficult to use without horrendously glitching the game, if uesd correctly it will "reset" the game, putting back all the items and most of the bosses, allowing you to pick up items twice. Also allows you to restart the game at Ceres Station with all the items you'd picked up before using it.
Quote from Light of Day:
IBJ could also be done in Super, and is usually done by dropping bombs in a set rythem instead of just spamming them

Ummm... you don't need to drop bombs like crazy, just like Super-a set path.  Or, you could just bomb like crazy. :P
Cook of the Sea
Yeah, spamming is possible, but not reliable.  There is no way you can get around the Speed Booster Barrier in the escape after Mother Brain in Zero Mission if you don't master Turbo Bombing.

Edit:  In a Low Percent run without the Speed Booster, that is.
Quote from Saber in Blue:
There is no way you can get around the Speed Booster Barrier in the escape after Mother Brain in Zero Mission if you don't master Turbo Bombing.

Actually, I've never quite mastered proper IBJing before, and have spam-bombed myself up there several times. It does push the limit of what you can reasonably jump without proper timing, though.
Quote from Light of Day:
Ummm... you don't need to drop bombs like crazy, just like Super-a set path.  Or, you could just bomb like crazy. :P

If you bombed like crazy, I doubt you'd be able to even do the Infinite Bomb Jump :P
Cook of the Sea
It's really easy once you get the rhythm.  Just lay one, pause about a quarter-second, and then start laying them quickly in pairs, with a little space between pairs.  Like:  Dut.  Dut-Dut, Dut-Dut, Dut-Dut...

If you're just hovering, then speed up the intervals between the two that are in any given pair.  (DutDut instead of Dut-Dut.  )
Total switch of subject:
I think the romans did have frations. they must have had. They've done very serious geometry like the greek. And that theorum was based on fractions in the beginning. I don't have a clue how they wrote i thought.
Which theorum? I could be wrong about the Romans, but I don't think they had fractions. They hadn't even worked the concept of 0 into their number system, so fractions seem very unlikely, and complex numbers nigh impossible. Remember we're talking before the invention of co-ordinate systems here, geometry didn't have to involve numbers in those days.
With some of Roman architecture and how well designed it is i wouldn't be surprisedi f they do a lot of Maths and formulas.

Remember we're talking before the invention of co-ordinate systems here, geometry didn't have to involve numbers in those days.

I personally think number systems, formulas n stuff were around waaay before it's recorded. It just wasn't publicised or popular enough.

Pi goes back to Babylonian times!
Cook of the Sea
Well, a lot of ancient equations are actually written out.  I saw an equation in Latin one time, it basically was something like the words "3 times 11 to the power of 5 equals 4 times the cube root of e" written out in Latin.  So maybe fractions were similar.
All I know is the pronounciations of the first ten numbers in Latin, and Roman numerals. Never though about what they did for fractions and decimals, although the Greeks must have had them, with all them mathemiticians...or however you spell it.
Ready and willing.
Yeah, the Greeks were the REAL ancient civilization, not those wussy Romans who just sorta took everything. I'm pretty sure the Greeks said fractions like "the ratio of 1 to 2", as they were very geometery oriented. (Don't confuse that with simply practically oriented, tho, the Greeks WERE interested in pure math.)
SF, solr frenzy, right? (I just made this up, unless other peope use it)
Cook of the Sea
I ran into this same issue when I was trying to categorize Shadows of the Empire as part of the SW Trilogy.  The best I could come up with was "Episode V I/II".  Pretty stupid.  Now it's more of a joke than anything.