Though I do greatly admire Lance Burton, that statement's pretty damn moronic and unfair. David Copperfield is an <i>amazing</i> performer, even though heis magic's nowhere near as technically good as Burton's.
I hate Wikipedia. I click a link for more info on because I'm bored and before I know it I'm reading an article about igloos because everything is cross-referenced. :( Damn Wikipedia and its addictive oodles of content.
Since we're talk about Wikipedia, why don'y we play the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon using Wikipedia. Your goal is to go to any Wikipedia article of your choice starting a Kevin Bacon's page.
I haven't watched much stage magic in recent years, but I dislike David Copperfield because he's a's all about glitz and spectacle and flamboyance (I remember him making an entrance on a motorcycle once). When the entire show is full of glamour and showiness it just registers as special effects like you'd see in a movie, and the illusion itself doesn't stand out. It comes across as "look how many things I can get on a stage and how many underdressed females assist me" rather than "look at this fascinating trick, I bet you can't figure it out". I'd rather see a quieter approach where the focus is on the wonder of the illusion without all the noise...I suspect that takes more skill to pull off.
You mean it's not? Damn, God was just starting to become cool. :(
Oh, and the best way I've found to play the wikibacon game (The way I invented, although I may not be the only one) is to do it over instant messaging. You pick a topic, your friend picks a topic, and you each have to try and get to the other topic in six steps or less. Fun due to one-way links.
Hey, I didn't want to start a new topic for this, but I'm looking for a PCI (or PCIe) video capture card that DOESN'T function as your video card too. Yeah, the All-in-wonders are good, but I need a second display port and don't want the dismal graphics performance of a Radeon 9600. Can't seem to find any through google, but S-Video or component in would be nice. The reason I'm not going with a Firewire interface is because there is lag and this makes it so you can't use your computer as a screen or to record in real-time. If this is too big for the social topic, please split it off by all means.