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Quote from pkmn_2005:
As i always say, its not the posts ya got, but whats in them that counts.

What do you folks think...worth sigging for irony?
twenty eight fifty
i think i have the irony thing covered.
red chamber dream
Quote from Chanoire:
Quote from pkmn_2005:
As i always say, its not the posts ya got, but whats in them that counts.

What do you folks think...worth sigging for irony?

Yes. We could definitely use more sigs like that around here.
Quote from Arkarian:
Quote from Chanoire:
Quote from pkmn_2005:
As i always say, its not the posts ya got, but whats in them that counts.

What do you folks think...worth sigging for irony?

Yes. We could definitely use more sigs like that around here.

Like im ever ironic. Ok, so maybe i almost never say that, but it is quite true with me (most of the flickerbattin' times). I wouldnt really consider that to be a great sig, but go ahead, I DARE you!!

Not that my posts get sigged (which is good for "specific" reasons).

You're continuing to illustrate why I said that.  Though on second thought, if it were sigged it should have some supporting material.  Might exceed the character limit, though.
soaking through
Lmao.  People like this make the internet what it is today.
Armor Guardian
Quote from pkmn_2005:
Like im ever ironic. Ok, so maybe i almost never say that, but it is quite true with me (most of the flickerbattin' times). I wouldnt really consider that to be a great sig, but go ahead, I DARE you!!

Not that my posts get sigged (which is good for "specific" reasons).

Step 1: Admit you have a problem.
Ready and willing.
Guys, guys, you're starting to get bordeline flaming here. Don't kick him when he's down. <_<
Oh my, my house as GoogleMaps saw it (these photos are oooold):

[My house's at the center, that white little inverted L shape]
I've decided to rear my ugly head around here again.  So, yeah...
Good to see you again Chet!
most of the people here might not be in a very good position to answer this, not having any degrees in anything as yet, but i know there are a few people out there older than about 22 ... and i was wondering, do you have an opinion on whether it's better to remain in an educational setting doing research while struggling to get grants to do what you really want to do, or to use your degree to get a "real job" and earn a decent living doing work you probably aren't passionate about for someone else? just wondering, as the view from here is rather obscured. you don't have to have done both to be qualified to answer, obviously, as i'm just interested in hearing about your experiences in the 'real world' or the 'ivory tower' as it were. any input would be appreciated at this point.
twenty eight fifty
it depends on your priorities, e.g. money vs. personal growth. if you're all about personal growth, stay in an educational setting until you die.
do you think excessive amounts of money could be useful to me?
Cook of the Sea
Yes.  You could bribe Retro to put Houston in mp5.
twenty eight fifty
looks like i better come on irc.

basically, a person like you (ie, a person like me) should stay in the educational setting. anyone who has spent any time in a quality educational setting and then leaves wishes they could go back. those who work 40 hours doing absolutely mindless things (hi) miss the intellectual stimulation that can only exist in an institution devoted to academics.

i don't see money helping you any more than it helps me, though it would turn sda uber.
soaking through
For what it's worth, I'd rather do something I enjoy for less money than something boring for more.  I see it as you spending a little under 5/7 of your time at work, and only having weekends to do what you want if you have a boring job.

I'm not sure that came out right, but you'll probably get the general idea.  >_>
Cook of the Sea
Yup.  If I can get by on TPP, I won't care how little I'm getting by...by.
Usually a job in the field is 40 hour weeks whereas academic is crazy long. I know professors here who consistently stay 80 hours each week.
red chamber dream
I obviously have no experience whatsoever, but I can imagine that doing something you really like for less money would be far better than doing something you don't particularly care for for more. Especially with you, Nate, one who doesn't seem to particularly need or want too much money. Stay in the educational setting, do stuff you like, fuck the French teachers, etc.
Quote from transience:
anyone who has spent any time in a quality educational setting and then leaves wishes they could go back.

i disagree. i hated university and in the end switched from a four year master's course to a three year batchelor's one because i was sick to death of it and wanted to get out.

having a job was much better, and it was a great joy not to have to take my work home with me any more. in fact some rotten things were going on in my life at that point in time (although tbh i can't ever remember there being a time when this was not the case) and my job was about the only thing that kept me sane. and five weeks after i quit my job, i officially crossed the barrier to insane, and continue to be so, a problem with which i have already acquainted you. of course whether being in and then subequently quitting education would have had the same effect i don't know. but i definitely enjoyed work more than university.
could you go into a little more detail about why you hated it?
twenty eight fifty
yeah? perhaps it is just for those who like to learn and be in a pretentious/useless/thoughtful place. for me, doing the same mindless task is pretty, well, mindless, and my mind likes to be occupied. there is no enrichment going on here. i'm not exactly about to start discussing interesting stuff with the grrls i work with.

i suppose it depends on the person then. still, i would wager big bucks that nathan is one for learning.
I sort of feel like this is addressed to me.  I'm a fair amount more than 22, I got my degree in two fields totally different from what I'm doing (a frequent story, I know), and I work in an academic setting, but am not academic -- I'm the manager of a professor's research lab.  Who expects me to be working on grant applications this very second, no joke.  Although I don't do any of the research the grants fund, they also fund ME, and since I prepare the budgets, I have some idea of where the money goes.  (About a third of the total award goes to the campus for administrative overhead, for example.)

However, because of those two grant proposals which are due Nov 1, I don't have time to discuss this at length right now.  but I will say that there isn't an hour in the day that I don't think "Man, I really want to be back in college" at least once.  Part of this is because I'm interested in too many things; I'm not so interested in grad school as I am in doing another three or four bachelor's programs.  (Art...Japanese...CS...psychology...math... )  Sometimes working on campus actively hurts because I see people getting to learn all this neat stuff while I'm doing administrivia.  It's true that it's hard for me to leave the job at home; it certainly isn't a 9 to 5 thing, and some weeks I spend as much time here as the professor does. (For one thing, the connection is faster and my flatscreen is huge here...)  On the other hand, it's more interesting than most admin jobs would be.

I'm personally of the rather have time than money persuasion.  I really wish I could work part-time and have the rest of the day or week to take classes, practice piano or flute, read the books on my shelves, work on my gaming backlog, do the drawings and paintings in my head, etc.  But my job is pretty much too big for me to cut down on my time, even with two part-time assistants.  I'm hoping that as they get more accustomed to how things work that I'll be able to delegate more to them and get a little time off.

I can't say too much for the other side of getting grants and staying in academe, at least not at the moment; need to think about it more.  But I'll try to come back to this later.