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I can only hope that they will file this game under 'failed ideas' like Hunters and pretend that it never happened.
Quote from UchihaSasuke:
not to mention they structured the game's sequence after the most hated style in the series (heavily linear like Fusion)

Not to mention copied the plot nearly verbatim.
Actually, I heard of a couple people whose first Metroid game is Other M.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
back in the day i heard of a couple of people whose first Metroid game was Hunters. it left a really bad impression.
Indie Lover
i remember a lot of ppl that the first metroid was prime, they were the worst fanboys of the comunity, thinking that metroid needed to be first person...
Honestly I'm not disappointed in Other M at all.

In fact I think it's one of the best Metroid games I've ever played so far. (I'm in the middle of Sector 1 right now)

Only thing I don't like about the game is how long the opening cutscene is. other then that it's one of the best (if not THE best) Metroid game ever made.
I like Other M, but I wouldn't even say that.

...You obviously haven't gotten enough of the Where's Waldo scenes yet.
Surprisingly Mario, some people don't mind the WW parts.
More than I expected.

It seems like more and more of the gameplay quirks are being excused to lay the rage on the story and plotline.
Well... he is in the middle of Sector 1. He didn't get to the green on green yet.
true. But I had my hardest time with the Grubs. I found green on green pretty quickly compared to the grubs...
The grubs? Do you mean the Zoros/Zeros? (Baby Ki-Hunters) It was pretty easy.

I also found green on green quickly. My hardest time was with the Ridley one, but that was because I was busy thinking "RIDLEY!!!" to pay attention to Anthony.
You mean the door or the Magma Eruption Port?  The first one they tell you 'look for the exit'.  The second they don't tell you a thing.  Oh, and the Grubs one was also the hardest for me, but only took me a couple of minutes.  The rest of them gave pretty blatant clues on how to find them in a prior cutscene.
I know. I said I wasn't paying attention to Anthony.
Quote from KingBroly:
You mean the door or the Magma Eruption Port?  The first one they tell you 'look for the exit'.  The second they don't tell you a thing.  Oh, and the Grubs one was also the hardest for me, but only took me a couple of minutes.  The rest of them gave pretty blatant clues on how to find them in a prior cutscene.

Subtitles were definitely handy during that part.
I sorta had subtitles disabled.
Subtitles in video games are a thing I've come to love this generation.  So many hidden secrets that you can find thanks to them.
Well I just beat the main storyline earlier today and am now in the post game stuff and I've gotta say I'm still not disappointed in Other M. In all actuality I think I like it a lot more then when I was in the middle of Sector 1.

The "Where's Waldo" moments weren't really all that hard to get past, their more over just annoying. although I will say that I hate the
Metroids that the Queen Metroid spawns

Other then that and the mini boss that
gives you the seeker missiles
I had no trouble at all. (goes to try to unlock Hard mode to enjoy the game a lot more.)
Quote from Opium:
I can only hope that they will file this game under 'failed ideas' like Hunters and pretend that it never happened.

Come on - you can't be serious. Are you basing your opinion strictly on a SB perspective?
You haven't seen the reactions around here much, have you? There's an extremely small percentage of us that enjoyed the game enough where we can live with the faults it has, or else don't see said elements as faults.
I've read some... Opium may have stated his reasons elsewhere. It seems that if an opinion is based purely on breaking the game (like Prime) then it seems way too harsh to classify it as a failure (there are a number of redeeming qualities of the game). If the game is considered a failure due to forced saves, being too linear, voices, etc... than his opinion is as valid as any.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
the game has more problems that come before SBs.
Quote from mazerski:
If the game is considered a failure due to forced saves, being too linear, voices, etc... than his opinion is as valid as any.

Most of the issues people have with the game are summed up right there from what I've gotten. (The focus on story and Samus' portrayal being two of the harsher criticized areas.) Personally I don't see these things in the same way that most people around here do, although I can still agree that some story elements and gameplay design choices are a bit off. Doesn't make the game horrible in my mind though.
I like turtles.
I quite liked Other M.  It wasn't the next Super, but it wasn't horrible.
turtle -- i see even penguins have a sense of humor.

As for Super M... that is a great game with an oddity - the ending. If I recall, once you go into Tourian, the door turns that strange copper/gray color and you can't leave. The Mother Brain fight and escaping was really well done.

That said, the beginning of Other M is also well done, the environment looks great as well as the characters. The voice of Samus fits and a nice touch was adding the "scanning" feature of her visor. The view from the ground looking up at "the baby" holding Samus also fits.

I've played 3 full games, currently dying (a lot) against the utility vehicle (on hard mode) and really like the game. It looks great and (for me) has a high replay factor (like the 3 Prime games). Of the Prime games, the ending of MP3 in Hypermode was really hard -- but this game is a lot more difficult.
I'd say that of all the Metroid games, Corruption's Hypermode (especially on a low% run) and Other M's Hard mode are two of the most challenging types of runs you can do as far as pure difficulty goes. Can't think of any other off the top of my head that gave me more problems, except maybe my first time through ZM doing a low% hard run as well.