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You should try Phaaze or a Leviathan from MP3 while on LSD.

But it seems to me like Other M is a good game, and the controls do work, but its as if Sakamoto made a bet with someone to see if he could make a 3d game with NES controls.  And it worked, but it couldve been better.
red chamber dream
yeah the nunchuk would have gone a long way. moving in 3d with the d-pad is not fun especially since the wii's is so tiny.
If they did that, it'd probably end up like Mario Kart Wii though where the controls for every standard setup were mediocre at best to compensate for the terrible wiimote sideways controls.
red chamber dream
i doubt it. there would be tons of extra buttons so it doesn't seem like they'd be able to screw it up. could just hold the c or b button to go into first-person mode or something. would be so much better.
Quote from Chozoid:
You should try Phaaze or a Leviathan from MP3 while on LSD.

But it seems to me like Other M is a good game, and the controls do work, but its as if Sakamoto made a bet with someone to see if he could make a 3d game with NES controls.  And it worked, but it couldve been better.

ooh I've thought about what the leviathan would look like on LSD.  That grainy sparkly blue lit-up part in particular...my face looks like that sometimes while trippin'.  I think Phaaze would kinda freak me out.
red chamber dream
only one way to find out. ;)
Edit history:
ajbolt89: 2010-09-13 10:10:22 pm
lol no way
I've found that being high greatly dampens my appreciation of accomplishment. I died on the horned butterfly with stretchy arms (hard mode, elevator battle) about twelve times maybe three days ago, and I can't bring myself back to it. I wonder if maybe I wouldn't have been better off playing through the first time straight, you know? Cause now I make all these assertions about stupid aspects of whatever (when my main real gripe was just the voiceacting you know, gameplay's great) and before I can post anything I have to go watch youtube vids or look on the metroid wiki and it's sort of just something I too have been thinking about, in regards to my enjoyment of Other M.
I should also mention that what you're high on is a huge factor. 
I think it's fair to compare Other M to Super or Prime. If those are the high points in the series in your opinion, then those games represent the kind of gameplay that you ended up liking the franchise for, so it's disappointing to see the series being taken in a direction where we might not get very many new games that play like they did (knowing Nintendo, I doubt they would never make another "traditional" Metroid game again, but that might be a while).

It doesn't help though that this community is based around something that's largely becoming irrelevant in the newest games. Other M is unfriendly to both sequence breaking and speedrunning, so of course a community that is all about sequence breaking and speedrunning is going to be disappointed. :/

I do have to say though that given the somewhat mixed reception Other M has gotten, I'm very interested to see what Nintendo does with the franchise next.
I think it'll be interesting to see what they do in terms of story/voice acting not just for Metroid, but for other titles as well.  We certainly won't get it for Zelda in the near future.  But they need to do it (And the translation) right.  I don't think we'll get another Metroid game like this, though.  And I mean people around Samus, communicating with her, backstory, etc.  Will they put Metroid on the shelf for 8 years like they did between Super and Prime?  I highly doubt it.  We definitely won't get another Wii game (even if people loved it, we wouldn't).

I think Metroid Dread (Or V) is already done, and has been done for a while.  They were probably just waiting on this to release it.
Anywhere, everywhere
I have a feeling that the next metroid game (which may be a while down the line) will be an old school, Shadow Complex-esque style. I think they'll go back to the super metroid style for the next one.

Either that or some crappy spinoff
Quote from arkarian:
yeah the nunchuk would have gone a long way. moving in 3d with the d-pad is not fun especially since the wii's is so tiny.

I see how it went down. Team Ninja comes up with this kickass combat and control system and then Nintendo say they want a 2D one, NSMB style. Team Ninja say "well do it yourselves then!" and Nintendo, who are too busy gawking at Skyward Sword's ugly ass graphics, decide to make the game as 2D as possible with Ninja's engine.
I like to go fast!
Quote from Paraxade:

It doesn't help though that this community is based around something that's largely becoming irrelevant in the newest games. Other M is unfriendly to both sequence breaking and speedrunning, so of course a community that is all about sequence breaking and speedrunning is going to be disappointed. :/

I do have to say though that given the somewhat mixed reception Other M has gotten, I'm very interested to see what Nintendo does with the franchise next.

I wish the developers would take into consideration what we do and try and make it somewhat feasible to break a Metroid game. I know after I discovered this place, I went back and played MP1 and Super at least 10 more times. After I've played it 10 or more times already.
As I'm sure everyone else did the same.
Indie Lover
the fact is, that dev don't want to make broken games, and prolly, they are too lazy to make games were you can chosse one of verious paths...

so, or we find glitches that make the game more open, or we will have to use the path thought by the devs...
which is a shame... i can't believe single minded games like these are still being made after Deus EX and fallout...
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Even if we find a glitch, there are numerous problems we could still run into, such as:

Each item is scripted in order, so even if you reached a trigger point early, it might just say 'go back' or give you the intended first item anyway.
We reach it, but all doors are locked, as access in't permitted yet.

As things currently stand, I get the impression that speed tricks will be restricted purely on a room-by-room basis - faster ways to navigate each room..
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
all i want is the Remake of Metroid 2 and a sequel to Fusion that ends the series. after that, they could stop making the game. M2 was linear anyway so they wouldn't really "mess it up" with their new linear trend.
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Hitaka: 2010-09-14 05:18:54 pm
Quote from Quietus:
Each item is scripted in order, so even if you reached a trigger point early, it might just say 'go back'

Diffusion Missile "skip" in Fusion lol. I'm just waiting for a major item skip in Other M to be found only to get told off by the game to "get back on track". OM is 3D Fusion after all.

I'm only semi-disappointed. The gameplay and boss battles are fun at least, even if the story is awful and the game is super-linear. It just won't get as much replay or devotion as Prime or Super.
Indie Lover
well, we need to agree that it would be dificult to make another game with as much replay value as super metroid...

even after playing it more 50 times... i find some new path that i didn't knew about...
but this is the diference of a game of the golden age and a modern game...
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I submit to you that Star Fox 64 has a billion times more replay value than Super Metroid. Actually a lot of games do.
Nintendo really seems to view the openness of Super as faulty, since much of it was unintended.  Why do they feel that just because it was unintended that it has to be bad?  Are they total control freaks, or what?  They could try to replicate it by making another game where the character has super agility, and let the players figure out just how far they can take it.  Who cares if it's farther than they planned, it works and people like it.  [/rant]
Edit history:
Hitaka: 2010-09-14 09:48:11 pm
Take Prime 1. With subsequent versions Retro kept locking things down more and more. Why? While the stuff we did is unintended, it doesn't hurt the normal gameplay. You can play through the intended route on the 0-00 version just as well as the Player's Choice version, and indeed most players would do just that. The odds of finding a SB on your first playthrough are rather slim. So since everyone would first play through the intended experience, they then should earn the right to fuck shit up as they please. Zero Mission is an example of this. The game tells you where to go, but once you know your way around you can do all kinds of routes and breaks, even if they are intended.
A lot of the breaks in Zero Mission seemed intentional.
I said they were, and that it didn't matter. Intended breaks are better than none.
Indie Lover
Quote from tomatobob:
I submit to you that Star Fox 64 has a billion times more replay value than Super Metroid. Actually a lot of games do.

never played lots of starfox 64...
but don't worry, when i get my 3ds, i will...
I just like being able to sit there and come up with a plan to do things in a different order to see what would happen.  This is what many of the replays are based on.  Take that away and the replay value plummets.