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Quote from Turtle:
The only part of the game that could be considered remotely bad is the the Metroid Gear Solid segment near the end.

Which is funny, because that's probably one of my favorite parts of Zero Mission. It certainly makes you appreciate the Power Suit and all of the upgrades, at least.
I guess I'm fine with literal translations because I've read/heard so many of them before, so I know what they were trying to portray a lot of the time.

I think NOA's localization team is pretty good, but I think someone told them to keep it in line with the Japanese text.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Opium:
This was an interesting review:
(scroll down to the other M part)


First of that guy's videos I've actually gotten through, wish he'd get to the point faster instead of spending like ten minutes trying to defend himself from internet meanie heads. A lot of his points echo that G4 review.
red chamber dream
i liked his review style a lot. seems like a pretty cool guy.
Edit history:
playerman1230: 2010-09-06 05:11:08 pm
Hated by all
Quote from MarioGalaxy2433g5:
Quote from KingBroly:
This will definitely be the "Zelda II" of Metroid, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

I like that. Zelda II of Metroid.

Kinda reminds me of how Wanderers from Ys went (or Oath in Felghana, take your pick). Thankfully, it's not I Wanna Be The Guy insanity. Wait, maybe borderline (crosses it on Hard Mode).
I liked it.  Sometimes/most of the time the combat got frustrating, the emotional shit made me want to puke, and, most importantly NO LOGBOOK!!!!, but I think it was great overall.  Maybe the reason why I don't mind the linearity is because the first Metroid game I played was Fusion, but it was really fun to me and almost everything looked great.  The environments looked the best of any Metroid game.  I really wished they had added more NEW upgrades.  I was REALLY aniticipating using the Hyper Beam (I actually thought that was how Samus would kill the new Metroids).  Didn't live up to all of my expectations was still worth the wait.
http://screwattack.com/blogs/SideScrollers/SideScrollers-090810  <-- I was astounded how damn near every gripe and enjoyment they mentioned were the exact same that I had.
-Graphics: The Power Suit has never looked better. It's the first time you could tell Samus' gender without her having to strip down to her undies or that blue catsuit. The environments vary from very dense and detailed to metallic corridors that go on way too long.

-Music: What is there is good, there's just not a lot of it. I kind of wish there was more of the old themes, too. I know it sounds like nostalgia talking but when you've got such a rich backcatalogue of musical material it seems a shame to just go for dull ambience. Metroid has always trod a fine line between the musical and the ambient, Other M just sprawls itself into the ambient category. A very good Ridley battle theme, though.

-Story: Meh. For the most part, it’s just Fusion all over again, only with more characters and a stupid ending.

-Gameplay: The juicy bit. The standard combat (dodging, shooting, charging, grabbing, punching, etc.) looks and functions wonderfully. The only problem with it is that it doesn’t evolve as the game progresses. It would have had better development (and stretched the game out) if you had to acquire (or get permission for) things like charge beam, the dodge manoeuvre, etc. The first person switching wasn’t as much of a problem for me as some reviewers I’ve seen, but that element too was underdeveloped (or overdeveloped too soon) and felt exhausted by the end of the game. The grapple beam could have been utilised in combat more effectively (shit, even Corruption had a go at that), especially since they were going with the whole close quarters combat angle.
Getting permission to dodge? Do you know how horrible that would be? Thank god Adam isn't that bad...

"No. You must stand there and get shot."
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from TheGreenManalishi:
It's the first time you could tell Samus' gender without her having to strip down to her undies or that blue catsuit. The environments vary from very dense and detailed to metallic corridors that go on way too long.

Uhhh, if you couldn't tell that she was female by just looking at the suit in the Prime series I'm not convinced you've seen a female human in real life. No way you could fit a dude in there.

Also the Other M's power suit is ugly as shit.
Well we never have seen a canon pic of samus in the nude, so the possibility remains that he/she/it is a total tranny.  Whether she was born a tranny or not is also unknown.  The chozo did all kinda crazy stuff to her and they have been known to be pretty kinky.  Yes, it is totally possible the Samus has a small set of man-junk, and lifting the ball-sac would reveal a vag.  I'm just sayin.
Quote from Opium:
Well we never have seen a canon pic of samus in the nude, so the possibility remains that he/she/it is a total tranny.  Whether she was born a tranny or not is also unknown.  The chozo did all kinda crazy stuff to her and they have been known to be pretty kinky.  Yes, it is totally possible the Samus has a small set of man-junk, and lifting the ball-sac would reveal a vag.  I'm just sayin.

The vag probably has teeth, and the item acquisition fanfare plays from nowhere upon discovering it.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I wish all fan theories were that awesome.
I'm assuming it got cut off in Metroid Other M. Thats why she was in a hospital.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
it probably returns after Fusion. metroid DNA could cause some weird side effects....
*walks in

Hey guys, what's going on in...

*walks away slowly
Indie Lover
...i don't know what to say.
Quote from tomatobob:
Quote from TheGreenManalishi:
It's the first time you could tell Samus' gender without her having to strip down to her undies or that blue catsuit. The environments vary from very dense and detailed to metallic corridors that go on way too long.

Uhhh, if you couldn't tell that she was female by just looking at the suit in the Prime series I'm not convinced you've seen a female human in real life. No way you could fit a dude in there.

The only thing that suggested it in Prime 1 was the big red boob compartment. Other than that, she could have been a dude. MP2 and 3 had more feminine power suits but they don't look as cool.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Dudes do not have hips like that.
MP2 had the coolest looking suits.  They slimmed her down ever so slightly, but didn't overdo it the way they did in MP3. 
Quote from tomatobob:
Dudes do not have hips like that.

Chicks don't have shoulders like that. Dudes can wear big ass armor suits with hips like that.
I'm tellin ya, the tranny theory is becoming more evidenced as we go along.
Indie Lover
adding the fact that one of the devs said that samus is a shemale, and nintendo infamous knack for making chars like this...
I like turtles.
I'm extremely disappointed...

...in the direction this thread is going.