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UchihaSasuke: 2010-09-04 12:05:57 am
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
not really. the game would need to be designed around this idea to work with the same assets. you would need obstacles and locked doors placed strategically for it to work fine so that in the no guided gameplay mode, the now unlocked doors give far more freedom and a different item order. beam doors would still stop you at some spots.

thinking about beam doors, those were completely absent from Other M. that should have been the roadblocks instead of arbitrarily locking the doors.
Well... you don't even shoot the doors in this game. (Of course, Beam Doors are only in the prime series, but you could replace the word beam with Missile)
Quote from MarioGalaxy2433g5:
It sounds like you are suggesting making two completely different games on one disk, LOL.

That would mean that one of the games would not be what we got with MoM, which could make it a great idea.
Quote from UchihaSasuke:
what i agree that should be gone is the whole linearity aspect. at least if they don't want it gone to prevent less experienced players to get lost and stuck, they should put an option for "guided gameplay". turn it on, you get the linear progression. turn it off, you get a completely open game with no hints and only roadblocks requiring items.

Couldn't they just do what they did in Prime, Echoes, and ZM?  Have a hint system that points you where to go, and gives vague indications of how to get there.  That way your new player gets a taste of exploration without being completely lost.  Obviously said system should be able to be turned off, if you want the real Metroidy feel.
My guess is that it's an order from Nintendo themselves to take all their franchises back to formula to attract this new audience to their core material.  That's why we're seeing almost every one of their franchises in a 2D form now, Zelda excluded.  They all try to go for this very simple and fun to play style (NSMBW, Kirby, DKCR, etc), and while so far they aren't the most innovative things in the world, they're still pretty fun to play.

I don't think we'll get another Metroid game like Other M for a long time, though.  It seems like there's no concrete good/bad/ugly with this game.  Everyone disagrees without everyone else about what works and doesn't.  It's quite baffling when you think about it actually.  This will definitely be the "Zelda II" of Metroid, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing.
2d games can be just as innovative as any 3d game.  I think some of the most innovative parts of Mario Galaxy were the slick 2d levels.  2d games are making a comeback and I am very happy about this because they are very fun.
Quote from KingBroly:
This will definitely be the "Zelda II" of Metroid, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

I like that. Zelda II of Metroid.
Just because it is third-person with simple 2D controls does hardly give me oldschool feel, and it is far away from SM-feel. Many 3D games have 2D controls and it has the same ability-gain-progression like God of War. The game is basically a God of War now, only poorer in combat and presentation.
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ryu: 2010-09-04 09:10:27 am
The game is basically a God of War now, only poorer in combat and presentation.

That's what I expected it to be and why I'm still on the fence whether to buy it or not.
Quote from J_SNAKE:
Just because it is third-person with simple 2D controls does hardly give me oldschool feel, and it is far away from SM-feel.

They weren't going for a Super Metroid feel though.  They were going for Fusion.
Regarding Fusion other M seems even going further into 'non-metroid'. (judging from what I saw on youtube so far). For example in Fusion the random creatures are still walking around and doing their job, pretty metroidy, in other M it seems they are spawned when needed and go attacking you. Now what works great for God of War is bad for Metroid.
Sometimes that's true, specifically for the Pirates and other more dangerous creatures. For ones such as Zoomers, Wavers, etc., they either pop out of the environment when you get close or else are there already when you enter the room. There's also the hives for things like Rios and Ki-Hunters which show up occasionally, but those make sense to me.
I love the whole freaking game, except I had no bikini or half nude samus or something at the end only a disappointing 100%. Did I miss something? I had like 12+ hours XD
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Nope. There's no variable endings.
No! I can't believe there's no sexy ending. Therefore I am disappointed and I give it a 9.8/10 :#
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Golem: 2010-09-04 08:41:12 pm
Golem: 2010-09-04 08:39:50 pm
Golem: 2010-09-04 08:38:54 pm
why are his lips so thick
Alright, glad to see some Metroid fans being realistic about this game. Reading these 5 pages I gotta say I mostly agree.

Honestly, I'm not sure why the game has one cohesive world. There are so many times where you only have a space of three or so rooms to explore--you're constantly ushered forward. Why not have a series of stages? Actually, it makes me think of Resident Evil 4. That has one large world that's broken up by chapters. The difference is, when you retread ground in Resident Evil 4, it isn't boring.

I'm undecided on bosses--am I right when I say they're unimpressive? They're fun enough, but I never found myself really happy with them. The thing that saves Fusion for me is that I really like the bosses, and given that Team Ninja's known for action games, I figured they'd be cool here.

Don't get me wrong though, the game's fun. I'm really glad to play as a more acrobatic Samus again after four Prime games.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from KingBroly:
They weren't going for a Super Metroid feel though.  They were going for Fusion.

No they were definitely going for Super, look at the power suit color scheme: that snot green is straight out of Super. The entire game was sold on "Hey remember Super Metroid?", hell the entire intro to the game was "Hey remember Super Metroid?". This thing was designed specifically as a nostalgia grab and Super Metroid was the focus. They got Fusion, but that wasn't the goal.
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Tahngarthor: 2010-09-05 02:39:32 am
Bangaa Bishop
Quote from Toozin:
Nope. There's no variable endings.

Wow, that's Fed up big time... EVERY SINGLE metroid game has ending differences doesn't it? Even Hunters did, right?

No they were definitely going for Super, look at the power suit color scheme: that snot green is straight out of Super.

Uh, the color of samus' power suit has absolutely nothing to do with which game style they were going for. No one here is talking about art. They absolutely were trying to follow in the vein of fusion by offering more story (at the expense of linearity and loss of exploration) to appeal to a different group of players.

Really the game was sold on "hey, rememebr metroid fusion?" People saw that very early on with the emotional story and all the references to Adam whom was only ever mentioned in Fusion.
Or, you know, it could've been a "Hey, it's a combination of Super and Fusion! Best of both worlds, right?"
I think a lot of the game was hurt with the literal translation.  A lot would've been improved upon if they had just edited some of the long winded dialogue.
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Opium: 2010-09-06 04:28:43 pm
This was an interesting review:
(scroll down to the other M part)

Chooser of the Slain
I had this "¿that's it?" feeling after beating the game completely (100% and Hard Mode), certainly no replay value, but well, Fusion all over again, we'll have to get slow parts faster and faster until we can deliver good runs in less time.
My best time with this game was 4-5 hours (because I was fooling around).
I like turtles.
Quote from HUDD:
Zero Mission is a bad remake of Metroid


Quote from HUDD:

and it's diffculty comared to Metroid is pathetic(He added his bullshit linearity to it also).

Metroid's difficulty was mostly of the fake variety - all the rooms looked the same (and there was no map when it was needed the most), and you respawn with 30 energy.  Compare to Zero Mission, which removed these frustrating features, as well as adding more recent power-ups and allowing for newcomers (the Chozo Statues) and old-school fans (the contrived sequence breaks, which were not bad) alike to enjoy the game.  The only part of the game that could be considered remotely bad is the the Metroid Gear Solid segment near the end.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from KingBroly:
I think a lot of the game was hurt with the literal translation.

This has hurt so many games it's not even funny. Some things just don't carry over very well between languages but people who go into translating games professionally are dumb nerds who refuse to accept this.
Indie Lover
agreed, some translations make your ears bleed...