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Ok, pretty bad problem here. I was editing the save room in Crateria, and after I finished all of the editing, I tested it. When I try to save, the game freezes for about 15 seconds, then goes to a black screen, does the saving sound effect and stays at the black screen. I tried saving at the ship and it does the same thing, only a little different. At the ship Samus goes down and it lets me actually save (it says save completed), but when Samus is about to come up out of the ship, the top of the screen (the missiles/energy/map) turns transparent and the game freezes. I didn't change anything with the save station or the ship (although I did move the save station around in the room).
Anybody know any way to fix this?
Best/Easiest way I can think of is to do a File Compare between your ROM and a fairly recent back-up where save points still worked.  If you have no recent back-ups (d'oh!), an old one will do (as will the original ROM), although the closer to the original you get, the more difficult it is to figure out what caused the issue.

  • Tools -> File Compare
  • Current ROM is already selected, so the file it asks for is the "good" ROM
  • This takes a while... A list is generated of ALL the differences between the two ROMS (hence why it's so difficult with no recent back-up).
  • Locations of the data are given, as are the values found in each ROM... You don't need to know what the stuff does, but only have a vague idea of what it's for... Huge changes clustered together far into the ROM will likely be levels, graphics, etc... Changes in banks around A0-B3 or so would be enemy stuff.  Ignore this stuff.
  • You're most likely looking for a tiny area of change... Say a dozen bytes or less, most likely, fairly early in the ROM.
  • Open your ROM with a hex editor and put some of the old values back in... Just some of the itty bitty groups in the first few banks.  With luck, you can find the byte(s) that were accidentally changed.

Sadly, this is a fairly common error with SMILE.  A bug that's not yet discovered will occassionally do this (it's usually just about the same location, but it's good to learn new things, so I won't tell you).  I plan on making myself a quick program before the next release that will watch that location in the ROM continuously while smile edits the ROM and stop SMILE at the moment that data changes... Then I can get a grasp onto *what* is doing this so it can be fixed permanently.

Even though I won't tell you the exact spot this (usually) happens at, I will tell you that the process is surprisingly easy once you figure out how and can be invaluable.  I should update the file comparer though... Give it options to ignore sections of the ROM that are typically level data, enemies, graphics, music, etc... Have it put large clusters of changes together or not... Speed the damn thing up...
Ok...this is NOT FUCKING COOL! I noticed that my last backup was just before me editing the save room and one other small room (mother brains old room). So I decided to just go back to that and leave the save room the way it is. Well, I opened the rom up in smile, did a little quickmet, and, just out of curiousity, decided to save...well same thing happened with it that happened to my last rom. So I tried all the way back to my first backup and apparently it is screwed up the same way as the others. I hadn't done anything to any of the rooms that I editing except for tile editing and plm/enemy editing. All of the backups worked perfectly fine before I edited the save room in that one rom. So now my question is, what the hell happened to all of my roms?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
It may not be much help, but have you tried the ROMs in the emulator on its own, without going through quickmet?  I know in theory it shouldn't make a difference, but it might. Pray
Nah, I tried that and when I go to save (at the ship), the whole room gets filled with the top of a PB door, and when you try to move, you fall thru the ship. I assume that a save station wont be much different.
Are the tiles where Samus loads air/fool xray? Those cause trouble when Samus loads on top of them.
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Quote from Project XVIII:
Nah, I tried that and when I go to save (at the ship), the whole room gets filled with the top of a PB door, and when you try to move, you fall thru the ship. I assume that a save station wont be much different.

Sent an email with the answer. Look at the bytes from $8131 to $8138. Change them to 4A 48 4C 12 42 15 08 00. If you've used KejMap2.0 though, that won't work, and you need the patch I sent to you.

Anyone know where the palettes for the pause map screen are?
Awesome! Thank you so much Sadiztik Fish. I did happen to edit the map (since im using the ips patch that makes it so there is no map) and apparently that automatically made it use kejmap. Well, now that everything is fixed, I can stop banging my head on my computer desk. grin new
Even though that's *part* of the KejMap area, I assure you that KejMap is not automatically applying itself.  There is only one Sub in the entire program that is capable of applying KejMap, and it immediately pops up a message box before doing so.

However the way SMILE checks to see if KejMap is already installed could be fooled by other coding that edits $82EA.  Very very few people would ever need to do this, but KejMap2 probably does, as does (I'm guessing) the no-map code you just mentioned . . . Even though the original KejMap isn't installed, SMILE checks for the original value at $82EA to see if it's been altered to tell if you have KejMap... Apparently I'm going to have to check for some non-original values instead to fix this.

In any case, if another code tricks SMILE into thinking you have KejMap (ie- if $82EA isn't the original value), SMILE writes data to a couple areas of the ROM (though does not apply KejMap itself:
$80:8131 = One byte per area for how much of the map to remember (more or less)... This could screw maps up on loading, though I'm not quite sure how it'd crash anything... Been a while since I've looked at the data.
$81:F800 = The map groups themselves (up to $500 bytes, depending on the size of your maps)... This is originally blank data and won't have a negative effect unless you put something there on your own.

If you don't have any map changing codes, this glitch shouldn't happen.  Likewise, if you actually have KejMap installed, this isn't a glitch at all.  Nevertheless, I'll have this fixed in the next release.
Edit history:
Quietus: 2009-06-13 05:55:35 pm
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I just wanted to check before I go and start editing doors, so am I right in thinking the following:

1. When you clone the doors, it doesn't really do anything, just sorta stores the info for you to use when linking doors, so you can transfer the details without having to write it down?
2. You need to select which direction the door goes in (radio buttons in bottom left), although usually this will be correct?
3. When I've transferred information, I need to click 'remember', and save the room?

Also, if the above is correct, what are the numbers in the top right for, next to 'remember'?  I've noticed that they match the BTS on the doors, so do I need to select the correct number here too?

EDIT: Also, I noticed during some door edits that when you enter the sky in the next room is screwed.  Is this an error with the door I've set up, or a known bug?
Yep, everything you have there is correct. And no, when you hit D over a door, it automatically selects that doors bts. I don't know about your last question though. I think I might know what your talking about, does the sky turn into a bunch of wierd looking tiles? If it is then I don't know, that only happens to me when I use quickmet in a room with a scrolling sky.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yes, it was the landing site, which does have the scrolling sky, so do I just apply the fix that is available, or just remove it? (If so, how? Very Happy)
Quote from Quietus:
Yes, it was the landing site, which does have the scrolling sky, so do I just apply the fix that is available, or just remove it? (If so, how? Very Happy)
to remove the scrolling sky:
Go to Edit  -> pointers
change the FX2 to 0000
Change the Layer1_2 to 91D3
Ok, I think i'm ready to try putting more enemies in a room (oh gawd...). What I want to do is make the room right after the little Crateria pipe room (room 7948C) have the amount of enemies that the Landing Site has, and vice versa. All I do is swap the Enemy Population pointers for the two rooms correct?
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
yep, and the enemy set pointers. One is the actual enemies in the room, the other is the allowed list.
Be careful when moving the ship though, you have to make it exactly the same with the new pointers.

first piece (top)
Special - 2400
all others - 0000

second piece (bottom)
Special - 2400
all others - 0000

third piece (bottom)
Special - 2400
Speed 2 - 0001
all others - 0000
All things considered, I shouldn't be awake. x.x
Simple question: what controls the waking of Zebes? Do you have to acquire the Morph Ball and Missiles, or is being seen by the eye enemy necessary?
Yeh, Morphball and Missiles trigger it.
Quote from Project XVIII:
Yeh, Morphball and Missiles trigger it.

Not quite.
Maybe I'm wrong but I'm sure the 'Zebes awake' event is set if the old
Mother Brain room is cleared, ie all pirates have been killed. The event in THIS room requires morph and missiles.
Oh, yeh your right, Zebes doesn't wake up until you clear out the old MB room.
IIRC- Opening any grey door should awaken Zebes.
. . .
Quote from Jathys:
IIRC- Opening any grey door should awaken Zebes.

You have to open a flashing grey door that opens by killing the enemies in the room.
All things considered, I shouldn't be awake. x.x
Ok awesome. I'll give that a try. Thanks ^.^
Edit history:
Steyiak: 2009-06-17 04:47:52 am
When I tried to edit the FX1 of room 7B106 (the room you see in the screenshot) an error message pops up

The error message says :
FFFF In "Door Select" is not usual FX1 data

If you recently pointed this room's FX1 to a blank location in the bank, it should be fine to edit. Otherwise, it is other data that should most likely be left alone

(Some original rooms do use FFFF here, but are not actually pointed at blank data)

No matter how many times I press OK the message reappears
Can someone tell me what's wrong?

Edit: I just spotted another problem Evil or Very Mad
In the spazer beam room I changed the spazer to the Varia Suit but it doesn't appear when I run the ROM (I didn't change anything else in the room) but it DOES apear if I use the Test Room option in SMILE
This is a known bug in SMILE v2.3.0.....I'm sure Jathys is fixing this problem hopefully by the next SMILE release. Until then you will need to kill the app process through Task Manager and re-open SMILE.
I thought that it might be a bug but I wasn't sure. aiwebs_008

Now my only problem is this
Quote from Steyiak:
In the spazer beam room I changed the spazer to the Varia Suit but it doesn't appear when I run the ROM (I didn't change anything else in the room) but it DOES apear if I use the Test Room option in SMILE