I finally found a solution (if no one else did): Using the horizontal and vertical blocks from the patterns was right Look: This are the values you have to use(horizontal = 01; vertical = 02): This is how it looks:
EDIT: The continuation must go on from the shot thing not from the pillar.
Not quite: The reason yours works is because the way you have it set up happens to work. If the example in your picture had been 1 block higher or lower, it would not have worked. Here's a mockup of what you did:
As you see, it skips a block in-between and if the switch had been an odd number of blocks down it would have failed to work.
Optimal would just used 1 vertical at 06 and 1 horizontal at 06, in which case the path followed would've looked like this:
Arva: I believe that glitch happens when you mess with the position of the ship at the landing site.
This has become a problem, I can't get rid of it. What's wrong? This happens when I load.
Sky looks nice.
Landing zone is a special case. There is an asm code to fix this in most cases, but a non-asm cure is possible . . . Assuming the new location for your ship is along the same vertical axis of a pre-existing door in the room? If it's not, the stuff below won't be any use to you in your current situation (sorry).
This is a lot simpler than all this text would have you believe... I'm just hoping something is learned from the process, so I step-by-stepped it: 1) In SMILE, find a pre-existing door on the same vertical row as your ship. Enter the door (to the room it leads to). On the door tile in that room (ie- on the door that leads *to* the landing zone) hit the "L" key. I'd say what this does in detail, but the hotkeys form can do just the same, so I'll do this in brief: It remembers what door you hit "L" over. 2) Edit -> Area Load Stations..... Go there. 3) Make sure you're looking at Crateria's load stations... Scroll down through them and watch the RoomID (look for 91F8, as this is the landing zone) and the ScrollX/ScrollY values (this is what screen you load at)... The ship loads at 4x4. I *think* the load point you need is the first one, but it's been a while since I've played with them, so you'll have to experiment. 4) Anyway, just below the RoomID you'll see another textbox with another button. The textbox is actually a pointer to door data. Remember the door tile you hit "L" over? Well, it's pointer is in that button with the arrow (ie- <- 8916). Hit the button to put the value in the text box (or simply type it), then save the load point. 5) Test out your room. Assuming you got the right one, problem would be solved.
Here is a minor issue I'm having problems with. When I beta test my game (using SMILE's beta testing feature) and I go through a few rooms in Maridia; I open the map and I am confronted with an energy recharge station and missile recharge station icon in the middle of two rooms on my map, although they are not even there.
After examining the mini-map it doesn't show those icons and the same can be said for SMILE so I can't figure out why they are even there.
This has become a problem, I can't get rid of it. What's wrong? This happens when I load.
Sky looks nice.
Landing zone is a special case. There is an asm code to fix this in most cases, but a non-asm cure is possible . . . Assuming the new location for your ship is along the same vertical axis of a pre-existing door in the room? If it's not, the stuff below won't be any use to you in your current situation (sorry).
This is a lot simpler than all this text would have you believe... I'm just hoping something is learned from the process, so I step-by-stepped it: 1) In SMILE, find a pre-existing door on the same vertical row as your ship. Enter the door (to the room it leads to). On the door tile in that room (ie- on the door that leads *to* the landing zone) hit the "L" key. I'd say what this does in detail, but the hotkeys form can do just the same, so I'll do this in brief: It remembers what door you hit "L" over. 2) Edit -> Area Load Stations..... Go there. 3) Make sure you're looking at Crateria's load stations... Scroll down through them and watch the RoomID (look for 91F8, as this is the landing zone) and the ScrollX/ScrollY values (this is what screen you load at)... The ship loads at 4x4. I *think* the load point you need is the first one, but it's been a while since I've played with them, so you'll have to experiment. 4) Anyway, just below the RoomID you'll see another textbox with another button. The textbox is actually a pointer to door data. Remember the door tile you hit "L" over? Well, it's pointer is in that button with the arrow (ie- <- 8916). Hit the button to put the value in the text box (or simply type it), then save the load point. 5) Test out your room. Assuming you got the right one, problem would be solved.
I figured from your post that finding a door in the same height as the ship to link the load station to was the key to this problem, but I tried that and it didn't help. I might would have mentioned that moving the ship up two screens wasn't the cause of this problem. The vomit was there even before I moved the ship. Bummer. Maybe it has to do with the "sky fix patch" I attached a while ago.
@tyjet666: That map problem isn't really a problem. When you edited the map, I'm sure you did to match how your rooms were edited. Well the x/y map positions from the original version of the game more than likely had a Missile Recharge station and Energy Refill station at those points on your map. So when you hit that block on your map, even though there really isn't one there, the game data is throwing that symbol on there because there is one there in the original. Understand?
IIRC, you need to use a hex editor to move the locations of those on your map to another location. I may be wrong, as I haven't messed with those yet.
Alright, thanks for the info. I may just let them be there since I have no knowledge of hex editing or ASM.
That is a very immature additude young man!
Here's a document on the map icons from Kej's notes. I haven't read through the whole thing or tried to do anything it says yet, but it should help.
What I did when I first encountered this problem was move the entire map and every room sideways/up/down several blocks. I did this several times though, cause I kept finding new icons on the map.
gravity.IPS -Allows each room to have a unique gravity. The 1st, 3rd, and 5th BTS value of the room determines the gravity for air, water, and lava (respectively). -Also allow coders to directly control gravity strength by placing values at $7FFFFA, $7FFFFC, and $7FFFFE. -If neither of those are set, normal gravity is used. -Located at: $087820
The BTS values are in the tiles. Drag-n-drop from the BTS Menu the 1st, 3rd, and 5th tiles of the room (or if the new smile comes out before you see this response, stick your cursor over those tiles and type the values you want)
I just thought I'd post this because I saw some people having issues with moving your ship around to another part of the room.
It's possible. It's easy. It's basically like any normal enemy. Wherever you move the ship to, it will appear there. Make sure though that "Split Ship when Moved" is unchecked before you move it (right-click the ship) and that you don't forget to copy it's slope tiles over as well. I'm not for sure whether or not this affects the ship negatively if you don't skip Ceres or when entering it during the Escape Sequence.
However, this does NOT make Samus load from the ship. Loading still works, but Samus will load according to where the ship used to be. So....from another room that connects to the Landing Site, hover on a door from the joined room --> to the Landing Site. Hit "L" on the door tile and a box will appear "Load Points(#) and Other." The Landing Site's load station is Index 00, which comes up by default.
There is a Scroll X and a Scroll Y value, that at default says "0400" respectively for each. If you know anything at all regarding these values, you will understand that the "4" is the value placement for # of scroll areas. So, Samus' default loading scroll area is 4,4....4th screen right (X) and 4th screen down (Y) from the upper left-most screen (0,0). If you decide to mess with the 2 far right values of the Scroll X/Y, it will affect which block in that scroll area Samus will load at.
For example: Say you moved your ship from it's original location, and moved it UP 2 Scroll Areas and RIGHT 1 Scroll Area so it's centered inside that new scroll area. So in that Load Points box, Samus' new Scroll X=0500 (5 screens right) and Scroll Y=0300 (3 Screens down). Just don't forget that you start from the top left scroll area in rooms!
Hope this helps you guys.
Edit: For some reason....I can't get Kraid to break! I'm taking advantage of this and messin with him really bad...LOL. Pic won't upload so it's attached.
Does anyone know how to edit states? Example: I'm in the landing site and I'm trying to use the state where you obtain speed booster and the lava rises super fast. How do I go about doing this?
If you're talking about using that State in the Landing Site...then I have no idea. Or are you talking about the Landing Site changes to another state that is triggered by Outrunning the Lava-quake?
You can't edit anything under the "Standard" State, but load whatever state you want to be triggered to load when you get the SpeedBooster and outrun the lava. Once said state is loaded, just click Edit>State Properties. A dialogue box comes up with the current state's properties. The 2nd drop down box are the different triggers. I Speed Booster Lava quake outran is the 22nd trigger on that dropdown list....it even says it there. Then just hit ok, and that state SHOULD load whenever you trigger that SB Run.
Edit: Ok, so you CAN actually use the lava rising event for obtaining SB on the Landing Site. Just copy the PLM B8AC and High bit: 80; Low bit: 0. An FX1 with Lava that starts at the bottom of the screen is recommended. Have it's surface start at wherever, and it's Surface New where you want the lava to stop. I left Surface Speed at 0000 and the Delay is set to F0. The only problem is.....the event works correctly only from entering the Landing Site from a room on the right. It acts like it should this way. Should you enter from the left, well there's no chance of outrunning anything, the lava just instantly rises to it's Surface New and you're dead.....Hope this helps.
I just ran into a problem I just got done with kraids hideout and tested it and some of the roomos were just fine but after beating kraid the graphics of some of the rooms and items are all scrambled up. any idea of whats causing this?
If you're talking about using that State in the Landing Site...then I have no idea. Or are you talking about the Landing Site changes to another state that is triggered by Outrunning the Lava-quake?
You can't edit anything under the "Standard" State, but load whatever state you want to be triggered to load when you get the SpeedBooster and outrun the lava. Once said state is loaded, just click Edit>State Properties. A dialogue box comes up with the current state's properties. The 2nd drop down box are the different triggers. I Speed Booster Lava quake outran is the 22nd trigger on that dropdown list....it even says it there. Then just hit ok, and that state SHOULD load whenever you trigger that SB Run.
Edit: Ok, so you CAN actually use the lava rising event for obtaining SB on the Landing Site. Just copy the PLM B8AC and High bit: 80; Low bit: 0. An FX1 with Lava that starts at the bottom of the screen is recommended. Have it's surface start at wherever, and it's Surface New where you want the lava to stop. I left Surface Speed at 0000 and the Delay is set to F0. The only problem is.....the event works correctly only from entering the Landing Site from a room on the right. It acts like it should this way. Should you enter from the left, well there's no chance of outrunning anything, the lava just instantly rises to it's Surface New and you're dead.....Hope this helps.
THAAAANK You!!! I tested it out and it works perfectly!
I just ran into a problem I just got done with kraids hideout and tested it and some of the roomos were just fine but after beating kraid the graphics of some of the rooms and items are all scrambled up. any idea of whats causing this?
Is it that you forgot to edit the alternate roomstates as well? If there's any, they'll be in the drop down list that says E5E6 - Standard. That's the most likely reason I can think of.
I just ran into a problem I just got done with kraids hideout and tested it and some of the roomos were just fine but after beating kraid the graphics of some of the rooms and items are all scrambled up. any idea of whats causing this?
After leaving certain areas (Kraid's room, Ceres, etc...) you get disco-styled vomit all over the place. Disabling various layers in your emulator, you'll see that scenery and background may be correct still, but everything else is messed up. This especially affects CRE graphics (the ones usually located near the top of SMILE's graphic sheets.
This can usually be fixed by going into Room Properties and changing Unknown4 from 00 to 02 (in whatever room the bug is first seen).
[glow=red,2,300]SMILE Version 2.30 Released![/glow]
Created Metroid Buddy... It's a metroid that follows your mouse around eating enemies as you edit. The point? It's a frickin' metroid chasing your mouse.
Started a new Help File... I actually expect this one to go somewhere. At the very least, I took several of the seperate text files (enemy quirks, door help, etc...) and stuck them into a single file. Legna.dll is no longer needed as it's been merged with SMILE.dll... Removed unused functions to slim that down as well.
Simplified the Graphics Editor by making it quicker to select which 16x16 you're editing (and a few other tweaks I'll mention in the help file should I get to it at some point). Added the ability to import/export tile tables. Added the option to grab the palette from a 256 color bitmap.
Added an error trap to prevent certain common errors from crashing smile. So far, only one error has been trapped. "Subscript out of Range" errors caused by overwriting part of a tile table will no longer crash the program, giving you a chance to fix your problem with the new tile table import/export feature.
Drastically improved quality of the Scroll Editor (8x8 mode) view.
Quickmet (Room Test) now supports boss/event states.
Added support for door dependent FX1's (ie- Room 7AFA3, for example, has raised or lowered lava, depending on which door you enter) Implemented a new palette chooser (old one still functions) for quicker color setting (a temporary harmless bug affects the transparent color of samus's suit, but is not visible in-game... Will be fixed soon).
BTS can now be changed by hitting # over a tile to type in a BTS value -or- by hitting 0-9 to do the same thing (but start with 0-9 in the textbox that pops-up).
Several bug fixes (including the lower-right tile getting screwed up in layer 2), minor tweaks, and a few unfinished ideas.
Pointer Editor now gives you a choice about whether to move data or leave it put.
The room having different effects when you enter from either left or right is because of some room FX1 thing that determines which door you entered from, and changes the FX1 accordingly. Examples are the SB room of course, and rooms in Norfair where the lava rises (that room with the Squeept, and the dragon thing you go under is one). I believe you can edit these door-specific FX1's in the new SMILE.
I just ran into a problem I just got done with kraids hideout and tested it and some of the roomos were just fine but after beating kraid the graphics of some of the rooms and items are all scrambled up. any idea of whats causing this?
Is it that you forgot to edit the alternate roomstates as well? If there's any, they'll be in the drop down list that says E5E6 - Standard. That's the most likely reason I can think of.
Make sure that whatever rooms are connected to Kraid's room have a Special Graphics Bitflag of "02." You can find this in Edit>Room Properties. Look at Kraid's room, and see how all those tiles are garbled? Those are your CRE tiles that are screwed up. Kraid's room, Ceres Shaft, and another 1 or 2 rooms uses a Special Graphics Bitflag of "05" that clears the CRE. When you leave those rooms, the connected rooms must have a "02" Special Graphics Bitflag to force a refresh on the CRE and everything will work normal again.
Edit: Just realized Jathys put that in his Spoiler tag
Quote from Sadiztik Fish:
The room having different effects when you enter from either left or right is because of some room FX1 thing that determines which door you entered from, and changes the FX1 accordingly. Examples are the SB room of course, and rooms in Norfair where the lava rises (that room with the Squeept, and the dragon thing you go under is one). I believe you can edit these door-specific FX1's in the new SMILE.
I wonder if door specific FX1's are based off of the direction Samus is coming from, or the BTS value of the door.....nope not the BTS value. It's got to be the direction Samus comes from.
[quote author=Project XVIII] I thought that Metroid Buddy would get annoying, but as soon as I turned it on, I never wanted to turn it off. [/quote]
Well, as we've requested, Metroid Buddy doesn't make SMILE blink you if it's hungry or anything (save for the 25 minute idle time warning Jathys included from the very beginning!) Jathys had WANTED to make it annoying, mind you, but we quickly strayed him off of that path!