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I just started to use smile and i have no idea what im doing at the moment. I figured out how to change the costume colors and thats about it. I was wondering if it was possible to actually give the beams more RPM's. I noticed when i played Redesign, i could shoot a lot of beams almost like rapid fire but i couldn't figure out how that would be done using the program. So im stuck. can anyone help me out? Question  :|
Thread title: 
Waaaaaaa i want insanity
Ask Kejardon
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
You can't do that with SMILE
Almost happy
With which program was redesign created then?
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
A hex editor
Eschews avatars
I seem to recall that the beam firing rates are fairly simple to change, just a single global variable for each type, but I really don't know where each one is. As stated above, Kej could probably give you the pointers if hex doesn't scare you.

As for SMILE help, generally the best way to learn the program is just to spend lots of time messing around. This faq should help out, though it is somewhat butchered by google translator.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
This has been asked about 4 times in the last few months. >_>

Autofire Cooldown for beams at 90:C264
Missile cooldown at 90:C27B
Super Missile cooldown at 90:C27C
Manual cooldown for beams at 90:C283

90:CXXX = 84XXX offset in file (what you see in hex-editor). If you have a header, 90:CXXX = 84XXX + 200

Autofire = hold down fire without charge beam
Manual = pressing button rapidly with or without charge beam
Where would I find the hex editor for SM3? Sry guys im clueless about this stuff.
Google is your friend.