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Ready and willing.
I can't believe it took me forever to think of this, but wouldn't it be nicer if, when in the updates it says "added or updated bah-dee-dah", those were actually links? I mean, you might have some wierd news auto-update doohicky, but I've seen you use links in the news...
Thread title: 
soaking through
Hehehe...  Doohicky...

Anyway, is that really necessary?  It's usually pretty easy to find, and Nate always says where crap is.
Ready and willing.
First rule of Internet design for lazy people: one click is always better than two.
Lazy people tend to be stupid. We do not want stupid people around. Any questions? Rolling Eyes
Ready and willing.
If that's true, then why do all the Unix commands have cryptic names like cp and mv and chmod that are short and easy to type?
Because people are lazy, duh! :P
the reason i didn't make them links was because i was concerned that future reorganization of the site might cause me to have hundreds of suddenly broken links in ancient news posts. also, as the site got larger, it got to be kind of fun (at least for me) to go through and check all the stuff i just posted about to make sure it was really there, etc (and using links from the actual news post itself would not help me verify that the sidebar links were correct). so just a mix of laziness, i guess. can start making them links in the future if there's enough response to this.