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Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
That is odd, particularly since the lava actually rises quite rapidly in that room.  On a first run, it's unlikely that you'd get out without getting burnt.

I can only assume it's something that occurred during your playing, or perhaps during the door transition, that affected the bytes dealing with the lava's rising speed.  Still seems strange, as I'd imagine the code for this happening would be untouched from the original game (no reason to change it), and with the amount that THAT has been played, SOMEBODY would have noticed it...
What'd you say?
I never had it rise slowly, but almost everytime I out run it, when it gets clsoe to the top the lava jumps up a few tiles.
I didn't do anything odd that I know of. I got the speed booster same as always. Grab it, shinespark left, run like hell through door. Maybe it has to do with the position of the lava when you make the door transition, since the lava in the speed booster room rises in that odd stuttering way instead of a constant slow rise like in the original.
Yoshi is back
Speaking of hell.......HELL'S RUN!!!!
Pfffft. Redesign's hell run is child's play. Go play Impossible and get through Lower Norfair. That's a hell run.
Just thought I'd let it be known.  I have made lots of progress on the Axeil Edition of redesign.  Just finished tweaking bomb jumping physics with the guidance of Kejardon.  Samus can now only get a boost when above a bomb.  She can now be as far away from the bomb as a radius of the graphic explosion to get a boost upward.  unlike the original she now gets tossed into the air the instant the bomb explodes, instead of 8 frames before.  In short, bomb jumping is easier!
What?  Axeil Edition?  What's that?  When?  How?  Who?
What'd you say?
Axeil Edition, yes, an easy version of Redesign, sometime in the future, Drewseph/Sigfriedxx is making it, with SMILE.
Really?  What changes will be made to make it easier?  How do you pronounce it?  When will it be done?  While I'm not crazy about having an easier version, I'm completely stoked about ANY new version of Redesign.
What'd you say?
Yes, to many to mention here, Axe-eel, TBA.
I hope the physics aren't changed.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I believe it's targeted more toward balancing the hack, rather than overhauling, so parts that put off a lot of players - things like the section just after Grapple - will be adjusted.

I'm more gutted that Drew's Endless attack was killed.  Insom left, and it's been frozen since. (As far as I know...)
I thought Axiel Edition was supposed to be a harder version that makes professional SM players experience what Axeil went through with this hack. 

Anyways, glad to hear it's an easier version, I've always wanted to play this but I've always been a bit turned off by the difficulty and the fact that kejardons Control Freak patch doesn't work on it.
Quote from Orel:
I thought Axiel Edition was supposed to be a harder version that makes professional SM players experience what Axeil went through with this hack.

Playing Impossible with a keyboard would probably simulate that experience.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Redesign was never as bad as that, as Impossible is intended, deliberate difficulty.  Redesign's (early) difficulty was due more to things like no escaping lava falls, long distances between saves, difficult jumps with no escape for failure, et cetera.  Those're just examples, but you get my meaning.  Even now, things like the long grappling section after getting the Grapple Beam are a bit sucky, and I believe that Drew has said a few times that it's something he would change.  Well, Axiel is the opportunity.  If you wanted the true Redesign experience, maybe Drew could post an .ips of the 1.0 version, or whatever it was labelled as...
My latest and biggest map so far, Redesign revisited.
Map Station: http://www.dubreuil.ca/mapstation/
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I think they look better with the white edging to the rooms.  Also, the mini boss icon is so small that it's all but invisible.
I agree for the mini boss icon.
The best maps anywhere.  Awesome.
I just started playing this hack again and I have this problem where a door just leads me to a jumbled mess of a room. It's early on in Brinstar, a missile door that leads down on the way to get the wall-jump boots.

Here's the door itself:

Here it is on the map, for reference:

And here's where the door leads me:

I'm using the Mac version of SNES9X 1.52 and Redesign 2.1. What can I do to fix this?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
A few things to try:

Try both hard patching your ROM (using Lunar IPS), and soft patching (naming the ROM and .ips patch the same thing, and having them in the same folder), to see if it makes any difference.
Download the .ips patch again.
Try another emulator, like ZSNES, or another version of the emulator you're using.

Also, did you check that you're using the correct ROM for the patch, as in headered or unheadered?
Well, what do you know? Soft patching worked. I remember you had to hard patch it when it first came out, so I figured it was the same now.

...I should have figured something was wrong when the hard patch gave me a bad checksum. Seems like the kind of thing that would be fixed between 1.0 and 2.1. That's the last time I use JIPS.

Anyway, thanks for the help, it works fine now.
Phazon Vasteel Autobot
I'm playing this again, attempting a 100%, how do i get down here for obtain a reserve tank?

What'd you say?
IIRC, You wait until later. There is a scripted earthquake which opens it up after you get the gravity suit.
Phazon Vasteel Autobot
I conquered Super Metroid Redesign again!, it took me a lot of doing and curse words due to some reasons (physics, no demorphing in 1x3 tunnels, and bomb limit), but i finally got all the items.

Clear Time 8:17, 99.3%, Dachola & Etecoons saved

I used a map for find all the items, and the Max in this game is 99.3%, so that's SMR's 100%

One tip: Did you know it's possible to use the grapple beam trick on Draygon?, you'll need 12 Energy Tanks and 4 Reserve Tanks for do this.