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Time bomb set get out fast!
It doesn't work in Super -- just in Redesign. That's why so many players don't know about it.
Quote from Archlord_Pie:
I thought that spark-into-the-ramp trick didn't work in Super... must not have been holding the run button I guess.

It doesn't work in Super, but it does work in Redesign.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
It doesn't work in Super - just Rede...  Just kidding. Razz

You will find that there are two others that are, in my opinion, harder than this one, as you need to charge more times.  One is in the north-eastern corner of Crateria, and requires a lot of charges on ledges and whatnot; the other is near the elevator between Crateria and Brinstar.  You probably saw it when first heading down for the Wall-Jump boots.
Well that sounds like fun.

In other news, I'm stuck trying to figure out how to bomb jump my way to a power bomb tank in upper Maridia. Again, the red arrow points to the one I'm talking about. The map itself says it requires some sophisticated bomb jumping unless I come back later with Space Jump, but I have no idea how or where to place the bombs... Oh, and I assume falling in the sand is instant failure like it usually is in this place.

On a random side note, is there any place on this forum where introductions go? I looked around for a bit but couldn't find a good spot to put mine.

Time bomb set get out fast!
Right here.

The sand in Redesign hates you and everyone you care about. I'm curious about how this bomb jumping is done too, but as for getting the item yourself, I seriously wouldn't even bother trying without Space Jump. It's hard enough with it.
Edit history:
Sigfriedxx: 2010-09-06 09:33:07 pm
Wow, a bomb jump?  not sure who thought that up, but thats crazy hard, just jump, its that simple.  you'll notice if you jump repeatedly while running in the sand you will reach the surface, just jump to the ledge, nothing special.  ^_^

also if I might ask, whats so hard about space jumping?  I actually made it so that when in water you can jump instantly after jumping the first time.  IN the original samus had to fall a certain height before being able to jump, and if you waited too long, she would not be able to space jump
Time bomb set get out fast!
Don't get me wrong, Space Jump is easier in Redesign, and we're grateful.  But it's still hard as hell to get yourself out of sand -- and easy as hell to fall in.
Edit history:
Sigfriedxx: 2010-09-07 01:09:07 am
I always found it too easy to get out of sand >_>  All I do is spam running back and fourth and jumping and then pressing R or L to get my out of spin jump, samus clims super fast that way.

That said, I am currently continuing work on Axiel edition. bout damn time.  not sure how much longer it'll take....  depends how many rooms I really want to add detail/fixing too.  but I have many rooms done so far....

Edit:  I just added an accidental sequence break.... I'll leave it in, but I gotta make sure changes like this don't get you permastuck
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
There's a trick to get out of the sand, but it's very hard to describe.  Using combinations of jumping and pressing up or the shoulder buttons, you can almost indefinitely jump atop sand without ever sinking.  It's fairly easy once you get it figured out the first time, and then you'll wonder why you ever had headaches with it.
^^  what you say is exactly my technique.  I actually kinda thought it was common knowledge >_>
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
As did I, but I guess we should never assume. Very Happy

That map reminds me, Drew, do you have your own version of an item map and / or a list of event triggers for Redesign?  I've seen a few different versions now, and was just curious, as I keep looking at running it properly, and it'd help a lot.
actually I do not =(

I really should make one, but there are plenty of other maps out there.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Is that for the event triggers too?  Thanks, either way.
there are only a handful of event triggers in the game.  most of them remove blockades after certain moments such as defeating botwoon, and clears the entrance to Draygon.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
OK, cool.  I keep scrawling notes, and then not understanding them. aiwebs_017
Here's my fav Redesign map:

Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yeah, that's one of the ones I have.  Thanks, though.
I have a small gigantic problem: when I try to unzip the file, it tells me I need a password. Does anyone happen to know what that might be?
Look in the readme file. I think he did that so that people wouldn't just try to jump into the game before looking at what's basically the instructions.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Why do people insist on calling those files 'readme'?  They should use something different; something that urges people to read it, as if the file were shouting 'read me'.  That'd help. Rolling Eyes
Oh. Sorry to waste your time.
I'm glad to hear that Axiel Edition is still being worked on, it would be great timing if it were to come out soon cause there's a romhack thread over on SA's LP subforum right now and i'm sure one of those suckers would LP it. XD
I encountered an odd bug in the rising lava room after the speed booster. I got to the top of the room without even seeing the lava, so I decided to wait around for it, but it took forever to show up. It was rising really slowly. I've only had it happen once. I use SNES9x 1.52.
Hmm that is weird. Never seen that or even heard about that.  Maybe Sigfried knows.