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DaveBatista: 2011-03-01 05:18:36 pm
DaveBatista: 2011-03-01 05:12:08 pm
Yoshi is back

didn't beat her yet, just about to go through 2nd murder beam, I use Murder beam on her and its glitching my game up but w.e.

EDIT: It is higher time and and % then anyone ever thought, I got 2:06 and 30%
So, this is my first SM hack that I'm playing and I can pretty much only wall jump, I'm stuck at the very beginning
I have the missles and power bombs and grappling hook, when I go to brinstar I get stuck since I cant open the super missle door at the bottom of the shaft and the gray door doesnt seem to open, what am I missing
Pfft..I found that fake wall..
Yoshi is back
I havn't played Life in a while so I don't know where you are, exactly. You should have grapple, which means you probably go for Charge beam in the red brinstar, the area to the left of the ship leads there, then go down.
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Ryonite: 2011-03-25 01:04:51 pm
Ryonite: 2011-03-25 01:04:43 pm
there's a pit right after high jump i cant get across, the ceiling is too low.
Yoshi is back
Hah, Thats weak. Just take high jump off and jump over.
Just finished. 92%, 3:32. One of the better hacks I've played, and I've played just about all of the ones that are flowing around. I just never post.

My favorite thing was the level design--It actually felt like an enemy base instead of an amalgam of secret passages meant to be meticulously discovered. It was easier and harder in different ways than the original--the item order made the beginning difficult, but item-hunting was an absolute breeze. There were a few tiling errors, but otherwise the spaces were supreme and really captured the feel of the original Super Metroid--especially Brinstar.

I wasn't as charmed by Maridia's design, and I'd say -because- it was toned down from the original. There were a few glitches and a single permastuck that bothered me. (After exiting Ridley's area to the left to go back to 'main street' Norfair, you can get stuck in the wall! I had to refight Ridley as a result.) But it was an overall very positive experience... A nice refreshing break from the kaizo-hard hacks around. :)
This looks like a hack a casual player like myself can enjoy. And I am. The thing I like most about these hacks is that you don't start with Morph Ball, like in every official game.  It's very interesting to see those tiny passages and think "D'oh, I don't have Morph Ball yet."

...I hope I find it soon, so I can put that Power Bomb I found to good use. (I've only just started, not asking for help yet.)
Edit history:
danidub: 2012-11-24 05:06:30 pm
danidub: 2012-11-07 11:36:23 am
danidub: 2012-11-07 11:35:53 am
danidub: 2012-11-07 11:35:14 am
danidub: 2012-11-07 11:34:12 am
danidub: 2012-11-07 11:32:29 am
I like the game, so I made a Super Metroid Life map.