This page is a lil somthing that for all you hack fans.
Basical me an my coursin would like to ask any of you for some tiles.
We thought it be nice to ask you if we could use some of your tiles in the hack so it be easier for the hack to get the progress a bit more up for BETA.
We ask for this because its a advantage of all you fans to get in the game hack ex. your name would come up in the read me txt.
Plus not only your name come up in the read me txt but also my coursin is finding away to ree code the end credits line so u be in there to just in case no one read the read me txt. :)
The thing is we cant seem to get Tile Layer Pro to work with an cant get the patch to work either, this is 1 other reason why we ask of you for this opatuintie
i know we are asking a lot but we apprishate it a heavey lot.
Thanks for your time. M
Basical me an my coursin would like to ask any of you for some tiles.
We thought it be nice to ask you if we could use some of your tiles in the hack so it be easier for the hack to get the progress a bit more up for BETA.
We ask for this because its a advantage of all you fans to get in the game hack ex. your name would come up in the read me txt.
Plus not only your name come up in the read me txt but also my coursin is finding away to ree code the end credits line so u be in there to just in case no one read the read me txt. :)
The thing is we cant seem to get Tile Layer Pro to work with an cant get the patch to work either, this is 1 other reason why we ask of you for this opatuintie
i know we are asking a lot but we apprishate it a heavey lot.
Thanks for your time. M
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