Also, Legacy is one of the oldest and definitely the most polished hack out there. It does not need a beta tester. If anyone else needs one, they'll ask.
Shhh.... I can hear him... running.... with the hammer of justice.... those footsteps.... I remember them well....
You better watch out You better not cry You better not flame I'm telling you why Acheron is coming to town Acheron is coming to town Acheron is coming to town
He's making a list, Checking it twice; Gonna find out who's breakin' the rules. Acheron is coming to town Acheron is coming to town Acheron is coming to town
He sees you when you're trolling He knows when you're flaming He knows if you've been a troll or normal So be normal for goodness sake
With bug banhammers and little moderations Funny remarks and nice little claims Acheron is coming to town Acheron is coming to town Acheron is coming to town
He sees you when you're trolling He knows when you're flaming He knows if you've been a troll or normal So be normal for goodness sake Goodness sake
You better watch out You better not cry You better not pout I'm telling you why Acheron is coming to town Acheron is coming to town Acheron is coming Acheron is coming Acheron is coming to town
(Coming to town) Acheron's a busy man but he has time to play He's got millions of moderations to fill every day (Acheron is coming to town) (Coming to town) (Acheron is coming to town) (Coming to town)
Blown out of proportions and it's more of a Halloween time of year, but Acheron is coming to moderate... :D
gaius's hack help thread/eppy's hack location thread