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As the topic title states, are Super Metroid hacks playable on Virtual Console by some method of transfering them? I'd imagine that the downloaded SNES games come in a different format to the SNES ROMs used for hacking, and that it's not quite as simple as transfering them from an SD card, but if I am wrong, or there is a way, could someone let me know?

Thanks =)
Thread title: 
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
You can, Twilight hack it's called.

Good example.
There are also some links in that video description.
Wow, is that video slow or the gameplay is laggy as hell?

anyways, i guess the most important thing of that hack is to own Zelda twilight princess mirite?
Okay... One thing I must point out here. It is not the Nintendo-licensed Virtual Console Channel that allows hacks to be played on the Wii. Indeed, as Crys pointed out, Twilight Hack is essential to setting up the emulators that hacks can be played on. Either you can run Twilight Hack by itself, with a boot.elf or boot.dol (as supplied with the emulator files,) or you can use Twilight Hack to install a new channel called "The Homebrew Channel." (<- It's a link, for the people using different skins.) Then, you run the emulators from an SD Card from that channel. Either way, you need to own LOZ:TP and an SD Card just to set any of this up.

Alright, I've said too much already. If anything else, I recommend someone start a topic called "Hack Emulation on the Wii" in the "Other Gaming" sub-forum, and more may be discussed there. This topic seems out of place, like the DS Emulation thread... Or is it just me?
Edit history:
aigamerDS: 2008-09-15 07:57:19 pm
Quote from zhs2:
This topic seems out of place, like the DS Emulation thread... Or is it just me?

SNES emulator for DS sucks. The graphic is very bad, unorganized and it doesn't play any hacks except SM Impossible. Trust me, you don't want it until they fix all the problems.

Quote from zhs2:
Okay... One thing I must point out here. It is not the Nintendo-licensed Virtual Console Channel that allows hacks to be played on the Wii.

That's right! I tried to patch it to VC rom (instead of smc) and copy it back to wii console, it doesn't let me copy it back. The emulator is the only way to play hack game on the wii.

Quote from ZephyrZx:
Wow, is that video slow or the gameplay is laggy as hell?

It just a video is slow. The actual speed rate is just fine.
Hated by all
Quote from aigamerDS:
SNES emulator for DS sucks. The graphic is very bad, unorganized and it doesn't play any hacks except SM Impossible. Trust me, you don't want it until they fix all the problems.

I hope you're not mentioning SNEmulDS. SnezziDS and SNES DS I understand.

Quote from zhs2:
Alright, I've said too much already. If anything else, I recommend someone start a topic called "Hack Emulation on the Wii" in the "Other Gaming" sub-forum, and more may be discussed there. This topic seems out of place, like the DS Emulation thread... Or is it just me?

And on that other instance, we should just plain and simply make "The Homebrew Topic".
Edit history:
aigamerDS: 2008-09-15 09:21:17 pm
Quote from playerman1230:
I hope you're not mentioning SNEmulDS. SnezziDS and SNES DS I understand.

Well, SnezziDS and SNES DS is even worse. I couldn't even get it to work. I guess that SNEmulDS is the best one right now but it still bad (at least, it still playable and somewhat fun. I'm not trying to hurt your feeling SNEmulDS's developer but I gotta say all the problem you have.) I hate the one that when you fight phantoon, the whole screen went black so I have to adjust the layer and I couldn't finish the game because the game freeze before I beat mother brain.

I gotta admit that some games work nearly perfect such as goof troop or such as but that's pretty much it.

Btw, I used M3DS real to play homebrew.
Quote from aigamerDS:
Quote from playerman1230:
I hope you're not mentioning SNEmulDS. SnezziDS and SNES DS I understand.

Well, SnezziDS and SNES DS is even worse. I couldn't even get it to work. I guess that SNEmulDS is the best one right now but it still bad (at least, it still playable and somewhat fun. I'm not trying to hurt your feeling SNEmulDS's developer but I gotta say all the problem you have.) I hate the one that when you fight phantoon, the whole screen went black so I have to adjust the layer and I couldn't finish the game because the game freeze before I beat mother brain.

I gotta admit that some games work nearly perfect such as goof troop or such as but that's pretty much it.

Btw, I used M3DS real to play homebrew.

I use SNEmulDS  and I have all of the problems you described, plus major sound issues. 
So how good is the emulation using the twilight hack? and would it work for a largely hacked game like SMR? could someone who has it post a video of playing that?

Also, i dont know much about this yet, but is it dangerous to my TP disk?
Alright, alright. I'll answer this post, too.

Quote from fizzer|me-is-liam:
So, how good is the emulation using the Twilight Hack?

The emulation will work as well as the emulator you choose to do your bidding. I recommend visiting www.wiibrew.org for those. Currently, the emulators that are out work very efficiently because they've been based off the source of computer emulators (Snes9x is one of the subjects.) I suggest using the Homebrew Channel for repeated booting of the emulator (Which I've recommended above, BTW.)

Quote from fizzer|me-is-liam:
Would it work for a largely hacked game like SMR?

Super Metroid: Redesign? Yes. Because the Wii has close limitations to that of a PC engine, there are about as many problems in running, say, Redesign on Snes9x as there are in running Redesign on Snes9xGX (the Wii version of the popular emu.) I've played Redesign before just fine, and there were no probs. There are some other limitations; for example, unless the programmer implements these features, you cannot screenshot or record .smv's with Snes9xGX. Clear?

Quote from fizzer|me-is-liam:
Is it dangerous to my TP disk?

There are few risks to your TP disk, but they are minimal. This is because when Twilight Hack does its magic, it boots directly to an application located in the hacked save Team Twiizer created. This method, however, is harmful to your save - not because it destroys the save when it works, but because you need to place a special save in your Wii system memory just to execute the hack. Back up your save before you copy the hacksave to your Wii system memory if you want to keep your progress in game.
Ok thanks, so it doesnt actually do anything to your game, its basically a save? Ok, sounds good.
Edit history:
aigamerDS: 2008-09-16 08:26:24 pm
Quote from fizzer|me-is-liam:
could someone who has it post a video of playing that?

Well, I did played some roms on the nintendo wii but this is gamecube homebrew. Don't worry, the wii homebrew is actually better than gamecube homebrew. Why? Unlike gamecube homebrew, you could use your wii classic controller and you could load roms directly from SD card.

This video is about swapping roms between super metroid impossible and justin bailey using the same save (the wii homebrew version doesn't do this).
Well, I know that you can make the wii recognise (SP?) ROMs as VC games, but I don't know how.
So, you can get about any game on virtual console.
Hi, this seems like the most appropiate thread to ask my question:

Is there a way to play SNES games and hacks on the PS2??  If so, how and what would I need??
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Quote from BiggestSchnoz:
Hi, this seems like the most appropiate thread to ask my question:

Is there a way to play SNES games and hacks on the PS2??  If so, how and what would I need??

IIRC there *was* an SNES emu for PS2, but as I heard, the developer quit. Not sure about anything else for it.
Quote from BiggestSchnoz:
Hi, this seems like the most appropiate thread to ask my question:

Is there a way to play SNES games and hacks on the PS2??  If so, how and what would I need??

FreeMCboot is the program.....look at sksapps for the emu.  Works decently...  8-)
I wonder if SNES emulation would be possible on the DSi...
Yes, it shall. Have you seen the very similar "Can I play SM: Impossible on the DS?" thread?
Well, I meant will DSi be able to emulate SNES games any better than a DS, since it has an actual SD slot now, and a completely new OS I'm assuming. Like a PSP (I've heard) will emulate perfectly, but a DS does far from it. After more than a year I still yearn to play Redesign on handheld... or virtual console... or something... :(:(:(
Quote from fizzer|me-is-liam:
Well, I meant... Will DSi be able to emulate SNES games any better than a DS?

Oh. In that case, I have no idea. For now, though, I'm going to bank on a no because the current SNES Emu for the DS uses the Opera Browser RAM Expansion Pack for a better play experience, and that's for the GBA slot, no? Also, no matter whether or not the DSi has that built in, it still won't be able to play Redesign. We've tried, and it doesn't play. :(

BTW, Redesign is indeed playable on the Wii, through the use of SNES Emulation and an SD Card. Read above for more info on that. Wink
Bangaa Bishop
It wasn't completely clear from the site- Do you need to stay on an old version of the wii menu to use the homebrew channel?

(Is there any way to get an older version back onto the wii?)
Quote from Tahngarthor:
It wasn't completely clear from the site- Do you need to stay on an old version of the wii menu to use the homebrew channel?

(Is there any way to get an older version back onto the wii?)

I'm using my latest version and I can still install homebrew channel (including the version 3.3). Just download the latest twilight hack save (use beta , not alpha), and install the homebrew channel.