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Club 27 Goals
Ok well this originally started as me and my friend joking about switching the grass pokemon's tail with a pot leaf. After I did that, I decided to go a bit further due to boredom and this is the final product(s).

Rate/hate, let me know what you like/dislike.
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BioSpark: 2010-05-16 02:41:05 pm
very nice. smokémon ftw.

Arrow Arrow Arrow Exclamation
red chamber dream
i always thought it looked more high than smug. awesome.
Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow
Quote from BioSpark:
very nice. smokémon ftw.

Was smokemon ever posted here?  I don't think it was.
Club 27 Goals
I googled smokemon, and this was one of the first few things that came up:


It hurts my eyes D:
red chamber dream
not quite.
Club 27 Goals
oh, lol. I think my favorite was Hash xD