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--Lawrence of Arrakis--
This is sort of an announcement for all of those who are making a hack of Super Metroid, though of course anyone is free to read. It seems that Nintendo built 1/3 and 3/1 slopes into Super Metroid and never used them in the actual game. By 1/3, I mean the ratio of rise to run. You know, slope, the coefficient of x in all of those linear function graphs from high school algebra.

Anyway, there are no tilesets in the game that take this into account, and I didn't have enough time tonight to draw or rip any to pretty this up, so here's a demonstration (I made this before I was sure there was the inverse slope in there.)

There are also hump or spike shaped slopes that Nintendo built and never used.

Another less important thing to note: BTS values: "#04, #44, #84, and #B4" seem to act just like solid blocks. Though they may seem to have no more effect than a solid block, they are still different. (ie: somebody could take advantage of this when doing some coding. :D)

This is what the BTS sheet might look like in the next release of SMILE. I just figured I'd make this and show it to you guys, now you know about the flatter/steeper slopes if you are the type to make tilesets. I'm thinking of taking advantage of this in a Martian sort of desert I'm thinking of.

...on a related note, I'm working on a slippery ground ASM hack for public release. This will hopefully be done by the end of the week. After I finish that, I'm thinking of making add-on modules for the boostball hack, including things like a block breaking effect, a ramp that would allow Samus to catch lots of air, and some sort of implementation of a half-pipe system (which will likely turn out as hackish as crap). Aaaaafter that, I'll get back to work on my own hack.

PS: Midterms are imminent, that surprised the shit out of me.
Thread title: 
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
ohh sweet. I never knew about the BTS things. Do you know if there is a one-way BTS? similar to the square block with the arrow, except sideways. (guess I could just check all the BTS).

For the boostball modules, would they contain the whole boostball patch as well as the upgrades, or would they be just add-ons, so they won't do anything without boostball. I'd prefer it with the add-on way, because then people can choose which features they want.

SLIPPERY GROUND!!!! Your work always amazes me.
I wonder if Acheron would use slippery tiles in Aegis when you finish them  aiwebs_008
Break the chains!
Quote from Sneaky Paradox:
I wonder if Acheron would use slippery tiles in Aegis when you finish them  aiwebs_008

I would think so. aiwebs_008
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from DSDrew7:
Quote from Sneaky Paradox:
I wonder if Acheron would use slippery tiles in Aegis when you finish them  aiwebs_008

I would think so. aiwebs_008

I'm not an expert. But that would not be a smart move. The snow area is already designed with out slippery in mind.
It would be more work, time, and testing to get it in.

It's about time and effort! =P

.                    __
Insom: Do the /  \ scroll type move you on top after the rise? The slopes for example needs the box in order for you to get on top.
Nice find.

What's the difference between the green and yellow versions in your proposed BTS sheet?
Quote from Sneaky Paradox:
I wonder if Acheron would use slippery tiles in Aegis when you finish them  aiwebs_008
Archeon was actually trying to get such tiles in Aegis when I first met him, but he gave up before he joined here.
Quote from uNsane:
Quote from Sneaky Paradox:
I wonder if Acheron would use slippery tiles in Aegis when you finish them  aiwebs_008
Archeon was actually trying to get such tiles in Aegis when I first met him, but he gave up before he joined here.
oh shit. another month of waiting for aegis. Rolling Eyes

Awesome find insom! keep up the good work!
Super Metroid Addict
It would be great if nintendo used them... I dunno why they actually abandoned the idea
I'm hoping Acheron86 does use this.  This is a good cool find and in my opinion a game that has snow in it should have slippery slopes.  8-)
Edit history:
DSDrew7: 2008-10-08 11:30:53 pm
Break the chains!
Quote from Crys:
Quote from DSDrew7:
Quote from Sneaky Paradox:
I wonder if Acheron would use slippery tiles in Aegis when you finish them  aiwebs_008

I would think so. aiwebs_008

I'm not an expert. But that would not be a smart move.

Matter of opinion. Personally I think it might make it more pristine pure than what it might be.
Either I'm misunderstanding or you need to learn what pristine means.

So are these different slope types available to us hackers just by changing BTS values? And I suspect they aren't because they would probably be in SMILE...

So is it like, the code for them are in the game, but they aren't assigned to any values?

And I personally hope that Acheron does not use slippery ground in his hack since it wasn't intended originally. Physics changes shouldn't be included just because "they're cool", it needs to add something to the game too. If it's on ice it makes sense though so maybe it wouldn't be so bad...

Damn, that hack is mentioned in just about every thread it seems. Such pressure, it must feel kinda strange.
Quote from SleepingSeaweed:
So are these different slope types available to us hackers just by changing BTS values? And I suspect they aren't because they would probably be in SMILE...

So is it like, the code for them are in the game, but they aren't assigned to any values?

Just change the BTS. All you have to do is drag the red circles that correspond to the slopes in the pic he made. The probable reason they aren't in SMILE yet is because, as Insom said, the developers never used those values, so Jathys wouldn't find them by looking around in the original Super Metroid.
Devonodev: Other D
this is a great find!
had anybody discovered this before?

i also look foward you to trying to make a ramp for the boost ball :)
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Quote from devonodev:
had anybody discovered this before?

[quote author=#jzd chat log]
[15:42] <@Kejardon> Half of the red circles shown in SMILE are actually usable slopes
[15:43] <Green-Kirby> ..
[15:43] <Green-Kirby> they are?
[15:43] <@Kejardon> They look like it from the data in the game
[16:10] * Kejardon sets topic to: Join the MoonEdit Server for Editors! "" using port "6918". Use the password "adam" to access the FZF collaboration file! | In other news, TSA Construction sucks! | Hey Jathys, how about loading slopes directly from the game and making them editable? x(y) @ 94892B, y(x) @ 948B2B
[16:13] <@Kejardon> hmm. The upside down v and V don't look like they'd actually work right
[16:15] <@Kejardon> and the steps look like they're slightly wrong
[16:20] <@Kejardon> many of the slopes do too. Including one that's commonly used in the game... -_-
[16:21] <@Kejardon> maybe only the y(x) is used
[15:37] ->> Topic set by Kejardon on 11/3/2007 3:10:33 PM
Unfortunately, nobody listens to me. :<
I never got around to actually testing any of this though. So I don't know if you can edit it and have it work fine or not.

[15:44] <@Kejardon> Why is my spelling getting worse as I get older? :/
[15:45] <BlackTelomeres> the internet does it
[15:45] <BlackTelomeres> explosure to internet causes brain damage
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
You need to tell more people than GK next time! S/he has memory issues, probably due to the whole split personality thing. I I know I wasn't around for that one, anyway.

Lord, you probably know so many cool things about Super Metroid, if only someone would write them all down.
[15:44] <@Kejardon> Why is my spelling getting worse as I get older? :/
[15:45] <BlackTelomeres> the internet does it
[15:45] <BlackTelomeres> explosure to internet causes brain damage

Wow, I don't even remember saying that. Proof the Internet is damaging my brain as we speak.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Finished off the slopes for ya

Could you explain what all the new ones do? Some are obvious, but those that are composed of multiple parallel lines intrigue me.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Well, the last one on the top row is a top only block, meaning you can walk through it, but you can't fall through it (acts as a ceiling when upside down). The first one on the second row is an up-boost block, it instantly zips you to the top of the block when you touch it; the ones following it are the same, except you can't go through the sides when upside down. The first ones on the third row are weird ones, I advise you experiment with them, you can land anywhere inside the blocks, and you fall the frame after you land on it

EDIT: Page break, here's the pic again
Thanks much; now if we only knew what the yellow versions were for...
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
The yellow versions do nothing different. Green has an unused bit off, Yellow has that unused bit on. That one bit is completely ignored AFAIK.
Might there be any block that enemies can pass through but Samus can not? Not like the enemy breakable block that goes away after the enemy has touched it, I'm talking about one that will stay. There's a block that Samus can pass through but not enemies, but I can't seem to find one with the opposite effect. Was testing a lot of different BTS values on different block types a while ago without being able to find one, maybe someone here can give me a straight answer?
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
As far as I know there aren't any blocks, but the shutter enemies work for that. Enemies can walk through shutters, but Samus can't.