working on this tas [...] makes me feel like a hypocrite in so many ways.
how so?
Largely in my professed disdain for playing games on emulators (though, I suppose holding a button and clicking off four frames isn't really "playing" now, is it? :P) and tool-assisted even feels kind of like cheating my childhood...this was by far my favorite of the video games we had (all three pc games, and a bunch of atari vcs crap, with a few good games) and...I don't really know. I felt weird expressing hatred for them and then going over there, and coming back here where I still don't know what the general thought about tas-es is...
Quote from Yoshi348:
And I guess, Spine Shark, if you've drifited out of Metroid or something, it can't really be helped, but... I'm having trouble feeling out how much of this is tas issues and how much is just mundane forum issues. (the inevitable decline in a forum's quality as time goes on, members moving on to different interests...) Basically, I don't like feel like I should have done something but didn't... and I know that while I can't really do much about the latter, I might feel like I was let down on my responisibilities in the former, depending on how the issue is.
Heh, I guess words don't always express feelings very well...I've really started to feel better about my TAS since I said something about it, but the forum has died a little for me between some of the people coming and going, and Hunters, which, while I'm sure is really great and everything, leaves some people out (maybe I'm the only one though)...Honestly, the not playing Metroid doesn't seem like such a big deal, since I've already spent a bunch of time here without it anyway, and I doubt I'd have anything different to say even if I was playing...
Really, I'm just angry with myself for coming here so much just to make absurd, repetitive jokes about everything...
Quote from In the social topic, Random Zelda Person:
You would think someone with a relatively high post count (such as myself) had contributed something, but I do not think I ever really have. Generally my posts are just 1-3 sentences long and have no particular use, unless it is a post in which I am helping someone else with a game or something, since stating facts is a lot easier for me than coming up with anything interesting to say.
and I thought, OMG THAT'S ME! Except I have like twice as many posts/day than he does... :(
Quote from Zeke:
I'm not usually the guy saying "Why can't we all just get along," because it's seldom that simple. It's not my place to judge either side here. But this thread has really brought home to me how sad it is that a community as creative as m2k2 keeps sabotaging itself. My mouth was wide open the entire time I watched Ekarderif's vid (and for some time afterwards). This is huge. It's the sort of innovation that drew me to this community in the first place, and that might never have been found without it. And I just find it so deeply depressing that this thread is more about the Nate/Ekarderif conflict than about the biggest thing to be found in Fusion since 0%.
Yeah, I'm sorry, since it seems like that was a lot my fault, but despite the awesomeness and absurdity, the wall jump doesn't seem to have much potential for anything but a novelty. Of course, I don't know jack about Fusion, and this breaks one of the few things that I "knew" about it, so maybe. It's hard (at least for me) to say much beyond, "we still love you, ekarderif!"
Quote from Yoshi348:
You know, I always found this post by Zeke rather important during those rough times...
It's funny you should say that, because I was basically just venting some anger. It was a pessimistic post, and while I stand by it, it's not the whole story. The flip side is that clearly there is something of value in these online communities, or we wouldn't devote so much time to them. You let your guard down, you get screwed -- but if you never let it down, what's the point?
Well, the whole thing about being able to choose your friends online sorta (I think this word applies both to the phrase before it and after it) is why it's so great. All my friends at school who play video games play Halo, and it's like I can never talk to them about anything video game related...I only know one person who does origami, and I don't feel a strong social connection to other musicians...I feel like this is the only place where I can really talk about whatever I want, and really, between everybody, it amazes me how much we know...I don't want to go, but I don't want to stay just to make jokes like:
"Optimism isn't the way to happiness in life, because you'll always be disappointed when things go wrong"
Yeah, I'm sorry, since it seems like that was a lot my fault, but despite the awesomeness and absurdity, the wall jump doesn't seem to have much potential for anything but a novelty.
This is "Metroid Fusion" though, the declared "unsequencebreakable Metroid game". A novelity which was not intented by Nintendo sticks out quite much here. At least I think that is a factor.
Also,forget what I said about the "Yakuza skip". The emergency power afterwards doen't work. A movie would still be cool though. So would be one of getting to Nettori early. I think you can get the Power Bomb in the room where you have to single walljump aswell. And what happens if you walljump up the room with BOX 1?
Really, I'm just angry with myself for coming here so much just to make absurd, repetitive jokes about everything...
Quote from In the social topic, Random Zelda Person:
You would think someone with a relatively high post count (such as myself) had contributed something, but I do not think I ever really have. Generally my posts are just 1-3 sentences long and have no particular use, unless it is a post in which I am helping someone else with a game or something, since stating facts is a lot easier for me than coming up with anything interesting to say.
and I thought, OMG THAT'S ME! Except I have like twice as many posts/day than he does... :(
That's nothing to feel bad about. That's just what we do. And I'm pretty certain I do that a lot more than you, and I've been doing it for almost 2 years.
No, I didn't give up on the community. People should stop assuming that.
[]Fun with wall jumping[/url] []Little problem with doors[/url] []Oops... run away![/url] []What item is that? I have no clue! I can't read! Maybe level 1 hatches?[/url] []Spawn camping[/url] []Stupid room state[/url]
acctually absolutely ANY status where you don't have space jump (or plasma beam 'cause he's not there) it will say security door 1 open enjoy you can do it again and again to your hearts content
Nettori 5 is intersting imo. Is it possible to go to Yakuza afterwards? (It is afaik possible to get behind all the one-way-gates in the "Nettori is dead" room state) What happens if you get the next item(say Hi-Jump)? Will that be another "level 1 unlocked"? Can you escape BOX 1 while fighting? What is the computer saying after you fight Nettori?
escape box=PYR trap (see avatar for how i know) skip a boss or miss a sa-x escape="target eradicated" hi-jump=
Quote from I:
acctually absolutely ANY status where you don't have space jump (or plasma beam 'cause he's not there) it will say security door 1 open enjoy you can do it again and again to your hearts content
early yakuza=i don't think it's there, need confirmation EDIT:NO you cannot get to yakuza see vbm and yakuza has the same power up just to let you know
Hey, Spine Shark, you know how many Metroid games I've completed since joining this forum?
Neither do I. I think maybe one or two playthroughs of SM and possibly one each of ZM and Fusion, tops. In the past year and a half.
If our post counts were still visible I could more easily make some humorous comment about the number of posts divided by game completions, but it's too much of a hassle to look it up.
It's a very fortunate thing that massive playing of the Metroid series is not actually required for forum membership. In fact, wisecrackery is probably more important in at least some regard, especially in situations which let you make up words like "wisecrackery". Don't confuse the common grounds for a group to form for the purpose of the group itself. That's why the boards are so helpfully divided between Metroid games and more general topics. Indeed, that divided structure is what allows Ekarderif to post work on Fusion while maintaining his choice to withdraw from the social aspect (although like others I too wish he would reconsider this). It doesn't sound like he's planning on extending that to finish his 9% Hard, though. :(
Or, to put it another way, it seems an odd bit of self-punishment to withdraw from a community because you've decided to pursue an effort which makes you feel you're betraying your childhood. Though I don't know if you still feel that way.
To be marginally on the original point of this topic, I look forward to watching all this when I get home. I love seeing cool bits even if I'm a permanent spectator.
Indeed, that divided structure is what allows Ekarderif to post work on Fusion while maintaining his choice to withdraw from the social aspect (although like others I too wish he would reconsider this).
He didn't withdraw from the social aspect. He withdrew from Nate.
To build on what Chanoire said, I suck at games with the exception of SSBM, which I'm only barely good enough at to say that I don't suck. I've never beaten Metroid Prime, Echoes, Super Metroid, Metroid (without cheating, anyway) and that doesn't stop me from posting. Furthermore, it's pretty much no secret that nate and I disagree viciously on the subject of emulated runs. Doesn't stop us from maintaining common ground. It's all about perspective.
I doubt Eka's reading this thread, but incredible find, man.
I doubt Eka's reading this thread, but incredible find, man.
I bet he is, and I second that. Additionally, Spine Shark, you don't have to be here because you've beaten all the Metroid games or are some superby awesome player. The only Metroid game I'm fairly good at is Prime: I am horrible at all the 2D games and Echoes. I can openly say that I am more here for my moderating duties and social aspects, especially when talking to people like Saber about the awesome shit we talk about. But even I can appreciate a discovery such as this, so great find, Ek.
Same goes for me in reverse. I'm awesome at the 2D games (if not champion-level), but nothing special at the 3D ones. I love both Primes, but thinking in 3D doesn't come easily to me the way it does to some people here; I've never even managed a ghetto jump, let alone SJF. So I'll be one more voice in the "no expertise required" chorus.
Ekar: I don't think it was an unreasonable guess that you were quitting the community, what with "it will never again be a social call." But I'm glad you're not.
I think it has a lot to do with what you gre up playing - I grew up during the SNES era as a younger kid, but I mostly played my N64, which has always been the system I've liked best; therefore, naturally, I tend to gravitate more toward 3D games now then anything else.