This map is an attempt to show all relevant detail like blue doors, red doors, missles, E tanks, items, and bosses without being cluttered by any extra detail. It's a good idea to get an overview of the game without having to look at a screenshot map.
Not noted on this are areas where you're supposed to bomb or shoot through the wall, floor, or ceiling. You just do that on your own when you get to an obstruction that shouldn't be there according to this map. The starting location is the long hall below "Mother Brain."

Edit: I forgot to write in Morph Ball. I'll assume everybody can find it.
Not noted on this are areas where you're supposed to bomb or shoot through the wall, floor, or ceiling. You just do that on your own when you get to an obstruction that shouldn't be there according to this map. The starting location is the long hall below "Mother Brain."

Edit: I forgot to write in Morph Ball. I'll assume everybody can find it.
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