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Ready and willing.
You also asked about the blue suit... I have no first hand experience, but basically, you kill the underwater boss in maridia with a jump while at full speed-boost run. There's juuuuuuust enough room to do it if you utilize the oddity that getting to that point takes less room if you press run just AFTER you start moving. What happens is, due to handling the alternate way of killing that boss, the first thing that happens is that Samus is set to "standing". However, Samus is not unset in "boosting". So, what happens is, your suit is all crazy, and anybody you touch is killed like you were boosting through them. The only time it stops is A) turning off the game, B) Shinesparking, C) starting to sink in quicksand, and D) maybe something else I forgot.

Using this lets you skip ice beam, I believe.
Cook of the Sea
I think a straight port is all that's needed here, with just a tweak to the controls to accomodate the GBA's two action buttons.  It could easily be done (Do away with the run button and second diagonal aim button, have auto-run at all times except with te X-ray Visor, then it would be auto-walk.  The Crystal Flash would have to be tweaked because it took seperate diagonal aim buttons) but past that I don't think they should touch it.  I haven't played III, but I know that the SNES was the best system they ever made, at least as far as the Nintendo Franchises are concerned.  I still consider Yoshi's island to be the best platformer in history, at least the best Mario, and Link to the Past, while i've finally admitted that Zelda64 was better, was amazing.  They managed to port both of those games and only change some of the really annoying trivial stuff, like adding door-saves and letting you keep the shovel forever and letting you dig in all directions with it, and they remained intact.  I'm willing to give III the benefit pof the doubt, ad say that they shouldn't touch it.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from Saber in Blue:
letting you keep the shovel forever and letting you dig in all directions with it

Wait, wha? How did it work in the original?
Quote from Toozin:
Quote from Saber in Blue:
letting you keep the shovel forever and letting you dig in all directions with it

Wait, wha? How did it work in the original?

In the original, once you dug up the flute it replaced the shovel. Also, if I remember correctly, you could only shovel "down", but in the GBA version you can shovel "up" as well.

Not only did they manage to give the shovel it's own space in the inventory, but each bottle gets a space too instead of all having to share oone space. I'm quite impressed that they managed to somehow make four more inventory spaces.
I think there should only be 2 things changed

1. a easy way to get you missels and super and grapple I hate pushing the select button.

2. the bullet from your gun should be a little widder and you should be able to shoot as fast as you can press the button like in fusion,zm,and prime those had guns that fired fast and were responsive the gun in sm just felt a lttle wrong to me, perhaps I am just to used to being able to fire like the wind at space pirates
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Quote from Light of Day:
Also, if I remember correctly, you could only shovel "down", but in the GBA version you can shovel "up" as well.

Just a small nitpick, but you could only shovel to the sides in the original LttP.
Quote from Yoshi348:
You also asked about the blue suit... I have no first hand experience, but basically, you kill the underwater boss in maridia with a jump while at full speed-boost run. There's juuuuuuust enough room to do it if you utilize the oddity that getting to that point takes less room if you press run just AFTER you start moving. What happens is, due to handling the alternate way of killing that boss, the first thing that happens is that Samus is set to "standing". However, Samus is not unset in "boosting". So, what happens is, your suit is all crazy, and anybody you touch is killed like you were boosting through them. The only time it stops is A) turning off the game, B) Shinesparking, C) starting to sink in quicksand, and D) maybe something else I forgot.

Using this lets you skip ice beam, I believe.

There's actually not enough room, so you have to get hit by his slowing-goo to have enough time to accelerate to speed boost. And it also stops if you press the Run button.
Another thing to change: Get rid of the "item jingle" whenever you pick up a tank. That really pisses me off after a while.
Quote from MetalRidley:
Another thing to change: Get rid of the "item jingle" whenever you pick up a tank. That really pisses me off after a while.

you can't have a metroid game without the sound after every single upgrade you pick up, then as everyone knows, the upgrades would be worthless!

you think people pick up the upgrades to actually power up samus?
NO! Its because of the beautiful sound that comes with the upgrade! 

right here is where i would have a "tank.wav" file constantly playing, but im too lazy to do that.
Well, you do what you want, but all I know is that I had to turn off my speakers watching smokey's 0:58 each time he grabbed something. If only the jingle wasn't so tinny...

*notices sarcasm*Hee hee.  Wink

EDIT: One other thing: Drop Ridley's battle music for the escape sequences. Take ZM's cue and have dedicated escape music. I know I'm just nitpicking here but these are little things that get in the way of fully enjoying the game. I do want an SM remake that's largely unchanged.
Playing super mertoid on my GBA has always been a dream of mine.
Ready and willing.
Gah! I was thinking of something that would be SOOOO cool as an extra option or mode or something, but I can't remember it anymore. GRAG!.
One idea for a beaten-the-game feature is a "gallery" of your best times and percents... I kinda missed it in MZM.
The gallery of pics in MZM was pretty sweet, though.
Quote from Sonuna Hydris:
One idea for a beaten-the-game feature is a "gallery" of your best times and percents... I kinda missed it in MZM.

Yeah.  Maybe there could be a top 10 type thingy for times, so you wouldn't always have to write them down.
Here's some food for thought:

If you have auto-run, that removes the ability to accelerate faster by starting your run after you star moving.
Which, I believe, makes the Blue Suit glitgh now impossible.

Quote from professor_scissors:
Here's some food for thought:

If you have auto-run, that removes the ability to accelerate faster by starting your run after you star moving.
Which, I believe, makes the Blue Suit glitgh now impossible.


Now that wouldn't be very fun. :|
That leaves an interesting question, though: In light of sites like m2k2, do you think nintendo would keep in the classic glitches, like the mockball or crystal flash making you kneel, in a remade SM? It'd be pretty nice of them to still allow a NBMB for players.
I'd like a super metroid remake, only a bit though, like better sprites for some bosses ie kraid, mother brain final form and a non scrunched up ridley, make difficulty settings that are very hard, but it could not be on gameboy too little buttons. 

if it could be on mp2 however though I wouldn't care about any changes.
Quote from MetalRidley:
That leaves an interesting question, though: In light of sites like m2k2, do you think nintendo would keep in the classic glitches, like the mockball or crystal flash making you kneel, in a remade SM? It'd be pretty nice of them to still allow a NBMB for players.

My guess would be a big no.
What are you waiting for then? Sign up to as many email accounts as you can, and send an email from each one, urging nintendo to keep the mockball. There's no time to lose!
In a remake, the world might be changed a bit too, so previous glitches might not be of any use any more.
Here's how I see it.

Metroid 3 is great.  It's not flawless, but it's very close.

The whole "missile/super/power/grapple/xray" button sucked
The run button sucked (I had it down 98% of the time.  The 2% was when I ran out of fingers due to crap controls)
Mother Brain was ugly as shit :)

Those things are easy to fix, but what I'd really like to see is the EAXCT SAME GAME (+fixes) done on the Cube with 3d graphics (I repeat, 2d gameplay.  exact same game)

It's not that I dislike the SNES and its GFX, but a GBA port wouldn't enhance a damned thing.  Metroid 1 to ZM was good.  Metroid 3 to GBA?  I wouldn't pay for it.  It's the same thing.

Do the 3d graphics thing and I'd pay out the arse for it.

(yeah, sure, dedicated escape music.  crap like that.  why not?)
They should definitley port it with better graphics(MZM style),and with one button to change from Missile to Super M. to PB to Grapple to X-ray. Just tap the R button 1,2,3,4,or 5 times to activate it. Then hold R,and press b to fire away(or grapple,scan,whatever). Much simpler. I don't have the game,but a Port on GBA SP or even DS(I highly doubt it,though) would hold up fine like hamburgers and fries.
Quote from =Prime Killer=:
They should definitley port it with better graphics(MZM style),and with one button to change from Missile to Super M. to PB to Grapple to X-ray. Just tap the R button 1,2,3,4,or 5 times to activate it. Then hold R,and press b to fire away(or grapple,scan,whatever). Much simpler. .

No. That system (picking from a list) is one of the things I find most awkward about SM's control. (Plus, to require holding before firing would suck for speed runners.) Here's a better idea: Eliminate the need to select them during gameplay. First off is power bombs, which are easy to eliminate with the modern method.

Second is X-ray. My idea is to switch it on/off from the start menu. Time doesn't stop when it's on, firing is possible, and the scope beam follows your gun position (i.e., press L and it shifts to 45 degrees). This also seems to be better gameplay-wise, as it means you need to clear the room of enemies before using it, or risk not seeing them.

Grapple is a tricky one. I'd say get rid of it, but it's a fairly important part of SM. I honestly can't think of a way to make its use quick and convenient with the GBA's six buttons.

So I'm down to three select choices to scroll through with the MZM control scheme. Not great, but certainly better than five. I could deal with that.