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What should the focus of commentary be?
Entertainment! Commentary is Segment's witty sidekick. (8)
Explaination! I want to know what you knew while making the segment. (1)
Split it right down the middle. They're both equally important. (20)
My cat's breath smells like catfood (5)

Well I finally caught up on the commentary.  That sure feels nice to have done with.  Let's see if I can stay that way  8)

Anyhow, I was reading over the various installments new and old, and I think I noticed a trend away from humor and toward explanation in the latter batch.

Not intentional of course, but yeah, it led me to wonder if it was better that way or worse.

Information is good of course.  But people had probably come to expect a certain level of joy in reading them, too.

So I suppose the only way to know is to ask the peoples.  Where do you think the emphasis should lie?  I want to make it what you guys want, after all.
Thread title: 
I'll be sure to read them... I wonder how many people fully digested all the commentary on my 1:37?  I never got any comments about how it could have been done better... except Nate correcting grammar and spelling  Rolling Eyes
Healthy blend of both.  The latter seemed to be more "informative" due to there simply being more to have to be explained, so it's easy to see why the humor would be missing a bit to get the proper point across. 

I think you've managed a pretty good combo of both for the duration, really, so no complaints from me.  So, I say stick with the way you're doing it now, because I think it's a happy medium.  Entertaining and informative!

My cat's breath smells like oatmeal :x
Quote from Radix:
I'll be sure to read them... I wonder how many people fully digested all the commentary on my 1:37?  I never got any comments about how it could have been done better... except Nate correcting grammar and spelling  Rolling Eyes

I never knew you finished the commentary. I guess I'll go read that now.

And split it down the middle, Sess.
Humor is always a nice touch but objective facts are the core of any commentary.

Still, it's all about having fun and I suppose a little humor reflects that.  Nobody wants to read something that drones on and on, spewing facts and observations without pause.  Under those conditions, a commentary would turn into something more like a textbook and textbooks are boring and put me to sleep.
Ready and willing.
Aye, since this is a "technical demonstration", it's important to get your point across, but a little humor goes a long way.
Quote from Radix:
I'll be sure to read them... I wonder how many people fully digested all the commentary on my 1:37?  I never got any comments about how it could have been done better... except Nate correcting grammar and spelling

you forgot the period.
Bwahahahaha!!! XD
It's gotta be bowf! YOU HEARD ME! BOWF!
Both would be the best.
Quote from njahnke:
Quote from Radix:
I'll be sure to read them... I wonder how many people fully digested all the commentary on my 1:37?  I never got any comments about how it could have been done better... except Nate correcting grammar and spelling

you forgot the period.

I'd read the commentary if it was either, but I prefer both.
Quote from Sarah:
Bwahahahaha!!! XD

Quote from The Last Metroid:

hey, i have to get back at him somehow. he had beaten the crap out of me by the end of our 100% runs.
I'd prefer it to be more witty than explanatory. After all, the segments explain themselves just by watching them. :P

Make it funny, dammit. :D
Well, so far we've got... 9 votes for split it, 4 votes for humor, and 3 people with cats.

Alright then, I'll emphasize humor a bit over explaining, but still keep a healthy dose of both when I write the commentary for 16 and 17

I hope no one minds if I release them in pairs like I used to at MHQ.  I finished 16 and if I'm lucky I may finish 17 today, then write the commentary the next day and have it all up.  Seems a shame to make a news post for measily 16 (believe me, it ain't worth it).
I don't think people would mind if you released 5 or 6 at a time :P  The more the merrier, so in pairs is fine.
Release them as and when you want. If we could stand the wait for 15, I think we can cope with waiting an extra few dates for each update, especially with the promise of two at once.

Just out of interest, how many segments will there be when you've finished?
Wow, you guys are accomodating!  Alrighty then.

How many segments eh?  Hmmmm.... you know I'm not sure.  I kind of decide as I go, like how I decided part 13 would be its own segment only after getting there, because only then did I know how darn tough it was going to be.

Lemme see, 16 is rescuing the greenies, 17 is power bombs, 18 is going to the ship, 19 yakuza, 20 nettori, uh... what comes after nettori... 21 going to nightmare, 22 nightmare, then box and ridley and the end, those might be 4 or 5 or something, I'm going to say somewhere around 27.  Give or take a few.  Again though, I have no idea what kinds of tricks are going to be in those segments cause I haven't thought of them yet.  There could be plenty that's hard enough to require extra saves stuffed in there.
I just wanna see you dispose of Nightmare in an "expertly" fashion.  HATE HATE HATE Nightmare so much, so seeing him schooled over and over will make the world right as I drown everything out in maniacal laughter :D
So around 17 still to go. Cool, that's still quite a lot.

Quote from Sarah:
I just wanna see you dispose of Nightmare in an "expertly" fashion.  HATE HATE HATE Nightmare so much, so seeing him schooled over and over will make the world right as I drown everything out in maniacal laughter :D

Seeing Nightmare schooled will be fun, but I'm waiting for Yakuza na dthe SA-X chase just after it. I found Yakuza an incredibly tough fight, it creamed me five times before I finally beat it, and even then I got lucky. To have such a bad SA-X chase just after, I nearly cried. I think I back-tracked all the way to the ship to refill on energy and missiles before I managed to get past the SA-X, and even when I did I used about 40 missiles on it. Sure, I don't find either that tough now, but seeing them handled Sess style will be most satisfying none the less.
Quote from Sarah:
I just wanna see you dispose of Nightmare in an "expertly" fashion.  HATE HATE HATE Nightmare so much, so seeing him schooled over and over will make the world right as I drown everything out in maniacal laughter :D

*agrees*  Nightmare was the biggest pain for me in fusion as well

Also, a question for Sess:
  I'm assuming that your 'no hit' policy will not include the hit from Omega Metroid to get your health down to 1  Wink
indeed, I forgot about that when I said it'd be no-hit, obviously that'll be allowed  :P
Q: That gate needs to lose some weight.

rotflmao  Laughing
Samus Lauren
Definately both for me. Why not make it funny AND informative?! We need a good laugh through these sometimes stressful games, and if its funny(but still informative), people will wanna play the game again to read the funny crap again! It gives a whole new meaning to replay value...
Ready and willing.
Quote from Cantonbags04:
Definately both for me. Why not make it funny AND informative?! We need a good laugh through these sometimes stressful games, and if its funny(but still informative), people will wanna play the game again to read the funny crap again! It gives a whole new meaning to replay value...

Erm, we're talking about Sess' run commentary here, and it sounds like you're talking about actual in-game dialogue.

(You LOVE M&L:SS, don't you... heh.)