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Not sure if this is possible, but I actually did it once.
I just posted this because I wanted to be sure, if anyone else here has done it.
I made a shinespark, and just at the exact second as I blasted to the left, a ki-hunter hit me. Samus was in the "Omfg I'm dying" state, but the shinespark sound was playing at the background, as Samus flew through the screen. But as I was unconcious and thought that it was just a bug, I pressed F1 and returned to my last save state.
Haven't been able to reproduce it, though.

Anyone else made it, or am I just seeing things?
Thread title: 
could probably be duplicated by d.fangs or someone experienced with re-recording.
I probably could, but I'm not quite sure what happens.

You try to shinespark but get hit by a kihunter and ... die? or do you just get hit? And then the shinespark swoosh sound thingie plays even though you never shineparked?

EDIT: Right, heh, topic title cleared things up. But if you could clarify things a bit. Was the ki-hunter flying or not? Were you trying to shinespark towards or away from it? How did it hit you? (Stinger out, spit or just contact) and what room was this done in?
Look, witty text!
My guess is that the game was told Samus was dead; then it was told that the Speed Booster charge-up time had elapsed, before it could hand control of all the graphics and sound to the death sequence.  Given the fact that the Speed Booster behaves rather differently from other game actions, it's quite possible that the graphics and sound for it behave differently as well; that could explain why the bells and whistles keep going, despite the subsequently-progressing death sequence.

I imagine it's also something the programmers would have known was possible, but ignored because of the extremely small time window that such a thing could possibly occur in.

I'm no coding master or anything, though, so...
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Well, is there anything to suggest that it was a ki-hunter specifically that can cause it? Or that it was the ROM's error and not the emulator's? Even if it's replicable on emu, will it necessarily ever work on the console?
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
hm i never heard of that.

something similar that comes to mind is the Boost Ball charging sound playing while the portal cutscene plays in MP2.

btw, what is a ki-hunter? i'm very n00b about most of the regular enemies in 2D Metroids
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
large fly creatures that throw up on you. The flying ones lose their wings if they're weakened enough.
I don't think it has to be a ki-hunter specifically, but I tried doing it against some random enemies and couldn't get it to wok, so I'd rather try replicating it as close as possible to how he did it.