Glad you folk are finding the commentary informative and all. I was a bit worried that I was getting to complicated and obscure with my commentaries. I'm trying to give the reader the same understanding I had of the rooms and enemies, which is hard to do with words, in fact I'm taking a break from writing part 13 commentary right now, which is going to be all kinds of long and complicated, cause not only do I need to explain what I did, I also need to explain what I DIDN'T do, but WOULD have done if the puffers had been in different positions.
I'm sure glad I made 13 it's own segment :P
Oh and thanks for the haiku, swordsman. Sesshoumaru is actually 6 syllables if pronounced correctly, 4 if americanized, but people just usually call me Sess, which is one, so feel free to use that
Well anyhow, thanks everyone for the well reception. I probably owe a bit of an explanation for why it took me so long.
Well first off I stopped going to the #metroid chat room, so I wasn't really being pressured from anywhere to complete more segments. I tend to have problems finishing things wihtout proper motivation :?
Secondly part 15 was really really really really... uh, hard. I'll cover that in my commentary.
Number 3, well actually my favorite part of these fusion segments was the boss fights. And after Mega X there weren't any for a while, not until Yakuza. I mention that in the part 12 commentary. So there also was some motivation lost to keep going.
Fouth was, I don't usually record runs and there's a reason: I, uh, don't really feel the need to, I suppose. It's hard to explain, but the only reason I started this run was for the site (then MHQ, before we merged with nate) so people would have a reason to come back and the site would become popular. Well obviously this site, with it's 180 member forum, is plenty popular, so I really have no reason to keep going other than just... to finish. Which I'll do, don't worry. But there was incentive lost in that respect after the merger.
Fifth was I got a tad burned out on the game. See in the time I was doing parts 1 through 14, I was effectively doing hours upon hours of fusion a day almost every day for about two months. I love fusion, love it to death, but yeah, that's a lot of playing. And that was after already beating the game every which way on the cart. My other games needed 'tending to.
And they got 'tended to. All my beloved nintendo-brand games got a ton of progress made on them once I stopped with fusion. It's getting SERIOUSLY hard to keep up with Nintendo, they keep... RELEASING things. It's madness! I still haven't even picked up mario party 5 and Pokémon colloseum comes out in a month, but I ought to have the run finsihed by then. Knock on wood.
But yeah, glad you're liking it. I'm finally back on the run and now that PYR is out of the way, it should be all downhill until nightmare, who I will probably enjoy, as I love boss fights (that AREN'T RANDOM, grumble grumble giant plant)
Guess that about covers it. Stay tuned and all that. Pip pip.
*suddenly remembers to start watching sess's runs*
*predicts he'll want to start playing fusion again* >_> <_<
I've really got to agree with sess when he says its hard to put into words the understanding of a game.... there's just so many different possiblities and situations that can come up, and you have to be able to recognize them instantly... and in many cases, you have to judge the boss's patterns so that after you dodge the first time, you can get into position to hit him quickly or to be able to easily dodge again...
*wonders what the hell he wasted his time writing that for instead of watching the movies*
... the only reason I started this run was for the site (then MHQ, before we merged with nate) so people would have a reason to come back and the site would become popular. Well obviously this site, with it's 180 member forum, is plenty popular, so I really have no reason to keep going other than just... to finish. Which I'll do, don't worry. But there was incentive lost in that respect after the merger.
have you ever considered that my site is so popular partially because of your run? :) we talked about it earlier, but yeah, before the others came along, you were one of the two main attractions.
and i'm sure every last person who saw even one segment of your run would like to see it finished.
Sess is going to get the secret convo. in the next segment or 2 right? Well, on his way back, I suggest he should do the Ice missile thing into the middle spikey ball thing. You know, the alternative way to see the convo. You can do the same thing going backward. Just stand on one the the platforms and shoot down while running.
I think that would be better than going back the way he went in.
Wow. Is it gonna be included in the time? I wann see how fast he can beat it in, but I also wanna see just how showy he can make the secret message look. I hope he records that segment and doesn't save afterwards.
Sess is going to get the secret convo. in the next segment or 2 right? Well, on his way back, I suggest he should do the Ice missile thing into the middle spikey ball thing. You know, the alternative way to see the convo. You can do the same thing going backward. Just stand on one the the platforms and shoot down while running.
I think that would be better than going back the way he went in.
Wait, since when was there an alternative way to see this convo?
Either I'm really ignorant, or I missed something...
If you continue on your way to right outside the data room in AQA, it's possible to shoot diagonally at the things blocking your way and freeze them without them inflating.
When I thought about it first, I didn't think he would get the secret message, but when I think again, it is not meant to be a speedrun. It's meant to be a showmanship run. The speed just comes as a natural bi-effect. And for show, the secret message is kind of a must. I look forward to it ^__^
I want him to show me how fast it's done without the secret message, though. Maybe I'll just subtract that time from the total. Media Player has a second hand, so yeah....
you'll have to subtract his saves, as well, if you're trying to calculate some kind of nominal time for completing the game (i'd say it's around 0:47).
I mean, like, humanly possible, like something I would do with his strategy (and perfection as well, so constant saves are a must if you like your sanity).
Oh, by the way, you can also try to reason that by keeping your sanity, you'll eventually go insane, so the most sane way to deal with that is to go insane before you get surprised by it.