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Ready and willing.
Is there any way at all that someone, somewhere can make some sort of regular movie file out of them, even if it's just a video of the movie on a computer? I really want to see it, but there's no way I'm getting an emulator... if you can't, I understand.
Thread title: 
stay tuned.
Ready and willing.
Ooookaaayyyy.... mind being a bit less cryptic?  Wink
sure. i can make you vids of sess's run you can watch. please wait while i do this and attempt to prevent the audio from getting off.
Ready and willing.
Thank you very much.
I would also like to know if there are any regular videos of the Super Metroid speed run. I can never seem to find the correct rom version to play the movie...

keep in mind that you'll need quicktime 6 to play those (can be downloaded for free at http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/ )

Ready and willing.
Ugh... QuickTime 6 Installer crashes when it tries to get to the internet. Why'd you have to use a really exclusive file format, anyway?  :(
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Complain complain.  :P
it's installed by exclusive users 300,000 times a day :P
Ready and willing.
Quote from Toozin:
Complain complain.  :P

Yeah, I just realized and was hurrying back.

My computer's a piece of turd. Ah well. Nice try.
try going back to the above page. now there are divx versions.
Ready and willing.
Quote from njahnke:
try going back to the above page. now there are divx versions.

...thanks. I probably didn't deserve it... but thanks.

EDIT: Just my luck. The video doesn't descramble. I can also try to open the mp4s with Divx player, but then I get a message saying it doesn't have an audio thingy, so I can't get audio. Maybe I should just open both at once...  :?

EDIT2: No, wait, it's working again.  Shocked

EDIT3: Now, these aren't complaints, cause I love it and all, but just things you may or may not need to work on on your quest for Divxey greatness. The audio started to lag halfway through on #1. #2 was too short for that, I think. Also, are the wonky ENERGY label and offset room fills on the mini-map the emulator's fault?
the energy label is the correct color in the mp4, so that issue would be due to the divx encoder. and yes, apparently the audio part of the free version of the encoder is a piece of garbage. you should google for info on your quicktime crash and see if you can implement a workaround.

and could you be more specific about the minimap? i couldn't see what you were talking about there.
Ready and willing.
It sounds like you can't really help it, but you know how on the mini map in the upper right, rooms you've been in are colored in pink (or green later on)? Well, those blocks of color are transposed down 1 pixel and left one pixel (or what at least looks like a pixel), but the actual walls are in the same place (when they don't get drawn over).
updated with segment 3 of sess's run. now with crappier audio!
updated with segment 4 of sess's run. now with mysteriously better audio!
Thanks a lot Nate for the videos.  I couldn't download them either.
can we say 'antecedent ambiguity' ?

now updated with segment 5! this one is even more spectacular because it takes place in one of the most difficult areas in the game. not that you would know by watching sess... :P
segment 6: giant plant posted!

check out the eight-second-savin sa-x engagin.