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I may have found a cool SB, but I don't know yet. I started a new game on hard, and after I beat the bomb gaurdian, I went to mining stations A (I think that's what it's called). I went to the top of the room where the sand is and that statue, and I did a DBJmorph onto the statue, and then another more difficult one into the little path beside it. After scanning the switch, and went back onto the statue, and then did another even harder DBJmorph onto the ledge where the door is. The next few rooms are easy, and all you have to do is kill a few pirates. I kept going and came to the command center, and that is where I am stuck. After I kill all the pirates, I can't get to the walkway where the door is. I ride the little elevator up onto one walkway, but then I need to space jump across a big gap to the walkway where I need to be. I don't have SJ, so I need to figure out another way. I have tried scan dash jumping, and no luck, and also no luck with bomb jumping across. I went all about the room looking for way to get up there, and I can't stand on the top of any terminals, but I did find something that may let us get up there.

Right beside the gap where I need to get across, there is a big gate that closes in the cutscene where you enter the room. If I am on the ground level of the room, and then  go into ball mode, I can bomb jump onto a bunch of little invisible ledges on the gate. They are all the same height  from the ground, and it's really easy to dbj into them. There is one perfectly arranged right below the second platform that I need to get on, so when I bomb jump onto that place, I can do another bomb jump, almost to the ledge, but not quite. The only bomb jump I know how to do is a dbj, so if I could do something else here that give just a little more height, I could make it. Sorry if this stuff is confusing, but if somebody could help me out with this, I would really appreciate it. I don't know if this has already been done, or what it does (I forgot the next item, lol) but we might be able to do something cool with this.
Thread title: 
lol no way
God, it seems like everyone BUT me can do that bombjump from the statue... pfft, and I'm trying a 3bj too. Speaking of which, this should give you enough air, as it gives like way more height than a sj does.
Well since this is the SB topic, I'd thought I should mention this here:
From my skimming the strat guide earlier today, there is NO WAY we can get any of the power bomb expansions without first having a powerbomb, the screw attack, or the light suit. There goes getting PBs early... (Since you need to have the spider ball during the actual PB battle...)

Edit: Forgot to mention something:
I tried to TBJ over the barrier at the Screw Attack to try adn skip the puzzle: Even with PLENTY of room above the top for the morph ball to slide through, I cannot do this (Stupid invis walls...)
Quote from ajbolt89:
God, it seems like everyone BUT me can do that bombjump from the statue... pfft, and I'm trying a 3bj too. Speaking of which, this should give you enough air, as it gives like way more height than a sj does.

Don't worry.  You're not the only one.  I can't do jack in the game period.
lol no way
Wow, nevermind, I can't even do my own trick anymore. Pfft.
Well here is a possible Sequence break, but it relies on another sequence break somehow happening:

Matt-mp2 brought this up and a few of us looked at this.

If someone can somehow find the right angles in the spinners to pull off Seekers early(no one has managed it thus far, so it may end up being like the geo spinners in prime, and thus a moot point) then it *might* be possible to get to Torvus before Amorbis.

In Agon Wastes there is a halfpipe near the Luminoth Portal room.  One side is a dark side portal, the other leads to an elevator to Torvus.  Specifically right under the temple.

The catches here are:

1) We have to have seekers early because there are seeker doors blocking that route.

2) We actually have to make it up the halfpipe without boost to the door(the ledge is about vent shaft height).

But, no sense trying to get up the pipe yet unless seekers early, or a way to open seeker doors sans seekers is found.  But if either of those happen, this should be the next place to look as it could potentially give us a back door into Torvus.
red chamber dream
I actually think that getting Seekers early would be easier than trying to get up that damn halfpipe. I've tried every kind of creative jump I ca think of, and it's a no-go. Early Seekers, on the other hand...I just think we need to give them more time. Or somehow find a way to open the Seeker doors without Seekers, but I doubt that will ever happen.
That last jump DBJmorph to get to central mining station is pretty hard, but once you do it, it's easy (at least for me, I've done it three times, and the second time was on the first try Wink ). Can one of the experts (GC04, sparky, kip, ect) try this out? In the command center, go to the big gate after you have killed all the pirates, and go the the second "crack" from the right (facing the wall). Bomb jump onto the little invisable ledge there and then try to do a tbj (I guess) from that ledge, onto the walkway. I don't really know how to do any bomb jumps besides dbj, could somebody show me? A dbj almost has enough height to get up there, but not quite. I really want to get past this room.
For one, it's a 3BJ ;). If a DBJ has almost enough height, then a 3BJ will no doubt clear it. Someone check this out? I would if I had my card, but since I don't... bananas.

Edit: Please.
Quote from Kridly:

Edit: Please.
I love the edit... :P
Lay bombs 1 and 2 as usual. Bombs 3 and 4 must be placed on your way up so that you hit both. An ideal placement makes 3 and 4 practically on top of each other but even without this the height gained is quite great, more than a Space Jump. Reach, however, is not so great, barely (if at all) exceeds a normal jump.
I'm going to go try that, but could you link me a vid please?
Well, I still can't do a 3bj, but I talked to a few people and they have been able to scan dash jump acroos the gap (and I went to all that trouble with all that bomb jumping and invisible ledge crap) . The problem is, you can go through a few rooms, but when you get to that big room with those three huge collums, with three bocks in each. Well, after you arrange them so that you can go through the room, you can't get to the top, because the distance between the blocks seems to be to great to bomb jump across, so we'll have to find I different way to gte past that room. Once/if we do, then we'll have dark beam before space jump, and who know where we can go from there. If anybody else working on a SB, tell me what is is so I can work on it too.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Aw, I thought I found something cool when I did a midair morph in Hall of Combat Mastery over the spider track going to that elevator leading to the Dynamo.

It's doable, but not helpful.  :(

Not an SB, but in the Minigyro Chamber, if you know the puzzle solution, you do not need to scan the thing there; just solve the puzzle (there isn't a speed trick topic so..).

And another puzzle solution is that first colored dot puzzle in the Main Gyro Chamber.  I've saved my game right before it and the setup was the exact same each time:


Now if those x's mark the things you shoot, think of them like this:


for the 4-shot solution, simply go in this easy order:

a once
b once
c once
d once