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Quote from Dr. Trence:
i think i found a speed trick to getting the Judicator beam earlier/faster. it takes place in the Ice hive, where you normally collect it. So:

there is a wall, that is next to the platform on the top where the beam is, it is the left hand-one, where there is a broken boulder,  put your face up to it, and morph, now you must make sure that the morph ball is on the VERY edge of the wall, so, half the ball is on one side, the other facing out. Do a dbj, and when you lay the 2 bombs, when you land, move the ball slitghly to the left, if you stay in the same spot, you will fall off the side, and land on the ice. When youre back down, move to the same spot you were in, and when the bombs blow you in the air, hit the pad/stylus to the right, then up, and immediatly unmorph, then if you did it right, you will blow up in the air, and land on the platform, where the beam is.

this is kinda pointless, but it saves you about 30-35 secs. if you want a vid of it, i can record it.

edit: it takes place in Arcterra, if you didnt know. but anyway, its a little hard to do, you must make sure you are on the very edge, you'll see if you are if the ball freezes in place. then just do the dbj, and rest

Did you read the first post? Sparky already found that. Also, for your other speed trick in your last post here, I do not understand what you're saying. As for secret worlds, the one time I entered one I did not fall and die.
i tested it out and it DOESNT give you a artifact, or at least according to what happened after the fight, it just gives you a portal that takes you to the same room, except it looks more like a lab room, with green stuff..(sorry for the cheap names), you can get the same portal where the shock coil is, so i think this is a speed trick. then again i could be wrong.. i only tested this after i got the beam, so that could of altered the gameplay

edit: oh, i didnt know that. i wasnt reading the first page at the time. well, good thing you told me, i dont want to take sparkys idea and make it my own, i guess a mod can delete the post that mr potter just quoted.

as for the speed trick i found (hopefully), there is a bridge in the room where you aquirre the shock coil, i was saying that you can skip the battle that you must fight inorder to open some portal or gate, leading to the beam, and double bomb jump on the bridge, and head straight to the shock coil, and aquirre it.

edit 2: well, i read the post, and sparky didnt really give a detailed thing on how to get it, so my post could be useful if someone cant do the trick by his words
In Synergy Core, you can use the "blue tubes" to jump up to the jump pad to get to the Volt Driver door. It's tricky and I don't know if it saves time, but the elevator seems to take a while to get up.

Also, I know ways to get back to the second floor of all three Incubator Chambers, though 01 and 03 use the same method. I'll try and get videos of the processes as soon as I get home.
considering elevators are slow, it might save 10-15 seconds. nice find. elevators (especially in this game)are a pain and sometimes irritating
Ok, I recorded some Speed Tricks I use, not all, but four of them via camera. They're horrid quality due to the camera making it darker then it showed on it's viewfinder. But if anyone can convert these, they're like... 5 MB for 30 seconds, up the contrast and host, that'd be nice. I'd try but my computer causes Windows Movie Maker to crash quite frequently. I'm out for the night so I'll try to get it going on getting these videos shrunk down.
Strategy Guide Writer
E-mail them to me: andrew AT

I'll do my best to get them up later on this evening (GMT evening). :D
I think im on the verge of creating a sequence breaking/speed trick. In synergy core, the top platform, there is a volt driver (i think) force field, that leads to the next room that has portals, that lead to artifacts. I'm trying to do a very hard lattered double bomb jump onto the square, thing that is stamped to the wall on the right of the force field. because, if i can get high enough, i can land on the thing stamped to the wall, then jump on the boost jump thing, and proceed to getting the artifact. Right now, im almost high enough to land on it. But if someone would want to try it out, here it is:

1: morph on the veryedge of the platform
2: when you lay the first bomb (note: lay it right after you morph) move back, so you dont fall off the platform
3: move to the original spot, and lay the next 2 bombs, move backward again
4: move to original spot and blast in air
5: a mili-second after you blast in the air, unmorph, and hit the pad/ stylus UP.

if this works, then you wouldnt need the volt driver to blast the field open, thus making it a sequence break. It takes place in celestial archives by the way. i've been working on this, but i dont have any doubt its impossible
if this works, then you could use this trick on the first level of the game! im going to study this more now, but anyone can feel free to test it out to see if they can do it...

edit: (again) if you want to see a recording of the attepmt i can do it, but it will only show how far i am to getting on the square thing. oh and Mills, i might record my new speed trick and this one i have been working on and PM it to you. since the e-mail thing doesnt work...or if it does

edit 2: i cant remember if there is a volt driver activated door in the same room, but the file im using has almost everything activated, so i cant remember. if there is, then this wont work
Strategy Guide Writer
As promised, here are Liku's speed trick videos! :D

I must say, there's a few neat tricks in there!  8-) (3.05 Megs) (3.04 Megs) (5.88 Megs) (5.68 Megs)

Nice work! Keep it up. :D If you make anymore, be sure to send them my way again. :)
Do you mean reaching the Volt Driver door? In that case, you can just jump on the tubes, as Liku posted and as Troid92 posted on scu a while ago.

I've been thinking of getting Magmaul before Judicator. So far I've been able to reach the door, but from then you can't bypass the Judicator door. I've been able to get the Judicator gate to shoot the door; no good. I think the only way to pass it is maybe to get up there during the Spire fight and have him push you through the wall. Then maybe you could door warp in or something... IDK, I have no clue how SWs work in Hunters.
no, reaching the platform with the jump boost pad on it, which is on the very top of the room (synergy core)

but if spire ever did push you through the wall, then you would end up in a SW state, fall into oblivion, and die. but you could activate some glitch, that would alter the gameplay and might turn the judicator door into a regular door, but, i dont know. i just thought of that just now :p
Thanks Mills! Sorry for the bad quality, but it's the best I could do. I'll try and figure out more and send them along. Thanks again Mills.

Mr. Potter, are you attempting to SB to the Magmaul and then get the second Alinos Octolith? Or just the Magmaul then head back for the Judicator? Because(I don't know the which bosses go to which levels) the Slenches need certain beams in order for you to beat them.
in the second vid liku, i think i found that speed trick, i made a post of it earlier yesterday..i hope you knew that, or if you found it before me..i dont know

edit: okay, the third vid was your idea, but im pretty sure the second was mine, i made a post of it a page ago, but i didnt see you mention anything about it

anyway, the thing im talking about is reaching the platform WITHOUT activating the volt driver door. likus vid has it activated, but you cant use the tubes to reach the platform. you need to use something the lbj. its called "artifact without volt driver", so since the tubes are halfway inside the force field, you cant use it
Quote from Dr. Trence:
in the second vid liku, i think i found that speed trick, i made a post of it earlier yesterday..i hope you knew that, or if you found it before me..i dont know

anyway, the thing im talking about is reaching the platform WITHOUT activating the volt driver door. likus vid has it activated, but you cant use the tubes to reach the platform. you need to use something the lbj. its called "artifact without volt driver", so since the tubes are halfway inside the force field, you cant use it

The second one? Incubation Vault 02? I figured that on my own, sorry if you found it first, I haven't gone through this topic thoroughly.

As for the Volt Driver Door, you can't pass it in Synergy Core. Nor is there a force field covering the blue tubes in the wall I used to jump to the pad. It's not a SB, it's just for speed purposes.
ok, im sorry for getting so hard on you

as for the synergy core, i know that, what my idea is that you can do a lattered bomb jump on the highest platform inorder to get on the top of the room, making it called "artifact without volt driver". but i dont know if there is a volt driver activated door in the same room, so it might not work
The door I enter at the end is a Volt Driver door, it's just activated, I recorded all those in my 100% game.
crud, it wont work then. well, thanks for letting me know, i might of gotten over hypernative about it if i didnt find out sooner :p
Quote from Dr. Trence:
crud, it wont work then. well, thanks for letting me know, i might of gotten over hypernative about it if i didnt find out sooner :p
Yeah, though it was a good idea! I was thinking that too but I quickly remembered that it's a Volt Driver door.
i dont know if THIS one has already been found, but let me know if it has:

speed trick: (VDO) in fuel stack, when you're collecting the last artifact, instead of walking all the way up to get the artifact, (artifact lays on a pillar thing)  you can do a well timed dbj onto the pillar/platform. saves you about 15 seconds, and saves you the patience :p

Quote from Liku:
Mr. Potter, are you attempting to SB to the Magmaul and then get the second Alinos Octolith? Or just the Magmaul then head back for the Judicator? Because(I don't know the which bosses go to which levels) the Slenches need certain beams in order for you to beat them.

i believe his plan is to get magmaul before judicator beam. But, i dont know if his plan will work (having spire push him through the judi door), because of the games lazy auto-play, whatever, he might not follow you up to the door because when he is waiting for the platform to reach him; he might idiotically just jump off the ledge. i dont even know if the platform can even be activated during your first visit though alinos. but either finding a SW in the room, that DOESNT have you fall to your death, or creating a gltich to make the judi-door just be regular might work. but finding a glitch is my best bet, im pretty sure SW's wont be used to skip items.
Strategy Guide Writer
Liku's video for the quicker Judicator trick: (2.08 Megs)

That looks especially funky.  8-)  8-)
awsome, when i was recording myself doing that trick at the time, i couldnt get up there, peer pressure. but anyway, good job! 8-)

ok, i'm sure this has been found, as it really isn't hard to do. if you're trying to jump on a ledge that is just a little higher than your jump height, then you will probably "stick" to the wall. like for ex., in arcterra, sic transit, there is a ledge on the left handed wall, that is under and little stair case thing, if you can do a well timed jump up to the ledge, you will stick to the very side of the wall, but it will take a while inorder to jump onto the ledge, so you will be stick and stuck. keep hitting with the stylus, and after a while, you will jump again, then you will be able to jump on top of the ledge. in my words, i call it a "wallcrawl". this technique can be handy (very) for finding new speed tricks.
edit: the one i just mentioned could be a speed trick!
ok, i'm sure this has been found, as it really isn't hard to do. if you're trying to jump on a ledge that is just a little higher than your jump height, then you will probably "stick" to the wall. like for ex., in arcterra, sic transit, there is a ledge on the left handed wall, that is under and little stair case thing, if you can do a well timed jump up to the ledge, you will stick to the very side of the wall, but it will take a while inorder to jump onto the ledge, so you will be stick and stuck. keep hitting with the stylus, and after a while, you will jump again, then you will be able to jump on top of the ledge. in my words, i call it a "wallcrawl". this technique can be handy (very) for finding new speed tricks.

If the wall is just barely too high then do a rocket jump with the missile and then a regular jump in midair, it gives you a small height boost (dbj is still igher though).
huh? rocket jump?
Yeah, like in Quake or UT, it works in MP:H. Fire a missile at the ground at your feet, the explosion pushes you up, then do a regular jump. It just gives a small height boost and doesn't take as long as a dbj (but isn't as high). You'll also take a little damage, but as long as you're not low on health its nothing you will miss.
Anywhere, everywhere
It's a glitch in all FPS's. Just shoot a missle at the ground and then jump and it will give you more height than normal.

I also have ANOTHER way to get up the Incubation Vaults. Stand on the bottom thing jutting out of the tube and keep pushing up to go up the wall. At the end, it takes a kinda tricky jump to get back to the platform.
well, i tried it in sic transit, and it doesnt work on the thing i was talking about in my other post. but im definetly sure its going to be useful finding other speed tricks :) did you find this yourself?
oh yea, and i realiazed it causes you damage, ALOT. in only 3 shots, it took out a e-tank..but anyway

edit: rek, how did you push yourself up the wall? did you do it with the tube? but either way, the method i use in IV 2 might be faster, using the dbj method. not that im bragging or anything.. but you can skip the battle and head straight to the shock coil, but i didnt notice any tube in IV 2.

edit 2: i made a new speed trick, that i already mentioned, it takes place in sic transit, on the far left side, with the ledge and small stair case. Stand near at the top of the stair case, and use the rocket jump method, then go towards the edge of the left side wall, there you will be "stuck", known as my "wallcrawl". after this, just keep hitting with the stylus until you can jump, then land in the tunnel. then proceed to frost labyrinth, or where ever you're going.