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Ok. Forget I said controls. I meant something else, but the movements are different I still think.
Cook of the Sea
Yeah, the movements are much quicker, and Samus doesn't really "float" at the peak of her jumps at all.  I like it this way, but I can see how a longtime old-school fan wouldn't.  Heck, i am a long-time old-school fan, but I still like it both ways.
1. Metroid Prime
1.2 Super Metroid
2. Metroid zero Mission
3. Metroid Fusion
4. Metroid II
5. Metroid
1. Super Metroid
1.2  Metroid Prime
2. Metroid zero Mission
3. Metroid Fusion
4. Metroid II
5. Metroid

I only copied your ranking ryu... with a little tweak :)
Cook of the Sea
Were Super Metroid's jumps floaty like that?
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Quote from SABERinBLUE:
Were Super Metroid's jumps floaty like that?

Yeah.  Samus kind of floats a little at the top of her jump for a short while, and then gradually falls faster, very different from ZM's (and too a lesser extent, Fusion's) physics.
1. Prime
2. ZM
3. Super
4. Metroid
5. Fusion (Damn adam!)

Never ever played RoS
Ready and willing.

1. Prime
2. ZM
3. RoS
4. Super
5 (tie). Original and Fusion
1 - Super Metroid (by a long way)
2 - Metroid Fusion
3 - Metroid Prime
4 - Metroid II
5 - Metroid

Not played Zero Mission yet...
First post here.

Anyway, I'd have to say it's too hard for me to rank the games in any sort of meaningful way.  So i'll just relate my feelings on each.

Why?  Well I grew up with Metroid.  I'm 30 years old and played the original "Back in the day" (1987, 8th grade for me).  For years Metroid 1 was the hardest game I ever played.  There was no web to go to for help, no game guides, and only one of my friends had a Nintendo.  It probably took a couple of months for my friend and I to combine powers and beat Metroid 1.  For me the definitave Metroid sounds are the tunes from the first game.

When Metroid II came out, the big game for the GB was Tetris.  I have to guiltily admit that I spent more time with Tetris than Metroid II.  Even though it had been a couple of years since I was "beat down" by Metroid 1,  I couldn't compel myself to play another version with "inferior graphics" on an "inferior game system."  To date I still have never completed it , even though i've played here and there through emulation.  (Only Metroid I haven't finished)

By time Super Metroid came out, I was already married and about to go into the Army Shocked  I still pre-ordered it from Electronics Boutique (yes, they existed then!), and beat it in just a few days.  I let a friend borrow it when I left for the army, and  never saw the cart again :(  I've played it since with emulation, and i'm still impressed.  Along with Zelda:LTTP, they are hands down the best SNES games.  Top notch graphics for a 16 bit system, fantastic music, and the addition of any sort of map was a god-send.

The next game I played was Metroid Prime, a couple of months after it came out.  I had heard that it was first person, and it just didn't interest me.  I didn't want to tarnish my pleasant memories of the orignal and Super Metroid.  At some point I got to play it at Wal-Mart, and I bought a GC and MP right then.  Despite the first person view, I was (am) blown away by the game.  The graphics are superb, and the music is every bit as good as the SNES game. Same situation as the SNES:  Zelda:WW and MP are hands down the best games available for the GC.

At this point I decided to get Fusion, and later Zero Mission.  I knew they existed (well, knew ZM was coming out), and I never even looked into them, remembering how poorly I received Metroid II on the original GB.  I was afraid of a repeat performance.  (I had never played a GBA game to that point).  Same situation as MP though, I was at Wal-Mart, and they had a GBA:SP with ZM hooked up, and I was blown away.  Considering that the GB line is more than 10 years old, the music and graphics were awesome.  I bought both Fusion and ZM, and a GBASP.  I was a bit dissappointed that I finished the games so quicky, and by the fact that they gave too much help, but the pluses outweigh the minuses.  I'd gladly pay $40 per game again.

So there you have it.  Out of the 6 games, i've played all (most at their inception, with nothing newer to compare against), and beaten five of them.  I guess i'm easy to please, but I like them all the same, if not for different reasons.  (And excluding MII, because I didn't give it enough chance).
I have not played much of Prime. .. Shocked .. So I won't list it here.

1. Super Metroid
2. Zero Mission
3. Metroid
4. Fusion
5. Metroid II
I coulda swore we already did this... oh well

1- Super.  Always
2- Metroid Prime.  FINALLY beat it today.
3- RoS.  I love it.  I love the Metroid evolutions, SR388, everything.
4- Metroid.  Classic
5- Metroid: ZM.  Call me oldschool, but I like the original better than the remake.  Oh well.
6 (x 1000)- Fusion.  Hated it.
Oh, it's that guy
I'll rate only what i have beaten

1-Zero Mission
2-metroid (NEStroid)

but on fusion, i never get tired of going on rampages :P

Gayayahahah! die die die! Twisted Evil
1: Zero Mission
2: Prime
3: Super
4: Fusion
5: Return of Samus
6: Original
Im changing my favorite list.(Number of times completed)
1.Super (15)
2.Prime (3)
3.Fusion (32)
4.Zero Mission (13)
5.Origional (2)
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from KennyMan666:
Quote from fractic:
3 Metroid fusion (what do you ppl have against it?)


Took the words right out of my mouth... anyways,

2)ZM (Haven't played SM or M2)

Yeah so I put Fusion behind two games I haven't even played, I'm assuming that they are better than Fusion due to the lack of Adam, the only reason ZM is #2 is because I like it better than Fusion and M1.
I'll be back. Maybe...

Classic... I can't get past the geemers. WHY IS THERE NO CROUCH MOVE!!!
Limited items, also.
Fusion: Adam MUST DIE NOW  Evil or Very Mad Oh, wait. He's already dead. :?
RoS: don't like the B&W and I always try to cheat by falling into a secret world and glitch up
ZM: Ph33r t3h crouch, evil geemers! DIE! DIE! <gets killed by a geemer>
SM: Only one I haven't completed 100%. Also the sequence breaking is at the perfect level (not too hard eg Fusion or too easy eg Metroid {which doesn't have a sequence at all})
Prime: A little too easy, perhaps... Completed it first time 200% (in 20 hours Rolling Eyes ) but nice graphics and design.
MP2E: I wish.
HBA: Hopefully it will be the best Metroid game, but since I just played Chrono Trigger (best RPG IMO), I am expecting it to be even better: I have played all the good games which have been, and now I can't play the bad ones because they are too bad.
1) Fusion... -_-
2) Return of Samus
3) Prime
4) Super
5) Zero Mission
6) Original

I just like the atmosphere in fusion... Adam doesn't really bug me... actually gives the game an active plot... And RoS was my first Metroid (well, I played the original once when I was like, 7, so that doesn't count), and was as freaky as hell, but still cool.
1. Super Metroid
2. Metroid Prime
3. Metroid: Zero Mission
4. Metroid
100. Metroid Fusion

I have no clue where Metroid 2 would be because I've never played it :P.
Let's do this...

1.    Metroid Prime
2.    Metroid Fusion
3.    Metroid Zero Mission
4.    Metroid II: Return of Samus
5.    Metroid

As you can see, Super Metroid isn't on my list for I do not own the game, but I have played it several times.

Truth be told, I don't know if I like Fusion more than Zero Mission and vice versa.  For me, Fusion was easy to navigate, and SA-X was an interesting enemy.  And of course Zero Mission was great, but I *hated* backtracking for 100% items (any time).  But Adam was a pain in the ass.  Not to mention the ending was terrible. 

Fusion bosses were also fun.  Zero Mission's were OK.  Plus Metal Ridley was a joke.  Still, Zero Mission is a fantastic remake.
Super Metroid/ZM (yeah, I love them both)
Metroid ' (that's Prime for you who weren't paying attention in geometry... even though I haven't gotten past Incinerator Drone (really. I suck at this game.) it's still pwnage.)
Fusion (eh, love/hate on this one)
1 Zero Mission
2 Fusion
3 Prime
4 Super (I hate the controlls)
5 RoS
6 Metroid 1
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from download04:
4 Super (I hate the controlls)

They're customizeable, buddy.
1. Prime
2. Zero Mission
3. Super
4. Fusion
5. Metroid
6. Return of Samus

Prime's the one that got me into the series, so naturally that's my first choice. Super and Zero is a toss-up, Super's level design is better, but I much prefer Zero's control, it's much tighter than Super, which is just too... floaty. Fusion's control is very similar to Zero's so it's good, but it's not as good as the others for obvious reasons. And Metroid/RoS... I do appreciate them for being incredible games at their time, but they fail to really hook me. I'll put Metroid over Return of Samus because I got further in it, I guess. Never did beat either one. >_>

EDIT: 100th post... yay? Sheesh, I'm falling behind...