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Well, hiya there. :) I'm currently writing a Rockman Zero 3 FAQ (I stole both the ROM and the japanese cart from my friend :P) (go GBA inherent import-playing capabilities! Laughing), but since I barely have any knowledge on the japanese language, I know part of the story because someone else translated it. :P But for my FAQ, I want to at least write the story that's in the very game. So I took a series of screenshots from the game and rearranged them to make them a little smaller (there were lots of blank spaces between lines), and thought about posting it here for someone else to please translate for me. Of course, credit would be given to you in the FAQ for doing so. :)

Here's the pic:

Any help greatly appreciated. :) Also, you can use the dividers in the same way I used them to make it easier to understand what's being said where. :) Thanks in advance to whoever takes the time to translate this. ^_^

EDIT: CENSOR BYPASS! BAD BOY! Toozin pointed out that the image wasn't viewable, so I edited and just posted the link to the pic. Copy and paste in a new window to view. :x Evil or Very Mad
Thread title: 
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
"Image hosted by ANGELFIRE www.angelfire.com"

Sounds like it's going to be very compelling.
that game is hard
sorry, don't know enough kanji to really translate well enough. scarlet may be able to help you, though.
Now I need a somewhat simpler favor. ^_^ I just need five names to complete my FAQ, and was wondering if anyone would be up for translating them... Here are the screenies:

In the case of the first four pics, what I need is the middle line of text translated; as for the last one, probably only the first line. Thanks in advance, everyone, and sorry for bothering. ^_^
Quote from DominicanZero:

jikutan (zeekton?)
Quote from DominicanZero:

miuura (mewra?)
Quote from DominicanZero:

koroppu (corrup?)
Quote from DominicanZero:

echuun (echoon?)
Quote from DominicanZero:

Thanks indeed, Nate! Now the damn thing's finally complete! :D

Now, if just the people at GameFAQs moved a little faster... Rolling Eyes