yeah. way epic fail. who would be retarded enough to throw away money like that? better to just cut up your money and film that instead. pirating the game and 100%ing it is the real way to spit on the devs.
oh wait...
Yeah, that was fucking retarded. What was the point of that, anyway? To basically throw away your money in Nintendo's garbage can?
Mario Party sorta got old. They're trying to figure out a way to get around the fact that they would be on Mario Party 9, which is a high number for sequels.
(Lousy example, but I hope you get the point. Some people play games just to play games, not to be involved in the story.)
Playing a game KNOWING the whole design heavily revolves around the story and then trying to play it to "just play it" doesn't make a lot of sense. Such a player would skip the heavily story-oriented games and go for a more action focused title.