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I am SOOOO gettin' this game when it's released  Twisted Evil

EDIT: Fixed links. Choose to save as since there seems to be nothing at the link itself.
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You might want to fix those urls.
I just hope capcom doesn't make any crazy things around this time. I'm already seen non-zombies RUNNING around. Looks a bit scary, yeah, but I hope they include plain, normal zombies too. It would be a huge alteration to the series if they are seriously taking out the zombies to add these enemies, IMO. Better have both of them. I still don't know if they have said a word about this, so...

I still like they can open doors and stuff to follow you, but running ZOMBIES, or guys running around all the time... it would really take out the jumpy-scary factor to me. At least the aiming system seems really good and helpul.

well anyway, I'm getting this one as well  Rolling Eyes