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Everyone who's recorded a movie that i've seen, says they did it on Gamecube with a GBA/GCN player. I've been playing that way as well, because I like it better on a TV. I've noticed, though, that none of these videos have the border around the outside of the screen. When I use mine, I always have a stupid border, and the top right of the screen says "Options: Z button" or something like that.

How do you get that all to go away, and just play full screen?
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Not everyone. Some of us record movies in the emulator, and some (like Sess himself) use a special device to connect the GBA to your computer. That way, the videos come out with nothing onscreen, since the output is that of the actual GBA, and not some other interface between the real output and the console. :)
Quote from DominicanZero:
Not everyone. Some of us record movies in the emulator, and some (like Sess himself) use a special device to connect the GBA to your computer. That way, the videos come out with nothing onscreen, since the output is that of the actual GBA, and not some other interface between the real output and the console. :)

What are you talking about? GBA to the computer? Sess uses an emulator (for his technical demonstration, that is).
Well... other than emulators... (which I hate) I don't know how to get that annoying border gone, so I have no idea what everyone else (who isn't using an emulator) is doing.
@Para: Well, I thought Sess would be using that. I think I remember having read that somewhere, although I do know of a device that allows connectivity between a GBA and a PC. Weird. I really thought Sess was using the console... :?

@iamamano: You can always download some video editing program and cut the sections manually. ;)
ahh.. thanks, just what I was looking for.