Screw attack alleviates most difficulties from Mother Brain. Ideally you want 6 supers on Mecha Ridley to make things easy, but that means skipping screw on hard. Speed booster isn't mandatory, but I find it easier to escape both times with it. So yeah. Extra missiles are pretty useless; I'd rather pick up a super (or two) than two missiles (or five).
i know this is gonna be difficult around motherbrain, so i guess skru would help,
which super tanks are the easiest/fastest to get? i want all of them before tourian.
For the fist part, get SA or prepare for doom, and utter frustration.
For the second part, the two SM tanks in Ridley are the most convenient IMO, after that, I don't know. On my last 15% I skipped SA got two E-Tanks two SMs and two extra missiles, 'cause I'm stupid.
Super Missiles to get: 1x Crateria (if you Kraid first and get speedboost (not recommended really... 2 missiles against Kraid hurts)) 2x before Ridley (these are musts) 1x after full suit (speed boost) 1x further after (lava morph ball tunnel) 1x even further (missile block after some bomb blocks) 2x last chance (robot, missile door to the left)
Those are probably the best to grab. Most come right before Mecha Ridley, but that's where you need it the most anyways. Ridley is a joke, Kraid is simple with 3 supers (2 on hard would be a tad harder but still okay), and mother brain is quite easy with only screw and 2 missiles.
your hard 15% items depend on what you have the most problem with. I would go with the following:
high jump screw attack missile energy tank two supers
I might drop the energy tank for a super, but an odd number of supers sucks for refills. high jump is useful for mother brain and the escapes (especially the first one, as some people have problems escaping without high jump or speed booster). screw attack is useful for, well, everything, and super missiles drop so rarely that I prefer getting an extra missile. if you could get enough supers to kill mecha ridley quick, that'd be a possibility, but five or six supers is suicide for mother brain. once you break the case, it'd be like doing hard 9%, cause you're not getting a super refill.
You can just use two missiles and a super for each zebetite. I wouldn't bother with the hello jump though. I suppose it'd be a good idea, but on a normal run, you want 6 super missiles for Iron Ted.
that setup is my "speed 15%", if you will. I tested it out once and got 35:27, though I got an energy tank by accident. I might have gotten in the 34's had I skipped the tank.
haha, the one 15% speed run I ever did ended up at 36:00 with 14%. Had I taken another super missile, it's quite possible that I'd have had about the same time. Maybe I should have went with high jump/spring ball?
EDIT: Once I counted off the items in my head, I believe I had speed boost, 3 supers and something else. Maybe it WAS high jump. :x Ah well.
Don't get the speed booster. It's pretty much useless for low%. I'd rather take another Super Missile or Energy tank. And another Super/energy would probably be better than that extra missile too.
Really? I'm talking about hard, and I have alot of trouble getting out of Tourian under a minute without the speedbooster. Did you think I was talking about normal? My mistake for not telling you.
I'm talking about hard, and I have alot of trouble getting out of Tourian under a minute without the speedbooster.u.
Well, if Speed Booster helps your escape you should probably get it, skip the extra Energy Tank and try the cheesing Ridley trick if he causes you too much troulbe with low % runs.
Though between High Jump and Speed Booster, I'd say grab High Jump so you can get more height on wall jumps and regular jumps in the escape from Tourian which would speed it up greatly, it's a zazabi without High Jump and Speed Boost. What it comes down to here is which ability would help you more throughout the game if you have trouble with the IBJ a the end of the escape then Speed Boost is probably better for you.