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On a scale 1-10 how good do you think you are in any prime game? 10 being the best 1 being the worst.
Thread title: 
I am clearly an 11.

Well he said 10 was the best so you clearly aren't the best if you are an 11.
You're right. He's better than the best.

He's the bestest.
Haha whats the best thing you have done in prime 1-3? anyone.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Without wishing to state the ever-so-obvious, you do realise that you're asking this question on a forum frequented by the world record holders for the Prime games?  Almost everybody here will be very well versed in them, and will no doubt have pulled off most of the hardest tricks in the game.
red chamber dream
i used to be a lot better at prime but i suck now. always been shit at echoes and corruption.
Edit history:
Hazel: 2011-10-25 11:49:30 am
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
I have done a lot in prime, never done a speedrun of echoes or corruption. once I did an "unrouted" low% run in corruption and got 23%. I've done a 70% items without wave beam in prime, and a 23% speed run (1:54) and a 22% run, now I'm working on a 21% now, but don't think I'll finish it. I've found some helpful glitches in prime like early energy tanks, SWs and wall crawling tricks,

at metroid prime I'd give myself a 9 out of 10

in echoes maybe a 6

in corruption I'd say a 7 :P
Edit history:
arkarian: 2011-10-25 12:24:47 pm
red chamber dream
afaik the only remotely significant thing i did with prime was wavebuster without wave. and that's just a novelty.

oh i discovered a few small things in corruption too ... they might still be on the wiki or something
i can attest to how shitty ark is at prime. fucker made me do all the work.
Quote from arkarian:
oh i discovered a few small things in corruption too ... they might still be on the wiki or something

Heh, now you made me go check the wiki again just because. Yeah, there are a bunch of small speed tricks and your name is attached to some of them. So yeah, even if the main site never gave credit to most people in the Corruption section we still have the wiki!

As for me, all I've really done is falling in the right spot and lucking into finding the Hazard Shield skip in Corruption. I still say that without us trying to figure out how to get over there and others having made attempts themselves I never would've found it on my own.

But as far as how good I am at the games themselves, it's hard to say. I'd probably go with Prime being my best of the trilogy simply because I have more experience with it, and even then I'm still miles away from being as good as a lot of the people around here.  Corrruption would probably be next, and then farther back would be Echoes. I never could get the hang of tricks in Echoes for some reason, and Corruption only had so many tricks back when I used to run it. It's mostly SWs now which are out of my league.
red chamber dream
Quote from BioSpark:
i can attest to how shitty ark is at prime. fucker made me do all the work.

this was when i wasn't busy practicing uncharted 2 and boring tdk to death
he fucked me in the ass while i played though.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I pan fried and ate my Echoes disc, I think that makes me actually the best at it.
Quote from Early Space Jump:
Haha whats the best thing you have done in prime 1-3? anyone.

hmm... well, I did a 2:09 speedrun of prime 3, found 16 secret worlds, found a way to skip spider ball, screw attack, three energy cells, ice missiles and hyper ball, and beat the game with 18% on hypermode. so I dunno... miles is obviously better.
I got 2:13 in a single attempt. I would clearly destroy you if I put effort into it.
Edit history:
rekameohs: 2011-10-26 03:42:14 am
Anywhere, everywhere
Quote from Paraxade:
ice missiles


You didn't solve the "last" obstacle for that one, dear sir. >_>

Ok, I'll go away now.
Quote from Paraxade:
Quote from Early Space Jump:
Haha whats the best thing you have done in prime 1-3? anyone.

hmm... well, I did a 2:09 speedrun of prime 3, found 16 secret worlds, found a way to skip spider ball, screw attack, three energy cells, ice missiles and hyper ball, and beat the game with 18% on hypermode. so I dunno... miles is obviously better.

Not to mention the first 21%.
red chamber dream
no he used secret worlds so it was cheating
ark cheated on urmom with secret worlds
red chamber dream
yeah i used those secret worlds like nobody's business
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
my stats: Prime 1: 8.5
                Prime 2:9
                Prime 3: shit
Edit history:
Skull64: 2011-11-01 08:35:56 am
Prime 1: I can do quite a few sequence breaks and can 100% the game without looking up any item locations... so by the standards of these forums, that's like a 4/10, right? (edit: oh, and I did 23%. So maybe 5/10.)
Prime 2: never done anything notable. 2/10.
Prime 3: never beat the game. 1/10.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
hmm here's my ranks.

mp1: 6 (i could probably get sub 1:30 segmented but since i'm such a lazy bum, i'm at 1:47)
mp2: 7 (my PR is tied with the second best player in the world but it uses new strats so it sucks)
mp3: 3 (abuse the hypermode and.... hmmm)
triology: 5 (i found a way to get better ghetto jumps but other people discovered most of the speed tricks with it and i ran mp2 any% in it)