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Use \ before commas in usernames
That can happen.  The randomizer will not prevent items from remaining in their original locations (nor should it)
Edit history:
Odylg: 2015-08-10 03:24:40 pm
I run this here hotel of an evening
That's fine, I was just curious.

EDIT: putting "none" makes it exclude default
no, it just shows the defaults during the randomizing process for some reason.  If you check the log file it should say "Excluded pickups: "
I run this here hotel of an evening
Good to know. Didn't really wanna spend another 12 hours to check, but I did notice it doesn't say anything about exclusions for the first attempt.

BTW I downloaded 0.6 but the generator itself still says 0.5. That or I downloaded a mislabeled files
Why does that edit trick not work? I edited the default.dol and changed those parameters and it didn't have any affect :/
Did you use GC Rebuilder?
Oh i need to edit the one in &&SystemData don't i
GC Rebuilder unpacks two dols for some reason. They're the same file, but the one that the game actually runs is Start.dol in the &&systemdata folder. default.dol doesn't do anything.
got it. Cheers :)
west furnace access why
I'm having some issues with rekamohs script. it wont dump the ISO for prime 1. I tell it to dump the file and it crashes, I've tried adding a prime1 file manually but all it does is crash and delete the file. Any suggestions?
Anywhere, everywhere
What does "it crashes" mean?
west furnace access why
The window closes and nothing happens, to be honest I have no idea if its actually crashing or if its doing what it's suppose to but either way nothing happens.
I run this here hotel of an evening
Which version of the script are you using?
west furnace access why
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rekameohs: 2015-08-21 02:35:44 am
Anywhere, everywhere
The window would close if a Windows error came up, but if you open the Command Prompt first before running the script it wouldn't do that (i.e. hold shift and right click on folder housing the script, choose "Open command window here" then type "Metroid Prime Randomizer" - or whatever you named it - including quotes in the command prompt)

Since no one else has said anything about an error like that, I'm guessing something in the tools folder was deleted. I made a newer version that checks every single file that I include in the zip to make sure that nothing was deleted a while back, but I've waited to send it out until Miles releases his new randomizers, since it's such a minor thing.

So just try a clean download of the zip, I guess. If it still doesn't work, there's something you can try but I'll hold off since I'm thinking a clean download will fix it.
west furnace access why
a fresh download works, thanks.
I run this here hotel of an evening
Would it be possible to have the seed generator (or the randomizer being used by the generator) prepare the items for relocation (decide what items go where) and run the completable check BEFORE editing the pak files? Then when it finds a completable seed it could do the actual editing?

I only ask because it takes forever when it has to edit each time.

If it can't be done can someone please explain why?
it certainly could be done, but miles would have to make the changes and i'm not sure he wants to (plus he doesn't post here anymore)
Edit history:
Odylg: 2015-08-22 04:28:31 pm
I run this here hotel of an evening
Hmmm. I'm happy to know it's possible, sad to know it probably won't be done. It took over 12 hours to generate a seed last time (Normal;No exclusions) and I don't really feel like waiting that long again for a no exclusions seed.

Oh well

EDIT: doesn't post here as in this thread? Or m2k2 in general?
he left m2k2 afaik
AFAIK Miles still intends to make a lot of updates to the randomizer.
I run this here hotel of an evening
Is wallcrawling to be expected on a normal seed? Or floaty jump?

Also does it not save a log when using the generator? I'm not finding the log file for this seed
Floaty jump isn't really required.  the only wallcrawls you have to do are IBBF, main plaza to training chamber, and arbor chamber no plasma.  There may be some other easy small ones I am forgetting.

Log file should be named log.txt and be in the log folder located in the same directory as the randomizer.
I run this here hotel of an evening
Did ibbf, did plaza to training Chamber though I need a way out after picking up gravity. Not sure what arbor Chamber is. My main concern is beams. They aren't in the crashed frigate (all 3 are artifacts) and I searched everywhere else I could get to.
Please tell me normal doesn't include wallcrawling all of magmoor to get past the wave doors.

There is no log.txt anywhere on my computer. There are dated ones, but none are it. Because of this, I tried using the seed number shown on the label (in gcrebuilder) but apparently that number is outdated so that didnt work either. I think I'm gonna turn on cheats and go beam hunting