I've been working on this for some time now with sjorec, and I think it's time that we release something. So, Interslice and Sjorec present... The Metroid Prime Randomizer Seed Generator!
What this does is it runs the randomizer and checks the log file to see if it's completable. If it is, it stops. If not, it runs the randomizer and tries again. This guarantees that the seed will be completable. And the best part is, you can put in any exceptions you want, and it will still work, meaning you can have EVERYTHING randomized (however, this will likely take some time to make a seed.)
I do plan to add some difficulty settings in the near future to accommidate skilled players. I plan to include options like allowing HBJs/UBJs and difficult secret worlds, but if anybody has any suggestions for difficulty levels I would love to hear them.
Also, I am aware that rerunning the randomizer over and over is pretty inefficient, but it's the best we can do with what we have.
Holy shit. Gonna have to try this! A few questions:
1. Does the tool delete the Uncompletable seed's log? I don't want a folder filled with logs...
2. Can I put this on the download page of the wiki?
Difficultly levels (following Melee here)
Very Easy - Space Jump / Varia Suit / Charge Beam not randomized (along with standard exceptions) - No secret worlds required - No difficult Bombs jumps required - No hard / difficult tricks required (chozo floaty, early wild, etc)
Easy - Varia Suit not randomized (along with standard exceptions) - Space Jump in an easily obtainable spot - More complicated tricks might be required (early wild, main plaza dash to grapple ledge, climbing tower of light without using missiles) - no difficult Bomb jumps
Medium - Standard exceptions - Space jump not in mines / lower Phendrana / plasma processing / etc (stupid spots) - 4 / 5 Tank VMR may be required - secret worlds may be required
Hard - Standard exceptions - space jump anywhere - 4 Tank Vmr may be required (with or without sj) - Hard tricks required (Ice ruins east hbj, climbing ruined courtyard, ppc NSJ, etc) - secret worlds required
Very Hard - Everything randomized - Stupid tricks required (vent shaft, magmoor floaty, Wallcrawling Phendrana, NSJ lower mines, etc)
Just off the top of my head. Could probably (and more efficiently) be categorized into Easy, normal, or hard. Or for aesthetics name the difficulties Normal, Veteran, and Hypermode.
Yes, it does delete the bad logs. Also should have mentioned that you should probably have your log folder empty, because I don't think it will work otherwise. Feel free to put this on the wiki.
Just.. Wow.. I have been thinking for so long that I won't spend too much time on randomizer but considering it has just been made even more fun I will probably join in earlier or later, especially if it is still going to get even further improved upon! ;)
where is your seed generator in relation to the log folder?
it's in the same folder as the seed generator, randomiser and ISO files...
Also, maybe put some sort of cleanup feature, if you close the window before it finds a seed it fucking merks all the pak files and you have to re dump them...
so, logs folder is in the same folder as Prime_Randomizer.exe? if so, you may need to empty out your log folder. Just move everything in it to a different folder.