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Pretty sure the neutral position thing only prevents the analog from working, it wouldn't cause the button to constantly register as being pressed down.
I remember that happening sometimes for me if I soft-reset while holding L or R. Soft-resetting while not holding any inputs should fix that issue.
I've read through the thread and I still have some unanswered questions even after the readmes and all that.

1: How do I get the frigate skip working? The last couple pages say it should be a part of it but I am unsure, I just know it hasn't worked. There's a settings.txt I noticed but it says skip under frigate skip.

2: how does the usage work for the various options? Where do I add the -w and such? I'm a bit new to all this sorta stuff.

3: Less of a question and more of a statement; the link in the OP seems to lead to a 7z file that doesn't have nearly as much in it as the one a couple pages ago.

I did manage to get this all working very nicely and am super happy and the frigate skip would be really helpful as I don't know quite how many tries it'll take for a completable seed.

I hope it's ok to ask all these things!
The link in the OP is the official randomizer release; the one a couple pages back is a third-party script rekameohs put together to help people get the randomizer running more easily. I'm not really familiar with how his script works so I can't answer your other questions, sorry.
1. Parax typed a nice little paragraph about hex editing the iso or something like that in the first couple pages of this thread.

2. Example input:
    C:\Users\Ledgem\Documents\Randomizer\Prime_Randomizer [folder with paks] [-e OR -s] [excluded pickups OR seed] [OPTIONS]
Edit history:
rekameohs: 2014-11-17 12:25:51 am
rekameohs: 2014-11-17 12:23:47 am
Anywhere, everywhere
Assuming you're using my script, since you're seeing "settings.txt", this is simply a file that the Windows Command Prompt reads to display the messages on the screen. You have to be on Windows to use the script.

Just put your Prime ISO, named "mp1.iso" or Echoes ISO, named "mp2.iso" in the same folder as the "Metroid Prime Randomizer.bat" file. You can ignore the stuff in the "tools" folder; it's just the innards of the randomizer, containing Miles and Parax's programs, the ISO dumper and rebuilder, and a hex editor.

The directions within the Command Prompt should be very straightforward from there. If step 4 reads "4 - Skip the Space Pirate Frigate? current selection: skip", then when you run the randomizer (by pressing 7), the script will do everything needed to skip the frigate. No hassle!

And as for the randomizer options, you get to those by pressing 6 in the main menu. I've provided examples within the script on how to type those.
I just had a very odd thing happen to me in a randomizer (Seed: 1818444552). I was aiming for 100%, but when I got to the end, I was missing an energy tank. I checked the log and revisited all 14 locations where the energy tanks were, and none of them were still there. Unfortunately I don't know which energy tank was the one that didn't actually give me the extra capacity. Relevant:

Chozo - Main Plaza (Tree) - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Chozo - Ruined Nursery - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Chozo - Tower of Light - Wavebuster - Energy Tank
Chozo - Hall of the Elders - Energy Tank - Energy Tank
Phendrana - Phendrana Shorelines (Spider track) - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Phendrana - Ice Ruins West - Power Bomb Expansion - Energy Tank
Tallon - Biohazard Containment - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Mines - Main Quarry - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Mines - Storage Depot B - Grapple Beam - Energy Tank
Mines - Elite Control Access - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Mines - Processing Center Access - Energy Tank - Energy Tank
Mines - Elite Quarters - Phazon Suit - Energy Tank
Mines - Central Dynamo - Power Bombs - Energy Tank
Magmoor - Transport Tunnel A - Energy Tank - Energy Tank

Any ideas?
why does it crash when i open the randomized mp1?
I dunno, you need to give us more information if you want us to help you.
@xgamer17x, did you try trimming the iso?
how do i trim it? xD
i use win 8 btw
We aren't mind readers. You need to tell us the exact steps you followed to randomize the ISO/repack it/play it. "It crashes" doesn't tell us anything we can use to figure out what the problem is.
ok sorry
first i copied pasted iso to the randomizer folder then renamed it to mp1 then i dumped it then now its saying file game.toc not found
Quote from Skull64:
I just had a very odd thing happen to me in a randomizer (Seed: 1818444552). I was aiming for 100%, but when I got to the end, I was missing an energy tank. I checked the log and revisited all 14 locations where the energy tanks were, and none of them were still there. Unfortunately I don't know which energy tank was the one that didn't actually give me the extra capacity. Relevant:

Chozo - Main Plaza (Tree) - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Chozo - Ruined Nursery - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Chozo - Tower of Light - Wavebuster - Energy Tank
Chozo - Hall of the Elders - Energy Tank - Energy Tank
Phendrana - Phendrana Shorelines (Spider track) - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Phendrana - Ice Ruins West - Power Bomb Expansion - Energy Tank
Tallon - Biohazard Containment - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Mines - Main Quarry - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Mines - Storage Depot B - Grapple Beam - Energy Tank
Mines - Elite Control Access - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Mines - Processing Center Access - Energy Tank - Energy Tank
Mines - Elite Quarters - Phazon Suit - Energy Tank
Mines - Central Dynamo - Power Bombs - Energy Tank
Magmoor - Transport Tunnel A - Energy Tank - Energy Tank

Any ideas?

What flags did you use? (fixed items in particular)
Quote from xgamer17x:
first i copied pasted iso to the randomizer folder then renamed it to mp1 then i dumped it then now its saying file game.toc not found

Try using Gamecube Iso Tool to unpack/rebuild instead. http://www.wiibackupmanager.co.uk/gcit.html
i shall try that
is there a video showing how to do it? i cant figure it out :(
What I posted in the Echoes randomizer thread:

Open the Echoes ISO and extract the files as GCReEx format. Run the randomizer on the unpacked files. Open the folder again in GC Iso Tool and save a trimmed ISO. Should work after that.
thanks :)
Quote from coppro:
What flags did you use? (fixed items in particular)

Standard. (Missile Launcher, Morph, Bombs, Truth)
Was it the newest version?
Edit history:
Littlenino: 2015-01-16 12:20:16 am
Does anyone know of any specific releases of Dolphin that run Prime well (By well I mean little to no framerate lag)? I've been trying to find one for the last week or so and haven't found any that I'd consider to be "playable." I used to have one for playing Randomizer back when it was first released that ran almost flawlessly, but being the intelligent person I am, I deleted it for reasons I don't remember and have obviously forgotten what revision it was.

I have a 4670K that's overclocked to 4.2 GHz and a GeForce 970, and I've been able to emulate the game fine on worse, so I dunno what the deal is.

I'm also using barebones config that's based around maximizing emulation speed.
west furnace access why
I'm having some problems with the script, its not accepting any settings I put for the randomization, not even default. Any idea how I could fix it? I've already tried re-downloading it.