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I don't see why Ice Beam would change anything in Training Chamber? You're not even supposed to be able to get there without Ice Beam in the first place, since Magma Pool is supposed to require Grapple, which requires Ice.

I'd think it'd probably something weird as to how the triggers are laid out...
west furnace access why
is it possible to get ice beam from ventilation shaft in the mines?
The only Phazon Mines room it's possible to get Ice Beam from is Main Quarry.
west furnace access why
ok, thanks
west furnace access why
so, I'm in gathering hall trying to get floaty. I've beaten flaggrah, but I'm not getting it. Is there anything that would prevent me from getting floaty? I havent left chozo after beating flaggrah or reloaded a save.
Beating flaagrah doesn't activate floaty jump glitch. Beating flaaghra while ending up in the poison water is what allows you to get floaty.
west furnace access why
oh, I thought you had to beat flaggrah to get floaty from gathering hall as well?
No, it has nothing to do with beating flaaghra. First, you have to be in a disappearing waterbox (if you are in the poison water when flaaghra is beaten, this works). Then you have to enter and exit water sideways. The only way to do that is from oob.
west furnace access why
hm, thats what I'm doing, is there anything that would prevent floaty from activating? [other than gravity]
Were you in the poison water when flaaghra was beaten?
west furnace access why
no, I'm attempting floaty in gathering hall, it usually works but now its not. I'm just wondering if there was something I did thats preventing it for some reason.
Uh, you have to be in the poison water when flaaghra was beaten to activate floaty jump in gathering hall. You can't skip that step.
west furnace access why
ah, that would be why then. I defeated flaggrah the normal way this time, so that explains that. Thanks
https://m2k2.taigaforum.com/post/random_research_topic_113.html#random_research_topic_113 for explanation of floaty jump
west furnace access why
thanks again
west furnace access why
Is it possible to get into tower of light from oob?
loving low%
Yeah it is. You can wrong room unmorph in the uppermost part and theoretically you can grab Wave Beam there if Wavebuster got replaced by Wave Beam. IIRC you can also get the item in Tower of Light Chamber (where there usually is the Artifact of Lifegiver). You have to get Wave Beam or already have it by the time you want to exit either of those 2 rooms, though, since there's no escape w/o Wave Beam afterwards.
PS: Getting Tower of Light to secretice and to load requires you to hit a certain point (i cannot remember where exactly) in the previous room. So if you don't have Wave Beam, prepare to spend some time finding where to hit that trigger that unloads Ruined Shrine and secretices Tower of Light and then try to make the room (Tower of Light) visible (=load it).
Edit history:
A-M: 2014-10-23 07:47:49 am
I just uploaded some videos that can help you Gunert :

Tower Chamber item from OoB (including complete wallcrawl)
Tower of light item from OoB
west furnace access why
Anyone else having problems with nintendont acting like you are holding R down the whole time? Happening on wavebird and regular controller :/
No. Try uninstalling and getting the latest download from here: https://code.google.com/p/nintendon-t/
Yeah, that was the first thing I tried. I realise this isn't exactly the perfect place to air this either but thank you
Did you accidentally reset the neutral position? Hold start+x+y on your controller for 3 seconds to fix.