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i picked up an artifact and it paused the game, so it seems to work
Italian LetsPlayer
miles tested it yesterday on stream so yeah it works ;)
he probably redumped the paks though. i didn't redump them but all the changes mentioned in the readme are present, so it should be safe to use the same ones.
At the very least I'm pretty sure it's not removing the pickup files from the old randomizer, so the file size is increased and loads may be a bit slower.
Edit history:
rekameohs: 2014-09-06 09:21:02 pm
Anywhere, everywhere
Script updated to v2.0

This version supports includes support for Miles' updated Prime 1 Randomizer.

Besides that, the biggest update to this version is that when the ISO is dumped, backups of each of the files that the randomizers edit are created. This has a number of benefits - now, the refill randomizer can be run multiple times using the same ISO dump, and the refill randomizer itself can be turned on and off, again without the need of going through the whole ISO dump process again. Also, in Prime 2 Randomizer, this means that the original audio files are backed up (meaning, if you run one randomizer with music randomized, you can later run another randomizer without the "-m" tag, and the original music will return). You can also type "reset" in the randomizer settings to return the items to their original position, if you care to do that for whatever reason.

I've only tested this on NA Prime and Echoes, so I don't know if the other regions / Wii versions work, but the code should be able to work for all possible versions. Let me know if something doesn't work!
Hey reka, not sure if you've already considered/done this, but you could also update the script to use a cleaner Frigate skip, like DJ described here: https://m2k2.taigaforum.com/post/metroid_prime_hacking_research_208.html

Miles didn't build this into the randomizer since the dol isn't always placed in the exact same spot, but since your stuff always unpacks the iso the same way, I don't see why it couldn't be implemented in the script instead of the MLVL edit that's done currently.
Edit history:
rekameohs: 2014-09-06 10:12:55 pm
Anywhere, everywhere
Oh didn't even know that was a thing. Yeah, I'll fix that up, thanks.

edit: it's funny because I posted on that page
Anywhere, everywhere
Is that edit only applicable to 0-00?
No idea; probably?
Yes, it's at a different location in the .dol for other versions.
Edit history:
rekameohs: 2014-09-07 02:01:43 am
Anywhere, everywhere
v2.2 of the script is up now. It uses the new frigate skip edit. Thanks DJGrenola! It really is a lot cleaner than the previous method.

Tested and working on 0-00, 0-02, PAL, and JP. The Wii versions currently don't have frigate skip options, but the randomizers should work. I'll look into getting the Wii versions supported. One thing that's nice about this update is that the previous method did not allow for the frigate skip to be enabled while refill randomizer is on. Well, now it does!

One thing I forgot to mention in the previous post was that you should dump the ISO's once again when first using v2 of the script. That'll get things up and running for the new version.
Edit history:
DJGrenola: 2014-09-07 11:23:38 am
At some point in the future I hope to port mkiso.php to C so there's a vanilla open source portable command-line isobuilding solution, which would make it possible for the script to rebuild the ISO without any user prompting. (In theory you could do this already but you'd need to bundle PHP with it which would be annoying, and mkiso hasn't had all that much testing yet.)

One plus from doing the C port would be that we would have a GC ISO tool that could run as wii homebrew. I haven't actually tried this yet but I envisage no major hurdles compiling my PAK repacker/unpacker as wii homebrew too, so that would give us a fairly robust purely wii-based toolchain for future mods to the game.

(this wouldn't affect me of course as I'm still a DVD-burning luddite)
I just had a warp out of bounds in randomizer. I collected the item in Training Chamber Access (Chozo) and warped to Dynamo Access (Mines).
Here is the log:
Seed: 1443264106
Excluded pickups: 5 19 28
Chozo - - - Main Plaza (Half-pipe) - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Tallon - -  Life Grove Tunnel
Chozo - - - Main Plaza (Grapple ledge) - - - - - - Artifact of Spirit - -  Warp to: Tallon - -  Artifact Temple
Chozo - - - Main Plaza (Tree) - - - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Mines - - - Ventilation Shaft
Chozo - - - Main Plaza (Locked door) - - - - - - - Energy Tank - - - - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Training Chamber
Chozo - - - Ruined Fountain - - - - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Phendrana - North Quarantine Tunnel
Chozo - - - Ruined Shrine ("Beetle battle") - - -  Morph Ball - - - - - -  Warp to: Chozo - - - Gathering Hall
Chozo - - - Ruined Shrine (Half-pipe) - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - East Furnace Access
Chozo - - - Ruined Shrine (Lower tunnel) - - - - - Ice Beam - - - - - - -  Warp to: Chozo - - - Ruined Shrine
Chozo - - - Vault - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Boost Ball - - - - - -  Warp to: Tallon - -  Frigate Access Tunnel
Chozo - - - Training Chamber - - - - - - - - - - - Flamethrower - - - - -  Warp to: Chozo - - - Tower of Light Access
Chozo - - - Ruined Nursery - - - - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Magmoor - - Transport Tunnel C
Chozo - - - Training Chamber Access - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Mines - - - Dynamo Access
Chozo - - - Magma Pool - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Energy Tank - - - - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Ruined Courtyard
Chozo - - - Tower of Light - - - - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Tallon - -  Transport to Chozo Ruins East
Chozo - - - Tower Chamber - - - - - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Tallon - -  Transport Tunnel E
Chozo - - - Ruined Gallery (Missile wall) - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Research Core Access
Chozo - - - Ruined Gallery (Morph tunnel) - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Phendrana Shorelines
Chozo - - - Transport Access North - - - - - - - - Energy Tank - - - - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Tower Chamber
Chozo - - - Gathering Hall - - - - - - - - - - - - Thermal Visor - - - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Research Entrance
Chozo - - - Hive Totem - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missile Launcher - - -  Warp to: Chozo - - - Crossway Access West
Chozo - - - Sunchamber (Flaahgra) - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Save Station 3
Chozo - - - Sunchamber (Ghosts) - - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Mines - - - Storage Depot B
Chozo - - - Watery Hall Access - - - - - - - - - - Power Bomb Expansion -  Warp to: Chozo - - - Piston Tunnel
Chozo - - - Watery Hall (Scan puzzle) - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Save Station C
Chozo - - - Watery Hall (Underwater) - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Vault
Chozo - - - Dynamo (Lower) - - - - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Piston Tunnel
Chozo - - - Dynamo (Spider track) - - - - - - - -  Energy Tank - - - - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Training Chamber
Chozo - - - Burn Dome (Missile) - - - - - - - - -  Artifact of Nature - -  Warp to: Mines - - - Security Access A
Chozo - - - Burn Dome (I. Drone) - - - - - - - - - Bombs - - - - - - - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Burn Dome
Chozo - - - Furnace (Spider tracks) - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Save Station 1
Chozo - - - Furnace (Inside Furnace) - - - - - - - Charge Beam - - - - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Transport Access
Chozo - - - Hall of the Elders - - - - - - - - - - Energy Tank - - - - - - Warp to: Mines - - - Research Access
Chozo - - - Crossway - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Observatory Access
Chozo - - - Elder Chamber - - - - - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Research Core
Chozo - - - Antechamber - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Spider Ball - - - - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Watery Hall
Phendrana - Phendrana Shorelines (Behind ice) - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Magmoor - - Geothermal Core
Phendrana - Phendrana Shorelines (Spider track) -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - East Atrium
Phendrana - Chozo Ice Temple - - - - - - - - - - - Artifact of Strength -  Warp to: Magmoor - - South Core Tunnel
Phendrana - Ice Ruins West - - - - - - - - - - - - Power Bomb Expansion -  Warp to: Phendrana - Map Station
Phendrana - Ice Ruins East (Behind ice) - - - - -  Artifact of Elder - - - Warp to: Tallon - -  Root Tunnel
Phendrana - Ice Ruins East (Spider track) - - - -  Energy Tank - - - - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Sunchamber
Phendrana - Chapel of the Elders - - - - - - - - - Energy Tank - - - - - - Warp to: Mines - - - Quarantine Access A
Phendrana - Ruined Courtyard - - - - - - - - - - - Energy Tank - - - - - - Warp to: Phendrana - East Tower
Phendrana - Phendrana Canyon - - - - - - - - - - - Artifact of World - - - Warp to: Mines - - - Save Station Mines C
Phendrana - Quarantine Cave - - - - - - - - - - -  Artifact of Chozo - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Chapel Tunnel
Phendrana - Research Lab Hydra - - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Lake Tunnel
Phendrana - Quarantine Monitor - - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Energy Core Access
Phendrana - Observatory - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Artifact of Newborn - - Warp to: Mines - - - Elite Control Access
Phendrana - Transport Access - - - - - - - - - - - Space Jump Boots - - -  Warp to: Chozo - - - Reflecting Pool Access
Phendrana - Control Tower - - - - - - - - - - - -  Wavebuster - - - - - -  Warp to: Phendrana - Frost Cave
Phendrana - Research Core - - - - - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Furnace
Phendrana - Frost Cave - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Artifact of Truth - - - Warp to: Magmoor - - Monitor Tunnel
Phendrana - Research Lab Aether (Tank) - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Elder Chamber
Phendrana - Research Lab Aether (Morph track) - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Magmoor - - Shore Tunnel
Phendrana - Gravity Chamber (Underwater) - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Burn Dome
Phendrana - Gravity Chamber (Grapple ledge) - - -  Artifact of Lifegiver - Warp to: Magmoor - - Transport to Phendrana Drifts North
Phendrana - Storage Cave - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Tallon - -  Frigate Crash Site
Phendrana - Security Cave - - - - - - - - - - - -  Energy Tank - - - - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Chozo Ice Temple
Tallon - -  Landing Site - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Ruins Entrance
Tallon - -  Alcove - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Energy Tank - - - - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Canyon Entryway
Tallon - -  Frigate Crash Site - - - - - - - - - - Power Bomb Expansion -  Warp to: Chozo - - - Magma Pool
Tallon - -  Overgrown Cavern - - - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Research Lab Aether
Tallon - -  Root Cave - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Mines - - - Metroid Quarantine B
Tallon - -  Artifact Temple - - - - - - - - - - -  Varia Suit - - - - - -  Warp to: Phendrana - Upper Edge Tunnel
Tallon - -  Transport Tunnel B - - - - - - - - - - Wave Beam - - - - - - - Warp to: Tallon - -  Deck Beta Conduit Hall
Tallon - -  Arbor Chamber - - - - - - - - - - - -  Artifact of Sun - - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Save Station 3
Tallon - -  Cargo Freight Lift to Deck Gamma - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Transport Access
Tallon - -  Biohazard Containment - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Magmoor - - Save Station Magmoor A
Tallon - -  Hydro Access Tunnel - - - - - - - - -  Power Bombs - - - - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Pike Access
Tallon - -  Great Tree Chamber - - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Mines - - - Save Station Mines A
Tallon - -  Life Grove Tunnel - - - - - - - - - -  Energy Tank - - - - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Save Station B
Tallon - -  Life Grove (Start) - - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Ice Ruins Access
Tallon - -  Life Grove (Underwater spinner) - - -  Artifact of Warrior - - Warp to: Mines - - - Security Access B
Mines - - - Main Quarry - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Artifact of Wild - - -  Warp to: Mines - - - Map Station Mines
Mines - - - Security Access A - - - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Arboretum Access
Mines - - - Storage Depot B - - - - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Phendrana - West Tower
Mines - - - Storage Depot A - - - - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Shoreline Entrance
Mines - - - Elite Research (Phazon Elite) - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Dynamo Access
Mines - - - Elite Research (Laser) - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Map Station
Mines - - - Elite Control Access - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Tallon - -  Temple Lobby
Mines - - - Ventilation Shaft - - - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Mines - - - Elevator Access B
Mines - - - Phazon Processing Center - - - - - - - Super Missile - - - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Temple Entryway
Mines - - - Processing Center Access - - - - - - - Phazon Suit - - - - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Research Lab Aether
Mines - - - Elite Quarters - - - - - - - - - - - - Gravity Suit - - - - -  Warp to: Mines - - - Elite Research
Mines - - - Central Dynamo - - - - - - - - - - - - Plasma Beam - - - - - - Warp to: Magmoor - - Transport to Chozo Ruins North
Mines - - - Metroid Quarantine B - - - - - - - - - Power Bomb Expansion -  Warp to: Phendrana - Phendrana's Edge
Mines - - - Metroid Quarantine A - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Aether Lab Entryway
Mines - - - Fungal Hall B - - - - - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Phendrana - East Tower
Mines - - - Phazon Mining Tunnel - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Crossway Access South
Mines - - - Fungal Hall Access - - - - - - - - - - Grapple Beam - - - - -  Warp to: Chozo - - - Elder Hall Access
Magmoor - - Lava Lake - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Frozen Pike
Magmoor - - Triclops Pit - - - - - - - - - - - - - X-Ray Visor - - - - - - Warp to: Mines - - - Elevator B
Magmoor - - Storage Cavern - - - - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Magmoor - - Plasma Processing
Magmoor - - Transport Tunnel A - - - - - - - - - - Ice Spreader - - - - -  Warp to: Chozo - - - Ruined Fountain
Magmoor - - Warrior Shrine - - - - - - - - - - - - Energy Tank - - - - - - Warp to: Phendrana - Upper Edge Tunnel
Magmoor - - Shore Tunnel - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Tallon - -  Great Tree Hall
Magmoor - - Fiery Shores (Morph track) - - - - - - Energy Tank - - - - - - Warp to: Magmoor - - Transport to Phazon Mines West
Magmoor - - Fiery Shores (Warrior Shrine tunnel) - Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Magmoor - - Transport Tunnel C
Magmoor - - Plasma Processing - - - - - - - - - -  Missile Expansion - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Energy Core
Magmoor - - Magmoor Workstation - - - - - - - - -  Energy Tank - - - - - - Warp to: Chozo - - - Tower of Light Access

If you want to see it then watch http://www.twitch.tv/zas_/b/575765855 at 8:22:15.
it's not a mistake. the warps randomizer was made by using spawn points that are already located in each room. for some reason that one is out of bounds. it's not a problem if you know to fall on the door and shoot it open.
Edit history:
MilesSMB: 2014-10-07 09:00:44 pm
It's not "the spawn point is out of bounds", it's that it doesn't have a spawn point, in which case it puts you at coordinate 0,0,0 IIRC.

Dynamo Access actually does have one, but it's on the same layer as the Elite Pirate, which is deactivated after killing it.
that makes sense. i assume there's no easy fix then.
Nah, it'd be a really easy fix as I'd just have to move the spawn point to the default layer, but that would require me not being lazy Yes you're right it's impossible.
wait a minute, warp randomizer? how could I miss this, sounds awesome!

i must be blind but i cannot find it..
just download it from the first post. instructions are in the readme file.
ok version 2.0 includes this warp randomizer i guess..
Yeah, i did went through the door to get back inbounds and finished the run on Wii with 7:05 real time and 3:38 IGT.
If you can't move that then I guess the easiest fix would be to just exclude it during randomization.
Come on, you're talking like randomly getting warped OoB isn't part of the fun!
So I had Wave Beam in Training Chamber Access earlier today...
It happened to me too, I've no idea why the Chozo Ghosts didn't appear...
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
i've got that chozo ghost glitch a few times too.

i think the cause might be one of the triggers that are set after getting Ice Beam or the item in place of ice beam. getting here before setting those triggers seems to cause this if i had to guess (someone should look into it with more detail)