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any advice on doing transport to magmoor caverns south sj-less? i can get on the track, but i'm having trouble with the ghetto jump
loving low%
look diagonally up-right, you wanna jump diagonally, holding L for about 0.2 seconds longer than with the usual Ghetto Jump (it's neither a usual Ghetto Jump nor a usual L-Jump) and twist yourself so you'll end up looking leftwards at the end of the jump. Metroid177 and I were both having quite some problems with this jump was well...
Edit history:
Littlenino: 2014-08-13 07:27:21 pm
Littlenino: 2014-08-13 07:27:01 pm
Littlenino: 2014-08-13 07:26:17 pm
Littlenino: 2014-08-13 07:17:14 pm
Metroid177 actually started using a different method in his 21% SS attempts that seems to be A LOT more consistent where you lock your vision a ways to the left of the track at a specific point, ghetto, and twist hard right. He was consistently getting the ghetto within like 3 tries using that setup as opposed to dozens with the setup where you lock your vision to the right and twist to the left.


He actually makes the ghetto at ~1:19:40

Figured I might as well share that one as well since biospark (and others) might find that one to be easier.

EDIT - I can't remember his exact wording, but I also remember T3 saying something about pressing B right as you touch the ledge you should be landing on. I don't remember his reasoning for doing so, but it might be worth trying.
Edit history:
rekameohs: 2014-08-15 02:08:50 am
rekameohs: 2014-08-15 02:08:33 am
rekameohs: 2014-08-14 02:36:23 pm
Anywhere, everywhere
Cross-post with the Echoes Randomizer thread...


The New and Improved™ Metroid Prime Randomizer script: Electric Boogaloo

A lot of improvements in this one. I think I've set it up such that every feature possible by the randomizers is supported now - some things were not before.

General Updates
  • Wii versions are now supported, including Trilogy! Just bring in the WBFS file for each game - so "mp1.wbfs" for MP1 New Play Control (Japan), "mp2.wbfs" for MP2 New Play Control (Japan), or "mpt" for Trilogy (NA, Europe)
  • Only the Echoes Randomizer currently supports the Wii versions, so MP1 Wii is effectively useless right now. Refill Randomizer may work on it and Trilogy - haven't checked yet, but the script is set up such that it should work if it's supported
  • I've only checked Trilogy (NA) to see if it works and it does (Echoes Randomizer ran successfully). I don't have the MP2 New Play Control WBFS, but things should be set up correctly.
  • WBFS files are what the Wii rips when you use CleanRip or another homebrew like that. If you have the Wii version saved as an ISO, it's easy to find software to convert it.
  • If the WBFS file is split (i.e. a ".wbfs" file and a ".wbf1" file), just bring them both in with the same name ("mpt.wbfs" and "mpt.wbf1")
  • Obviously, Gamecube ISO's are the same format as before "mp1.iso" / "mp2.iso"
  • I've updated both of the custom banners to visually be similar to the actual games' banners.

Pics are of Dolphin and USB Loader GX

Metroid Prime 1 Updates
  • Paraxade's refill randomizer is now supported. This can be run with the default setting (50% chance of acquiring item, 50% chance of losing it) or with a custom setting
  • Fixed a glitch in the previous version were some features did not work.

Metroid Prime 2 Updates
  • Fixed the issue with reading "Game.toc" so there's no more manually finding the root directory yourself nonsense
  • Added support for the custom settings in the randomizer. Put it "-m" to randomize the music and/or "-c" to show the original item cutscene
  • To keep the file small enough, the Multiplayer Theme music is deleted. However, a copy is made, so if you run the music randomizer, it still can be randomized to another area.

This link will always stay up to date with the newest version of the script, so I'll post if there's an update.

Let me know if you're having any issues.
west furnace access why
Mines - Phazon Mining Tunnel - Artifact of Newborn - Space Jump
is it possible to get this?
Edit history:
TheMG2: 2014-08-14 05:58:08 pm
Considering that the item that is usually there is an artifact, and that its possible to skip space jump entirely, yes.
EDIT: Are Phazon Suit or Gravity + 12(?) etanks obtainable?
loving low%
Considering getting the Artifact when you're already there, it's even possible without even Varia Suit if you get out of the Phazon from time to time, get health restored by the Metroids in the 2 nearby rooms connecting to Phazon Mining Tunnel (Fungal Hall A & B). With Varia Suit it gets less hard/ time consuming and with Gravity Suit it's not too hard at all anymore. I'm speaking about having Boost Ball plus THIRTEEN (not 12) out of those 14 Energy Tanks.  Idk about no-Boost Ball.

I just know I got the Artifact of Newborn from in-bounds with Boost Ball with just POWER Suit with that "restore your health from time to time and make sure TO NEVER UNLOAD Phazon Mining Tunnel, i.e. only go halfway through FHA and FHB for killing Metroids for health restoring. Getting there (i.e. Lower Mines) without SJB shouldn't be too easy for you unless you're already very experienced with the game, though - no insulting intended lol, just wanna help you/ warn you/ give you advice. You should have all 4 beams until then, though, and Boost Ball and Spider Ball, or else it will get either impossible for you, impossible at all or at least very freaking hard.

Idk if it's possible to get that Artifact with wallcrawling, but Metroid177 told me he was gonna look into it soon. He thinks: "Why shouldn't you be able to collect it from out of bounds?!" and I had no answer to that, so it migtht very well be possible. I really don't know about that, though.
west furnace access why
let me clarify, is it obtainable from metroid quarantine A? I have phazon and all the beams + x-ray
Edit history:
Aruki: 2014-08-14 06:48:18 pm
Aruki: 2014-08-14 06:48:04 pm
SJ is skippable, why would it not be obtainable? You are required to get that item in a regular game. If it wasn't obtainable then SJ wouldn't be skippable.
You get to lower mines FROM MQA so...
west furnace access why
I just wasnt sure, is there a video on how to get throught MQA without spacejump?
Do you have spider?
west furnace access why
Edit history:
Aruki: 2014-08-14 07:23:00 pm
Aruki: 2014-08-14 07:19:42 pm
Just use the spider tracks then...? If you have xray and spider then I don't understand what you're having problems with.

@rekameohs I think refill randomizer will work on every version of the game, but I might update it at some point because there were a couple things related to the STRG format I didn't fully understand at the time that I do now. A couple aspects of the refill randomizer (namely, log generation, and possibly the HUD popups) will probably break in PAL/JPN versions of the game.
Edit history:
Gunert: 2014-08-14 07:29:06 pm
west furnace access why
I'm having problems getting up to the platform where the spider tracks are.
also, I downloaded rekameohs update thing and chrome identified it as a malicious file, did anyone else get that and should I trust that file?
DBJ onto the invisible platform, then DBJ off the invisible platform to where the spider track is. The timing on the second DBJ might be a bit tricky since you'll probably need to wait until the platform is about to change direction, but it's not bad at all as far as no-SJ tricks go.
Edit history:
rekameohs: 2014-08-14 08:09:51 pm
rekameohs: 2014-08-14 08:09:47 pm
Anywhere, everywhere
Quote from Gunert:
I'm having problems getting up to the platform where the spider tracks are.
also, I downloaded rekameohs update thing and chrome identified it as a malicious file, did anyone else get that and should I trust that file?

Chrome doesn't like .exe's that haven't been downloaded often, since it thinks that it could be malicious. And obviously the randomizers have not been downloaded often. Just use a different browser to get it.

Either that or it doesn't like batch scripts that call .exe's. Either way, it downloads in other browsers.
west furnace access why
thanks for letting me know, but I would like it if other people could confirm that the file is actually what is says it is. I've had some bad experiences with things like this in the past and I would like to be certain this wont be another one.
Anywhere, everywhere

Me being on this forum for around 10 years was all a ruse to hide a trojan in a download right at this moment. I got figured out!
west furnace access why
sorry, I just want to be sure
How do you know the randomizer didn't have a trojan in it too? DUN DUN DUN!!!
Edit history:
Gunert: 2014-08-14 08:57:50 pm
west furnace access why
you've got a point, i'm probably making a bigger deal out of this than it needs to be aren't I? I have a bad habit of doing that.
Anywhere, everywhere
Nah, it's all good, bro.

By the way, I've got this friend of mine who wanted to give you a call. Apparently he's a prince in Nigeria and he can get you some cash!
west furnace access why