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Quote from TheMG2:
I know you can get that item by bombing the blue side of the door (use power bombs if you have them).

That trick is also extremely difficult, but yes it is a thing. The idea is that you want to drop the bomb as you're rolling through the door so that it'll bomb the blue door after it closes behind you. I personally haven't been able to replicate it on emulator (Though I've done it before on console, strangely enough). Having boost would also probably help.
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Aruki: 2014-08-08 11:11:59 pm
This is a guess, but I think the reason it works is because you bomb the door on the first frame after it finishes closing, and the last frame before the room unloads. With a power bomb, this is stupidly easy since a PB does constant damage every frame. With a regular bomb, it gets pretty damn hard, since you need frame perfect timing to pull it off.
The thing is, I've tried it with power bombs (and boost for good measure), and can not for the life of me get it to work on emulator. I'm either doing something seriously wrong, or it's something that just for some reason isn't emulated correctly.
i have powerbombs at this point, but i can't get it to hit the door. does it matter that the door locks?
Nope. If you roll at the door, try laying the PB right as the morph ball gets popped into the air by the door frame.

It might be easier to save somewhere and practice on a different door to get the hang of how it works, then do it in Chapel of the Elders.
so the bomb should be laid essentially in the middle of the door frame?
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Aruki: 2014-08-08 11:46:12 pm
Yeah, about there. Slightly before the middle, actually.
hm. i tried it once on the save door and got it right away. i've tried it like 8 times in the chapel of the elders and can't get it. could it have to do with the fact i'm playing off an sd card?
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Aruki: 2014-08-09 12:30:40 am
Don't see why that would matter... CotE shouldn't really be any different from the save door. Maybe try experimenting with different timing on the PB?

If you have boost ball, you could try boosting away from the door to get it to close quicker.
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BioSpark: 2014-08-09 12:30:53 am
but it absolutely has to be before crossing over the middle, right?

don't have boost btw.
Try right as you cross over the middle
any chance there's a video of someone doing it? it might help with the timing
There might be one buried in someone's Twitch archives somewhere, but I have no idea where.
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BioSpark: 2014-08-09 12:57:47 am
there ought to be a sw entrance in that room. tried climbing on everything but nothing turned up.
make sure you're going straight through the door, not at an angle or anything. also make sure you have enough speed. back away as much as you can before going through the door.
what's your best advice for laying the powerbomb? exactly in the middle, or slightly before/after?
i don't know the best timing. i think when i did it it was right in the center of the door frame.
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Drewseph: 2014-08-09 05:07:34 am
Why is it the moment I start watchxing an anime, I suddenly see avatars all over the place with images from that show? (K-on!!... im pretty sure)
Because K-ON isn't exactly a very obscure show. It's pretty damn likely you'll find someone with an avatar from it in almost any community.
Whats the appeal?  season 1 was pretty fun, but season 2 is really boring, 5 ep in
so, turns out the door was actually hit from the other side, i just thought the wave side would be gray too. i'm dumb
is it possible to wallcrawl to observatory without wave beam?
As far as I know, no. I've never been able to transition the front door from Ruined Courtyard, and the back way has some vertical doors.
welp, run over i guess. kinda sucks because i was doing so well, plus i was 2 for 2 so far