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I fell so dumb right now... I didn't know that there were invisible plateforms there, I thought the item was intended to be be reach with the space jump...
Thank you Daryoshi, I did it (without X-ray... kinda fun) and now I can continue !
I'm learning so many things thanks to this randomizer, I love it
Quote from StefanvanDijke:
wait a moment. Artifact Temple will always give you the artifact right? Is there really any use of going there or are you also randomizing the artifact?

I always randomize the artifact.
loving low%
You're welcome! The item there IS NOT supposed to be gotten without SJB though because you're rather supposed to get X-Ray Visor first and then happen to see it some time when travelling through Magmoor Caverns.

Remember me to make a compilation of items you can get with just those upgrafes you get in 21% so it's not just no space jump but also no Boost, Spider, Grapple, etc.
This compilation will be VERY helpful for all the people who have decided to randomize SJB as well as the other items.
PS: I've already recorded the videos of collecting those items from 21% in Ompact Crater to 74%. It will take some time to make the compilation itself though, quite some time even.
Do you have a vidio of the watery hall expansion with an underwater ghetto? This is very useful for randomizers who don't get space jump early on.
loving low%
Yes I have gotten a video of me collecting almost every more or less humanly possible item under 21% upgrades conditions, including that Missile Expansion in Watery Hall. It's really tight and might some time but it's not too hard.

I'm on holidays and will be back on Saturday. The videos are on my PC and I'll need at least so much time that the compilation will be on Youtube at Monday I guess, but perhaps it'll take so much time that it'll be up at Tuesday. I don't promise anything though. ;-)
Ok, I finally finished my first seed ! I was not really lucky because my 4 first seeds were impossible to clear...
Anyway, I'm happy and I did some small videos. Nothing new but it can help people for the Randomizer :

How to easily activate Chozo Floaty Glitch without Space Jump
How to get the Furnace item early with Floaty Glitch

Let's go for the next seed !
Edit history:
StefanvanDijke: 2014-07-24 02:28:00 am
StefanvanDijke: 2014-07-24 02:21:47 am
Quote from Paraxade:
Yeah, but if you go backwards from Great Tree Hall you don't need to activate any of the doors.

I tried this yesterday and the last big door (normally the first door) would not open from the other side. Is it just me? I didn't really try too hard. Only tried wave beam.

I went all the way back and did great tree hall bars backwards to get back to the early tallon part.
Yeah, that door can't be opened from the wrong side without activating it. However, you can bomb jump into a SW in that room and then drop back inbounds in the next one.
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Pwootage: 2014-07-26 02:41:45 am
Pwootage: 2014-07-25 10:52:31 pm
I made a thing for tracking what you've found so far, might be useful in your attempts:


(Prime 2 support is pretty easy, just haven't made an item/location list for it yet)

EDIT: Update: Now saves between refreshes, has a button to toggle when you get an item, & has buttons to show all/found/remaining items.

EDIT 2: Update 2: Now supports Prime 2, too!
Anywhere, everywhere
Is there a way to get the Ruined Fountain item with IS? My attempts are either causing just damage or crashing. If that doesn't work, there's no way to get out of the area with the item without spider, right?
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Aruki: 2014-07-25 05:24:20 am
Not possible with IS. You can get it with floaty jump, though. It's annoying, but possible. You need to try to get the morph ball stuck on the lip of the spider track so you have less downward momentum when you reach the hole.
My best guess would be to use floaty jump and bomb jump in and out...(ok Paraxade beat me by a minute)

Not sure who mentioned this before but gravity suit DOES give heat protection in magmoor cavers. I remeber someone saying that it doesn't but it could also just be me.
Nice idea Pwootage ! Thanks for sharing it.
A cool feature would be to have a checkbox for each item to keep tracking of what you have already picked up. Thanks to that, we could also hide item we have  to avoid this huge scrolling.

Quote from Paraxade:
Not possible with IS. You can get it with floaty jump, though. It's annoying, but possible.

Good to know
Quote from StefanvanDijke:
Not sure who mentioned this before but gravity suit DOES give heat protection in magmoor cavers. I remeber someone saying that it doesn't but it could also just be me.

Every suit gives heat protection actually. Only gravity actually gives gravity though, which is why people who know how to (ab)use floaty tend to avoid it.
Quote from A-M:
Thanks for your advices. I tried the Watery Hall OoB again yesterday during 2 hours and nope, I can't do it. I'm going to train it on Dolphin first.
But by the way, how do yo climb the root that fast ? The only consistent method I found is to keep the joystick forward during ~30s and after that I shake it from forward to upper right and I finally land on the edge, but it takes ~1 minute...

As Stefan explains, ghetto jumping makes it a lot faster - I find you also have to wiggle the stick to get Samus to keep rising.
loving low%

I also posted that in my 21%/ NSJ topic.
Have any of you found a way to stop the micro stuttering in Dolphin? I wanted to try this in the near future and I already have the Randomizer setup. I've tried a good amount of settings but it might not be the right combination.
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Littlenino: 2014-07-27 05:17:49 pm
Quote from Kaysick:
Have any of you found a way to stop the micro stuttering in Dolphin? I wanted to try this in the near future and I already have the Randomizer setup. I've tried a good amount of settings but it might not be the right combination.

If by "micro stuttering" you mean framerate drops, you probably just don't have a powerful enough machine to emulate the game "perfectly." The config guides for dolphin are extremely out-of-date for a lot of games, so the general rule of thumb has pretty much become "If you can't run it on the stock settings, you're pretty much boned" because you can't get much faster than the stock settings in terms of emulation speed.
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Kaysick: 2014-07-27 05:25:52 pm
Quote from Littlenino:
If by "micro stuttering" you mean framerate drops, you probably just don't have a powerful enough machine to emulate the game "perfectly." The config guides for dolphin are extremely out-of-date for a lot of games, so the general rule of thumb has pretty much become "If you can't run it on the stock settings, you're pretty much boned" because you can't get much faster than the stock settings in terms of emulation speed.

By micro stuttering, I mean whenever I open a door or shoot certain enemies, etc the game does small minuscule stutters that are noticeable. I can run games like Wind Waker, Super Mario Sunshine, Brawl (Really Project M), Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin 1 & 2 fine so I know my computer can handle it.
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Littlenino: 2014-07-27 06:01:43 pm
Littlenino: 2014-07-27 06:01:23 pm
The thing is, not every game emulates exactly the same, and some games (Like Prime) are harder to emulate well than others. With the exception of upscaling the output resolution a bit, I use the stock settings when I run the game on dolphin, and have never experienced that problem you're describing. Granted, I have a 4670K overclocked to 4.2 GHz, so emulation is kind of a joke for me.
Kaysick, did you repack using the list files the randomizer generated?
Finaly finished one!

Seed: 1311611394

Oh boy I got what I was asking for, this seed has it all. Floaty jump, infinite bomb jumps, secret worlds, space jumpless varialess magmoor runs and all within my level of skill but it really gave me headaches sometimes and it was a nice braintraining.

I challenge other players to finish this seed.

I will have to see if I do another one...
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Kaysick: 2014-07-28 01:21:41 pm
Quote from Paraxade:
Kaysick, did you repack using the list files the randomizer generated?

I believe so, I followed the instructions listed with the randomizer & pak tool. About the micro stuttering, I'll try to tinker with settings to get it working smoothly.
If you did, then that would rule out it being an issue with the randomizer... probably a setting on Dolphin somewhere?
Quote from Paraxade:
If you did, then that would rule out it being an issue with the randomizer... probably a setting on Dolphin somewhere?

Yea that's what I think it is. I checked the "problems" on the Wiki and it says Micro stuttering is in issue so I'm going to start tinkering with it. I seem to have fixed it a bit now but it still happens but definitely a lot less than certain settings that I turned on.