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loving low%
Very nice! :D
I actually watched you getting all 3 Beams in Chozo Ruins until getting Charge Beam right before entering Mines Security Station (3 Wavetroopers). Then I went to the cinema and when I returned 2.5 hrs later you were already done. :-( But with such immense luck on the Randomizer that shouldn't have surprised me, that you were already done with this by the time I got home. ;-)
It was a pretty fun watch; probably need to register/ get a new password for twitch since being able to join the chatroom seems to provide even more fun. :-)
Good job anyway; keep it up; I'll gladly watch streams of Randomizers until I get into the whole randmozier thing myself which I'm really excited about but don't have enough time/ knowledge yet, right know...
Edit history:
Sniqq: 2014-06-30 05:51:25 pm
This might've been asked before but:
is it possible to play this @ pal gc with sdhc card? (sd media launcher)
AFAIK it doesn't matter what region your hardware is from; if you can run a custom gamecube ISO on it you should be able to play games from any region.
Edit history:
Sniqq: 2014-06-30 05:54:53 pm
Ok, worth testing then. I'm not sure whats the best software to boot from SD @gc though (without major lag in metroid prime)
edit: yes I can play games from any region but the question was is GC capable of running modded isos like mp1 randomizer
I don't know how you'd do it on a Gamecube, I only have experience running it on a softmodded Wii. I would imagine the gamecube can run gamecube games, though. :P
Finished the second one. I got really lucky with the seed though. Didn't have to do any OoB or IS or difficult bomb jumps. I'd say the hardest part honestly was getting Grapple in Training Chamber.

Seed: 1324371327
Excluded pickups: 5 19 28 63

Edit history:
Baby Sheegoth: 2014-06-30 07:24:23 pm
Quote from Daryoshi:
Very nice! :D
I actually watched you getting all 3 Beams in Chozo Ruins until getting Charge Beam right before entering Mines Security Station (3 Wavetroopers). Then I went to the cinema and when I returned 2.5 hrs later you were already done. :-( But with such immense luck on the Randomizer that shouldn't have surprised me, that you were already done with this by the time I got home. ;-)
It was a pretty fun watch; probably need to register/ get a new password for twitch since being able to join the chatroom seems to provide even more fun. :-)
Good job anyway; keep it up; I'll gladly watch streams of Randomizers until I get into the whole randmozier thing myself which I'm really excited about but don't have enough time/ knowledge yet, right know...

Hahaha that's awesome man! Definitely get a twitch account and we can hang out during attempts. I'm doing another one really soon :) next few minutes!
So, would an eventual goal of this randomized hack be to totally relocate item positions in a room as well as the order?
Quote from Drewseph:
So, would an eventual goal of this randomized hack be to totally relocate item positions in a room as well as the order?

I don't think this would either be possible or as interesting.
Of course it's possible. I don't really see much point in it, though... all it would do is put items in places where you don't need to get past the obstacles/solve the puzzles in the room to get them.
Edit history:
TheMG2: 2014-06-30 09:47:54 pm
Well, by possible, I mean possible in a way that would prevent items from being in solid walls and stuff.
I read it as adding new preset item spawn locations within rooms.
That just seems unnecessary
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
i did 2 more attempts today and both turned out to be impossible in the end.

Seed: 458828745
Excluded pickups: 5 19 28 63 
Chozo - Main Plaza (Half-pipe) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Main Plaza (Grapple ledge) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Main Plaza (Tree) - Missile Expansion - Power Bomb Expansion
Chozo - Main Plaza (Locked door) - Energy Tank - Energy Tank
Chozo - Ruined Fountain - Missile Expansion - Space Jump Boots
Chozo - Ruined Shrine ("Beetle battle") - Morph Ball - Morph Ball
Chozo - Ruined Shrine (Half-pipe) - Missile Expansion - Varia Suit
Chozo - Ruined Shrine (Lower tunnel) - Missile Expansion - Artifact of World
Chozo - Vault - Missile Expansion - Ice Beam
Chozo - Training Chamber - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Ruined Nursery - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Training Chamber Access - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Magma Pool - Power Bomb Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Tower of Light - Wavebuster - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Tower Chamber - Artifact of Lifegiver - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Ruined Gallery (Missile wall) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Ruined Gallery (Morph tunnel) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Transport Access North - Energy Tank - Artifact of Warrior
Chozo - Gathering Hall - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Hive Totem - Missile Launcher - Missile Launcher
Chozo - Sunchamber (Flaahgra) - Varia Suit - Power Bomb Expansion
Chozo - Sunchamber (Ghosts) - Artifact of Wild - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Watery Hall Access - Missile Expansion - Wavebuster
Chozo - Watery Hall (Scan puzzle) - Charge Beam - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Watery Hall (Underwater) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Dynamo (Lower) - Missile Expansion - Artifact of Elder
Chozo - Dynamo (Spider track) - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Chozo - Burn Dome (Missile) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Burn Dome (I. Drone) - Bombs - Bombs
Chozo - Furnace (Spider tracks) - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Chozo - Furnace (Inside Furnace) - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Hall of the Elders - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Crossway - Missile Expansion - Flamethrower
Chozo - Elder Chamber - Artifact of World - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Antechamber - Ice Beam - Artifact of Sun
Phendrana - Phendrana Shorelines (Behind ice) - Missile Expansion - Thermal Visor
Phendrana - Phendrana Shorelines (Spider track) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Chozo Ice Temple - Artifact of Sun - Energy Tank
Phendrana - Ice Ruins West - Power Bomb Expansion - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Ice Ruins East (Behind ice) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Ice Ruins East (Spider track) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Chapel of the Elders - Wave Beam - Artifact of Strength
Phendrana - Ruined Courtyard - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Phendrana Canyon - Boost Ball - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Quarantine Cave - Spider Ball - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Research Lab Hydra - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Quarantine Monitor - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Observatory - Super Missile - Energy Tank
Phendrana - Transport Access - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Control Tower - Artifact of Elder - Spider Ball
Phendrana - Research Core - Thermal Visor - Gravity Suit
Phendrana - Frost Cave - Missile Expansion - Artifact of Chozo
Phendrana - Research Lab Aether (Tank) - Energy Tank - Energy Tank
Phendrana - Research Lab Aether (Morph track) - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Phendrana - Gravity Chamber (Underwater) - Gravity Suit - X-Ray Visor
Phendrana - Gravity Chamber (Grapple ledge) - Missile Expansion - Power Bomb Expansion
Phendrana - Storage Cave - Artifact of Spirit - Energy Tank
Phendrana - Security Cave - Power Bomb Expansion - Missile Expansion
Tallon - Landing Site - Missile Expansion - Artifact of Nature
Tallon - Alcove - Space Jump Boots - Artifact of Wild
Tallon - Frigate Crash Site - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Tallon - Overgrown Cavern - Missile Expansion - Power Bomb Expansion
Tallon - Root Cave - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Tallon - Artifact Temple - Artifact of Truth - Artifact of Truth
Tallon - Transport Tunnel B - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Tallon - Arbor Chamber - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Tallon - Cargo Freight Lift to Deck Gamma - Energy Tank - Energy Tank
Tallon - Biohazard Containment - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Tallon - Hydro Access Tunnel - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion
Tallon - Great Tree Chamber - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Tallon - Life Grove Tunnel - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Tallon - Life Grove (Start) - X-Ray Visor - Missile Expansion
Tallon - Life Grove (Underwater spinner) - Artifact of Chozo - Plasma Beam
Mines - Main Quarry - Missile Expansion - Phazon Suit
Mines - Security Access A - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Mines - Storage Depot B - Grapple Beam - Artifact of Lifegiver
Mines - Storage Depot A - Flamethrower - Missile Expansion
Mines - Elite Research (Phazon Elite) - Artifact of Warrior - Boost Ball
Mines - Elite Research (Laser) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Mines - Elite Control Access - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Mines - Ventilation Shaft - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion
Mines - Phazon Processing Center - Missile Expansion - Grapple Beam
Mines - Processing Center Access - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion
Mines - Elite Quarters - Phazon Suit - Missile Expansion
Mines - Central Dynamo - Power Bombs - Wave Beam
Mines - Metroid Quarantine B - Missile Expansion - Super Missile
Mines - Metroid Quarantine A - Missile Expansion - Ice Spreader
Mines - Fungal Hall B - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Mines - Phazon Mining Tunnel - Artifact of Newborn - Missile Expansion
Mines - Fungal Hall Access - Missile Expansion - Artifact of Spirit
Magmoor - Lava Lake - Artifact of Nature - Charge Beam
Magmoor - Triclops Pit - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Magmoor - Storage Cavern - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Magmoor - Transport Tunnel A - Energy Tank - Power Bombs
Magmoor - Warrior Shrine - Artifact of Strength - Energy Tank
Magmoor - Shore Tunnel - Ice Spreader - Artifact of Newborn
Magmoor - Fiery Shores (Morph track) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Magmoor - Fiery Shores (Warrior Shrine tunnel) - Power Bomb Expansion - Missile Expansion
Magmoor - Plasma Processing - Plasma Beam - Missile Expansion
Magmoor - Magmoor Workstation - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion

this one went nowhere fast. the only good thing was lots of artifacts early but that's it. the item placements were evil.

second one was such a shame since it looked very promising. Ice Beam alone killed it.

Seed: 1539468918
Excluded pickups: 5 19 28 63 
Chozo - Main Plaza (Half-pipe) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Main Plaza (Grapple ledge) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Main Plaza (Tree) - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Chozo - Main Plaza (Locked door) - Energy Tank - Artifact of Warrior
Chozo - Ruined Fountain - Missile Expansion - Varia Suit
Chozo - Ruined Shrine ("Beetle battle") - Morph Ball - Morph Ball
Chozo - Ruined Shrine (Half-pipe) - Missile Expansion - Artifact of Nature
Chozo - Ruined Shrine (Lower tunnel) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Vault - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Training Chamber - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Ruined Nursery - Missile Expansion - Space Jump Boots
Chozo - Training Chamber Access - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Magma Pool - Power Bomb Expansion - Plasma Beam
Chozo - Tower of Light - Wavebuster - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Tower Chamber - Artifact of Lifegiver - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Ruined Gallery (Missile wall) - Missile Expansion - Charge Beam
Chozo - Ruined Gallery (Morph tunnel) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Transport Access North - Energy Tank - Boost Ball
Chozo - Gathering Hall - Missile Expansion - Artifact of Strength
Chozo - Hive Totem - Missile Launcher - Missile Launcher
Chozo - Sunchamber (Flaahgra) - Varia Suit - Power Bomb Expansion
Chozo - Sunchamber (Ghosts) - Artifact of Wild - Gravity Suit
Chozo - Watery Hall Access - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Watery Hall (Scan puzzle) - Charge Beam - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Watery Hall (Underwater) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Dynamo (Lower) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Dynamo (Spider track) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Burn Dome (Missile) - Missile Expansion - Power Bomb Expansion
Chozo - Burn Dome (I. Drone) - Bombs - Bombs
Chozo - Furnace (Spider tracks) - Missile Expansion - Artifact of Spirit
Chozo - Furnace (Inside Furnace) - Energy Tank - Wave Beam
Chozo - Hall of the Elders - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Crossway - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Elder Chamber - Artifact of World - Missile Expansion
Chozo - Antechamber - Ice Beam - Spider Ball
Phendrana - Phendrana Shorelines (Behind ice) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Phendrana Shorelines (Spider track) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Chozo Ice Temple - Artifact of Sun - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Ice Ruins West - Power Bomb Expansion - Wavebuster
Phendrana - Ice Ruins East (Behind ice) - Missile Expansion - Artifact of Sun
Phendrana - Ice Ruins East (Spider track) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Chapel of the Elders - Wave Beam - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Ruined Courtyard - Energy Tank - Artifact of Chozo
Phendrana - Phendrana Canyon - Boost Ball - Artifact of Newborn
Phendrana - Quarantine Cave - Spider Ball - Grapple Beam
Phendrana - Research Lab Hydra - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Quarantine Monitor - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Observatory - Super Missile - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Transport Access - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Control Tower - Artifact of Elder - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Research Core - Thermal Visor - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Frost Cave - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Phendrana - Research Lab Aether (Tank) - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Research Lab Aether (Morph track) - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Phendrana - Gravity Chamber (Underwater) - Gravity Suit - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Gravity Chamber (Grapple ledge) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Storage Cave - Artifact of Spirit - Missile Expansion
Phendrana - Security Cave - Power Bomb Expansion - Missile Expansion
Tallon - Landing Site - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Tallon - Alcove - Space Jump Boots - Energy Tank
Tallon - Frigate Crash Site - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Tallon - Overgrown Cavern - Missile Expansion - Thermal Visor
Tallon - Root Cave - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Tallon - Artifact Temple - Artifact of Truth - Artifact of Truth
Tallon - Transport Tunnel B - Missile Expansion - Artifact of World
Tallon - Arbor Chamber - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Tallon - Cargo Freight Lift to Deck Gamma - Energy Tank - Power Bomb Expansion
Tallon - Biohazard Containment - Missile Expansion - Artifact of Wild
Tallon - Hydro Access Tunnel - Energy Tank - X-Ray Visor
Tallon - Great Tree Chamber - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Tallon - Life Grove Tunnel - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Tallon - Life Grove (Start) - X-Ray Visor - Phazon Suit
Tallon - Life Grove (Underwater spinner) - Artifact of Chozo - Missile Expansion
Mines - Main Quarry - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Mines - Security Access A - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Mines - Storage Depot B - Grapple Beam - Missile Expansion
Mines - Storage Depot A - Flamethrower - Power Bombs
Mines - Elite Research (Phazon Elite) - Artifact of Warrior - Missile Expansion
Mines - Elite Research (Laser) - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Mines - Elite Control Access - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Mines - Ventilation Shaft - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion
Mines - Phazon Processing Center - Missile Expansion - Flamethrower
Mines - Processing Center Access - Energy Tank - Ice Spreader
Mines - Elite Quarters - Phazon Suit - Energy Tank
Mines - Central Dynamo - Power Bombs - Super Missile
Mines - Metroid Quarantine B - Missile Expansion - Ice Beam
Mines - Metroid Quarantine A - Missile Expansion - Missile Expansion
Mines - Fungal Hall B - Missile Expansion - Artifact of Elder
Mines - Phazon Mining Tunnel - Artifact of Newborn - Power Bomb Expansion
Mines - Fungal Hall Access - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Magmoor - Lava Lake - Artifact of Nature - Missile Expansion
Magmoor - Triclops Pit - Missile Expansion - Artifact of Lifegiver
Magmoor - Storage Cavern - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Magmoor - Transport Tunnel A - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion
Magmoor - Warrior Shrine - Artifact of Strength - Energy Tank
Magmoor - Shore Tunnel - Ice Spreader - Missile Expansion
Magmoor - Fiery Shores (Morph track) - Missile Expansion - Energy Tank
Magmoor - Fiery Shores (Warrior Shrine tunnel) - Power Bomb Expansion - Energy Tank
Magmoor - Plasma Processing - Plasma Beam - Energy Tank
Magmoor - Magmoor Workstation - Energy Tank - Missile Expansion
Yeah there needs to be some kind of preset so that Icebeam cannot ever be placed in the mines.
Edit history:
Baby Sheegoth: 2014-07-01 01:37:06 pm
Is there anyway to automatically boot the Wii to the homebrew channel? Holding Reset/Power is a pain

EDIT: Holy shit, what? My game just crashed... then stopped and kept going like nothing happened.
Quote from Drewseph:
Yeah there needs to be some kind of preset so that Icebeam cannot ever be placed in the mines.

To be fair, you can still get it if it's in Main Quarry, provided you have Wave Beam :P But yes, customization options and other improvements are coming
Edit history:
Baby Sheegoth: 2014-07-01 01:44:50 pm
Quote from Paraxade:
Quote from Drewseph:
Yeah there needs to be some kind of preset so that Icebeam cannot ever be placed in the mines.

To be fair, you can still get it if it's in Main Quarry, provided you have Wave Beam :P But yes, customization options and other improvements are coming

I was about to say you're wrong but you're actually totally right, if he has Wave/SJ+Boost or Gravity
Quote from Baby Sheegoth:
EDIT: Holy shit, what? My game just crashed... then stopped and kept going like nothing happened.

Then it wasn't a crash. I have no idea why it happens, seems to be an occasional thing when playing on console.
Quote from MilesSMB:
Quote from Baby Sheegoth:
EDIT: Holy shit, what? My game just crashed... then stopped and kept going like nothing happened.

Then it wasn't a crash. I have no idea why it happens, seems to be an occasional thing when playing on console.

Are you sure? It hung, had the buzzing noise and everything and I was about to reset the console, and it started running again.

Any idea why it does crash so frequently though?
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
Nintendon't is pretty convenient because it was a reset button combo that sends you to the homebrew channel.
Nintendont doesn't even work for me anymore. It just randomly automatically loads something and then crashes my wii.
Anywhere, everywhere
Just turn off the auto boot feature. If it's crashing, it should spit out an error.

And Nintendont is great because it's only been in development for a few months - the build we're using is a very early release. It also sees near constant updates and is open source so it will continue to do so, while Devolution and DIOS MIOS have been long dead. I'm hoping for bluetooth controller support soon like Devo has. I'm on Wii U, so Classic Controller support would be great (and for Prime, Wii U Pro would work too, since it doesn't use the analog triggers in any special way). Wired PS3 controllers are supported now, which is good enough, and I am a fan of its fully customizable controls. I would imagine that in time, it will pass Devo in terms of compatability.
How do I do that, it automatically loads stuff :( I don't get time to do anything
Edit history:
rekameohs: 2014-07-01 02:26:49 pm
rekameohs: 2014-07-01 02:26:04 pm
Anywhere, everywhere
Assuming you're using a USB loader, there's a feature in there somewhere.

And I think you can hold B or something during the auto boot process anyways to stop it.

edit: and make sure the version is up to date. The thread at gbatemp has the newest release at the very top and you put that in the apps folder to replace a file to keep it up to date. Work blocks that site so I can't see it myself right now but it should have the details. I think I remember saying that the newest build is 1.94 or something similar to that. So it's the 1.0 release and the revision at the top.