Um, in bandwidth terms, isn't having a random avatar the same as just having one avatar with the average size of all your avatars? Because they don't get downloaded any more than one avatar would. I suppose the only thing that matters is space, and I don't think he's too worried about that.
Um, in bandwidth terms, isn't having a random avatar the same as just having one avatar with the average size of all your avatars? Because they don't get downloaded any more than one avatar would. I suppose the only thing that matters is space, and I don't think he's too worried about that.
Actually, if you have 1 avatar, you only download 1 jpg, 1 time. The computer caches the picture so you don't download it again. If you have 50 avatars, you need to download 50 jpgs.
But hell, they are so small, looking at 1 video is going to cost more bandwith as using the avatars for a month. :P
Actually, there's 64 to be exact. :D Nice estimate, though. :D
You have a point Saber. Nate himself does have 200+ avatars of just Jessica Alba. But what I'm worried about is if he "I'm paying for it, so I can have as much bang for my buck as I want" or not. I'm not saying that Nate's unfair, I'm just saying that the money to keep this site up and running comes out of his pocket.
Actually, if you have 1 avatar, you only download 1 jpg, 1 time. The computer caches the picture so you don't download it again. If you have 50 avatars, you need to download 50 jpgs.
with the latest version of the random avatar script (lovingly modified by carlmmii), no caching happens. this is to ensure you get a new random avatar every time you visit a thread where that person has posted (assuming the script doesn't pick the same one twice, anyway).
as long as the avatars are under the size limit, i don't particularly care how many you have.
I've also been meaning to ask for future reference so I don't have to bug Nate himself anymore...
If I'm using my M2K2 space for my avatars, I upload the .htaccess file. After I rename the file so it has no name, it disappears. Now, if it's gone and not showing up, then I am unable to delete it. Which means I wouldn't be able to delete the folder the .htaccess file is in. But I can delete everything else in there.
My question is how do I get that .htaccess file to show up after it has no name so I can delete it myself?
I meant in response to DZ's solution. The .htaccess is still there, just won't show up. I know it's there because it's right in the main directory of my M2K2 space. If it weren't thre, then my sigs (The ones I'm using as of this moment) wouldn't be randomizing.
I can't delete the .htaccess if I can't get it to show up. Getting it to show up to delete it is my problem.
may have to use a different ftp client or learn to use command line ftp (basically just windows+r, ftp, enter your username and password when prompted, then type delete .htaccess and hit return. to get out, type "bye" without the quotes and hit return).