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What items count toward percent? He said it wa sa 1% run yet he had 9 powerbombs and 15 missiles. Is that still 1%?
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1% run would be like 4 powerbombs and 10 missles
Ready and willing.
Only tanks count to percent, not the intial expansion. There's no need to count upgrades as percent when they're all forced.
Ok but i thought expansions counted a fraction of a percent each, if they do what percent is this?
In the 1% run, the only thing that counts towards the 1% is one extra missile expansion that is currently impossible to avoid. None of the items you absorb from a core-X or download from a data room count towards the percentage.
Ready and willing.
There are 100 tanks, so 1 tank = 1%.
I have to say, it royally sucks that you can't skip any of the items in the game. What the heck was R&D1 thinking? Then, because low % was impossible, they booted up the difficulty of the normal enemies to make it a challenge. What a freaking outrage.

Now that I've been exposed to the fun in ZM of skipping items and getting them out of sequence, I can hardly play fusion anymore.
it's "a different kind of metroid game" ...

meaning it's a shitty one ... lol.
Awww, fusion isn't that bad.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Yeah, just check out WD's avatar to see how much he likes it.  Laughing
"bad" is relative, obviously. metroid fusion isn't that bad of a video game ... put it next to e.t. the extraterrestrial, and yeah, it looks pretty good.

put it next to super metroid ... metroid prime ...
Of course, of course. But heck, even superman 64 looks good compared to ET...

Like you said, not a bad game. But the replay value couldn't be lower if you stuck lead weights on it and dropped it into the ocean.
Let me rephrase then.

Fusion isn't as bad as you say it is. I've played it 3 times more than any other metroid game. Even prime  Shocked
No, it's certainly not bad. But it'd be a lot better if you could skip items. Certainly you couldn't argue with that.

EDIT: IWF's and IBJ's wouldn't hurt, either.
w.dawgs, i don't doubt what you believe, but i think you would be doing yourself wrong if you didn't give super metroid a good couple of days to let it grow on you. this metroid thing was done a lot better than fusion a long time ago, and is only being incrementally improved today (with the new first person perspective in prime and the new moves in zero mission).

again, not saying fusion sucks, just saying fusion sucks compared to my favorite games.
I'm sure super would be great, but I have only played an emulator of it. I don't like playing on emulators for some reason. That's why it never grew on me.
I have the super cart, but almost every time you turn, it on it erases all of the data :x . Thankfully I was able to beat it a few times before it started doing that, it was the first metroid game I played. I never got 100% though. I agree that it's abunch better than fusion but fusion is still pretty good, IMO.
need to either replace your cart's battery or get a new cart. there are still carts whose batteries function great; mine is one of them.

and w.dawgs, i've never seen anything that i liked in an emulator, period. super metroid shouldn't be experienced through one, imo.
I like fusion more than Zero mission I got ZM on saturday and I don't like the whole being able to skip stuff. It's not me. I really like both of them, I just prefere fusion.
didn't you just say... never mind. Anyway, the great thing is that you are able to skip stuff, not required. Nobody's holding a gun to your head and forcing you, and skippage (shut up) makes it more fun to play once you get good at the game. Call it an artificial--and much more challenging-- hard mode.
yeah, one of those 'no need for lifeboats on the good ship titanic' things.

it's a ship. it will sink.

it's a game. it will get old.
[severe topic diversion] I have a question about the 1% run:  Did Sess die?  He hasn't put out a segment in a long-o time-o.  I wanna see how it ends!  P.S.: Isn't the percentage going to be more than 1?  Just because he didn't get anything he doesn't need doesn't mean he only got one thing..... /me is confused [/severe topic diversion]
Quote from RoboBlob:
[severe topic diversion]P.S.: Isn't the percentage going to be more than 1?  Just because he didn't get anything he doesn't need doesn't mean he only got one thing..... /me is confused [/severe topic diversion]

You kind of contradicted yourself there. He only got what he needed (or couldn't avoid) so it's definately 1%.
Yep, as already said, only tanks count towards percentage, and Sess only picks up one.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
If you have Fusion, count the tanks. If it were a decimal percentage, it would round to the nearest ten thousandth (hundrecth is by definition 1%, 'cuz it's 1 out of the 100). They like to make all items add up to 100 so they don't have to do that, and rounding sucks, 'cuz it would confuse people.

And Kridley, you might want to get another SNES, if all the games you play on it don't work. I'd get one, but I like emus just fine. All I need is a better USB controller.