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arkarian: 2008-11-22 10:33:10 pm
Bangaa Bishop
Ok, the ball is rolling on this project. For Nate's convenience, here is an index of the tricks in this thread:

Techniques - Missile Jump
Techniques - Missile Push
Techniques - BDBJ
Early Items - Shock Coil
Speed Tricks - Echo Hall
Speed Tricks - Compression Chamber
Speed Tricks - Fuel Stack
Speed Tricks - Ice Hive (Part 1)
Speed Tricks - Ice Hive (Part 2)
Speed Tricks - Skip Piston Cave
Speed Tricks - Thermal Vast
Speed Tricks - Drip Moat
Speed Tricks - Sanctorus
Speed Tricks - Docking Bay
Speed Tricks - SIC Transit
Speed Tricks - Fault Line
Speed Tricks - Fault Line (Arcterra Escape)
Speed Tricks - Stasis Bunker
Speed Tricks - High Ground
Speed Tricks - Council Chamber
Speed Tricks - Weapons Complex
Boss Tricks - Noxus
Boss Tricks - Spire
Boss Tricks - Sylux
Other - Wallcrawl Crash
Other - Secretized Portal
Other - Dodging Slench v.3 beams

Original Post
OK, the problem preventing the existence of a section on the site for Metroid Prime: Hunters is a lack of content verified with a video of reasonable quality. Unfortunately due to the nature of the DS, it is very hard to produce a video of decent quality. Fortunately, emulation of the DS has greatly improved recently, and those with modern PCs should be able to use an emulator to record video. But you also need speedrunning, sequence breaking and/or glitch-and-secret-world-finding skills, something I'm not particularly great at. This is where you come in. Want to help this shrine to metroid gaming have a place for the game? Here's what to do.

1) Download a DS emulator. Currently the best performing one I can find (out of only a couple in existence) is No$GBA (which also emulates the GBA as well). I have attached the latest version (2.6a) in this post, as the author is starting to demand donations for the latest version (you can download the emluator for free on the site but it will be one version behind the latest one). If you find anything wrong with this, the 2.5 version will work, but performance was vastly improved in 2.6, so you'll need a considerbaly beefier PC to use the older version.

A few notes about the emulator:

Clicking the left mouse button on the bottom screen = tapping the touchscreen. Click and drag to mouselook, click on the icons to use their functions.
You'll want to adjust the controls. I suggest creating an FPS-style keyboard setup:
W- D-pad forward
S- D-pad back
A- D-pad strafe left
D- D-pad strafe right
The L and R buttons (fire button) default to left CTRL and ALT. You can leave this as is, but I reccomend binding one of them to something else, as both L and R perform the same function in the game. You could bind left CTRL or SHIFT to your jump button (or you can doubleclick on the touch screen.
Bind the rest of the buttons how you see fit. Just consider you'll probably be pushing most of them with your left hand.

2) Find a MPH ROM. Do not ask how or where, we do not discuss such things on this forum for obvious reasons. (and please only do this if you own(ed) the game, especially since if you didn't, I don't see how you can have the ability to perform anything special here)

3) Download a video capture program that can record non-fullscreen applications, or a definable area of he screen. Fraps is currently unable to capture the emulator, or at least I couldn't get it to work. I used Camtasia for my initial videos, it's a very flexible and powerful program, but sadly is not free (in fact, it's very expensive) but has a 30 day fully functional trial. See here http://www.techsmith.com/download/camtasiatrial.asp for the download. Nate, if you could post again reminding what file format and compression codec you prefer, that would be great.

4) Perform tricks, techniques, secret worlds, etc in the emulator while recording and attach the videos to a post in this thread (or on a file hosting website) along with a writeup of how to do what is depicted in the video. See any Metroid Prime speed/SB trick age for examples on how to write this.

Even if this isn't exactly your favorite game, if you can help with this in any way, it is appriciated. (Personally, I did- and I enjoyed the multipayer as well, until the cheating got so bad you were lucky to find someone who wasn't)
Thread title: 
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Phazar: 2008-10-09 09:46:46 pm
I am downloading a MPH ROM right now.  If you know of any free video capture programs that will film the emulator, let me know.  Edit: The ROM I downloaded will not work.

Project Progress:

1.  Download no$gba

2.  Download MPH ROM

3.  Ensure Emulator is working properly

4.  Download video-capture program

5.  Make videos

Edit: Look, I started!  Sorry, dumb comment, I know.
Bangaa Bishop
stuff about ROMs

One, I don't need a blow-by-blow update on your preperations. :p Two, don't talk about ROMs at all if you can avoid it. That said, if you're getting errors when selecting the desired file in no$gba's 'insert cartridge" dialog box, it's proably a bad file. (Note that DS files will end in .nds).

Also, please use the No$gba version I attached in the first post if possible. (Still says downloaded 0 times)
I version I have is v2.6a.
Bangaa Bishop
You understand what you're supposed to make videos of, right? Be sure to look through the sequence break / speed trick discussion thread for anything you might be able to perform.
The trickiest stuff are secret worlds. There lots of secret worlds though most of them just kill you- there are a few that may be useful though.
Yes, I already have the videos planned out in my mind.  But like I said, I need to get MPH to work on no$gba.  Then I just need a motion capture program and boom, the videos will be here.
Do we need to record both screens or just the top screen?
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Aruki: 2008-10-07 05:41:05 pm
I posted a list about a year ago when this topic came up.

Quote from Paraxade:
Various tricks that need videos - might not be everything - SW list might be numbered wrong and/or incomplete - in fact, completely disregard the numbers, but I don't feel like editing the list again; also, a lot of these can probably be ripped out of your run

SW1 Echo Hall (SP) - 072
SW2 Thermal Vast (SP) - Dr.Trence
SW3 Oubliette Hall (SP) - Paraxade, Dr.Trence
SW4 Tetra Vista (SP) - ajbolt89
SW5 Ice Hive (SP/MP) - gamefaqer?, troid92
SW6 Processing Core (SP/MP) - Paraxade
SW7 Fan Room Alpha (SP) - troid92
SW8 Combat Hall (SP/MP) - Paraxade (MP)
SW9 Celestial Gateway (SP) - Dr.Trence
SW10 Helm Room (SP) - Dr.Trence
SW11 Sic Transit (SP/MP) - GameFAQers?
SW12 Harvester (MP) - Youtubers?
SW13 Fault Line (MP) - primetime?
SW14 Crash Site (SP) - troid92
SW15 Data Shrine (MP) - primetime
SW16 Stasis Bunker (MP) - primetime
SW17 Fuel Stack (SP/MP) - youtubers?
SW18 Arcterra Gateway (MP) - youtubers?
SW19 Drip Moat (SP) - troid92
SW20 Oubliette Gateway (SP) - troid92
SW21 Sanctorus (MP) - primetime
SW22 Alinos Gateway (MP) - primetime
SW23 VDO Gateway (MP) - primetime
SW24 Transfer Lock (MP) - Paraxade, primetime
SW25 High Ground (MP) - primetime
SW26 Alinos Perch (MP) - primetime
SW27 Weapons Complex (MP) - primetime
SW28 Head Shot (MP) - primetime
SW29 Compression Chamber (MP) - primetime
SW30 Incubation Vault (MP) - primetime
SW31 Biodefense Chamber 3B (SP) (room name might be incorrect - room with slench 3) - ?
SW32 Biodefense Chamber 4B (SP) (see above - room with slench 4) - ?
SW33 Data Shrine 3 (SP) - Paraxade
Early Shock Coil - Paraxade
Synergy Core Speed Trick - Liku
Echo Hall Speed Trick -
High Ground Speed Trick (Zoomer Wave)
High Ground Speed Trick (Missile Jump)
Sylux Boss Trick (Imp headshots)
Invisible Delano 7
Unmorph into morph ball tunnels (Dr.Trence)
Missile push into morph ball tunnels (primetime)
Transfer Lock - get in the wrong half of the room to trigger a game-killing glitch
Transfer Lock Speed Trick
Docking Bay Speed Trick
Incubation Vault 02 Speed Trick - rekameohs
Sic Transit Speed Trick
Ice Hive Speed Trick (Wasp Skip - Both Methods) - bartendorsparky (float)
Ice Hive Speed Trick (Judicator Puzzle Skip - there's at least two methods for this) - bartendorsparky (dbj)
Thermal Vast Speed Trick - Paraxade (dbj to morph ball tunnel)
Alinos Perch Speed Trick - ajbolt89
Council Chamber Speed Trick
Trace Boss Trick
Fault Line Speed Trick (2 methods) - Phazon Siphon
Drip Moat Speed Trick - primetime
Stasis Bunker Speed Trick
Fuel Stack Speed Trick - bartendorsparky
Skip Piston Cave - rekameohs (missile push), troid92 (unmorph)
Oubliette Hall Speed Trick - Liku

If you don't know what any of these are, feel free to ask.

Quote from rekameohs:
For future reference, my 3 tricks are as follows.

Skip Piston Cave (the hard way, troid92 found the easy way)
Climb Incubator Vaults
Fire Alimbic Cannon while escaping Alinos 2

Also, under Other: Early Volt Driver ([noembed]here's one dsg made - [/noembed])

Also I could probably write up some descriptions if you guys don't want to.
You forgot the Compression Chamber Speed Trick discovered by Droonandi.  It's ok if you never heard of it, it was discovered outside of M2K2, on GameFAQs.
Quote from iamthejackie:
Do we need to record both screens or just the top screen?

whatever is necessary to show how to perform the trick.
Edit history:
Phazar: 2008-10-07 09:08:00 pm
I would be recording right now if I didn't have all these technical problems!  Whenever I insert the cartridge file and boot up the no$gba, a message says, "Cannot read cartridge.  Reinsert Game Card." or something like that.  And the only good files are on sites that force you to register and accumulate points in order to download.

The only thing I really need now is a microphone.  I don't have a recordable sound card on my laptop so microphone is my only option...

Oh yeah, Camtasia is amazing.  Way better than Camstudio.  My game hardly lags when it is recording my screen unlike most other recordable programs.
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Tahngarthor: 2008-10-08 04:02:54 am
Bangaa Bishop
Quote from iamthejackie:
Do we need to record both screens or just the top screen?

Record both. if your speed trick or shortcut or whatever only involves basic movement, you can omit it, but the video should show everything that is needed to be able to do what the video is showing, as Nate said.

The only thing I really need now is a microphone.  I don't have a recordable sound card on my laptop so microphone is my only option...
in your list of volume controls, you dont have something like "stereo mix" or "What U Hear" or something like that?

Phazar, get camtasia studio as I linked in the original post. If you need help using it, feel free to ask, it's pretty easy to use tho.

When using camtasia, when you select the area to record, simply drag a box from the top left corner of the top screen to the bottom right corner of the touchscreen.

One other thing. If you know of any generally useful techniques, for example rocket jumping, for the techniques category, we need those as well, even though it isn't a speed trick on its own.
Super Metroid Addict
Even though I'm not a great fan of this game, yes, it needs a section in the main page:)
Go for it guys
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Phazar: 2008-10-10 05:28:10 pm
I made the first two videos: one of the Alinos Key Skip and another of the Zoomer trick in High Ground.  Note: Camtasia required for download.  Edit: Added the rest of the Alinos 1 Tricks as well as some VDO 1 Speed Tricks (including the little-known force field scan from below Compression Chamber.  I am using a zipped file this time, so you don't need to download Camtasia to view the videos.  Oops, it's too big, so just watch the Camtasia file for now.  I don't know how to decrease size in the regular document.
Bangaa Bishop
Provide a completed video as an uncompressed quicktime file, and upload it to a file hosting site like mediafire.
Or, to set compression:
-With the recording in Camtasia, click on the left side where it says "Produce video as..."
-select "Custom Production Settings," click next.
-For the format, select "MOV - QuickTime Movie" , click next.
-Click the "QuickTime Options..." button; click Settings in the Video area.
-At the top where it says Compression Type is where you set the compression. I'm not sure which you should use at the moment. For now select "None", click OK, OK.
-Continue thorugh the rest of the prompts to publish the video with the selected settings.
-If you used "None" for compression, upload it to a free file host like MediaFire.
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Phazar: 2008-10-12 05:14:50 pm
I'll try that.  The problem is that all of my videos so far are over 10,000 KB except the quick Weapons Complex trick and the Camtasia files, so I can't upload here.  Edit: QuickTime only lets you have 30 secs max, and some vids are longer.  I can't get the whole video.
Ok, got something
Echo Hall Maze skip
Sound is terrible so I'm not sure if you guys even want this...  I'll continue recording if it's acceptable but otherwise, I'll just stop.

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Tahngarthor: 2008-10-12 08:50:28 pm
Bangaa Bishop
If there's some static (but not so much that the actual sound isn't clearly audible), Camtasia has a feature to reduce noise in audio.

With your video open, click Audio Enhancements... on the left side.
In the area that says "Background noise removal," select "Manually select a region of audio", select the entire timeline at the bottom of the screen (use the green arrows), click "Remove Noise." Camtasia will play the video to analyze the sound and then the noise will be removed.

Chances are with the slider all the way to High, a good amount of the actual sound you want will get blotted out, so if that's teh case, check the "restore noise" box, drag the slider a little to the left, and click "Remove Noise" again. Repeat until you get the best balance of noise removed and minimal audio loss.

oh and Phazar: .camproj files are project files, and they're useless without the raw video (.camrec) files along with it. if the video is too long, zip them together, and  someone who has QuickTime Pro (I'm guessing nate does) can publish them. (Pointing this out because I don't think there's any video data in a 9KB file ;p )

iamthejackie: It looks like your system isn't quite up to snuff for the emulator. There's a couple things you can try though. Go into Task Manager and close out any nonessential programs and services, and then set no$gba's process priority to high. Try lowering the sound quality a notch or reducing the color depth. Make sure you're using no$gba 2.6a as well.
Once I have some free time, i'll use your video as a guide to try to perform the trick myself.
Quote from iamthejackie:
Echo Hall Maze skip

I already filmed that.  And can you explain how to zip together?  I am annoyed that I only get 30 secs of recording.
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iamthejackie: 2008-10-13 03:02:31 pm
Well, what are you recording?  I started recording when Samus enters the maze and ended when she bomb jumps out.

That took only 20 seconds.
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Tahngarthor: 2008-10-12 10:11:33 pm
Bangaa Bishop
Quote from Phazar:
Quote from iamthejackie:
Echo Hall Maze skip

I already filmed that.  And can you explain how to zip together?  I am annoyed that I only get 30 secs of recording.

I just mean you need to include both the .camproj and the .camrec file. Zip them up in winzip or whatever your favorite zip utility is.

*important update* to anyone who downloaded no$gba from my OP, please downlad it again. I found that the file I downloaded is bad. I replaced it with a good file.
Here's my first "watchable" video: www.screencast.com/users/Phazar/folders/Default/media/d3537ee2-2ff7-4195-8ea4-4fc5b12bc6fb  I will be uploading 1 or 2 videos a day from this point on.  ScreenCast is so much more reliable than Mediafire.  But like Camtasia, it's not free.  The trial is 60 days.
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Tahngarthor: 2008-10-14 01:32:58 am
Bangaa Bishop
Not bad, only thing is id shoot it again and cut out the titlebar/menubar and such. :)
Can you write a description (if one makes sense) as it would appear if it were a page on the site?
You beat me to it, I was trying to get to that point but I was having some technical troubles :p

Oh and, record the sound (and edit out any static using the steps I described). Nice job otherwise. We could have enough content for the site in no time if you keep this up. :)

I guess i'll just up my improved missile jumping video :p Even though there isnt a lot of use there are times when it can save a 0.5-1 second if you're willing to take the damage :)
Quote from Tahngarthor:
Not bad, only thing is id shoot it again and cut out the titlebar/menubar and such. :)

On my other videos, I already did that.  That one was the first one I made, so I made a bad recording area.  My others are better with area.  Also, the sound does not want to record with it.  As for the actual trick, the missile-jump method is lesser-known than the DBJ+Boost method, but I find it a little easier.