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Yeah. So What's it gonna be?
I've played Metroid 1, 2, Super, Fusion and ZM, and probably know about everything necessary about them.

Master-88 seems to be Finnish, and I figured he could support the MP1 - 2 pages.
Thread title: 
basically all you have to do is download the file http://nate.metroid2002.com/m2k2.zip and open up those files inside in wordpad (notepad probably will not work correctly) and then translate what you see. when you finish, simply save the file as (whatever)-fi.php (fi for finnish). then you can zip the ones you finish back up and attach them to posts in this topic for me to add to the site. don't change anything in the files except the english text to finnish text. also unfortunately the filename will have to be the same except for the -fi on the end. i can add the files to the site in any order you choose to translate them in.

good luck!
I'll see what I can do, Nathie.
I hope it opens up with any of my current Mac software.
oh, i forgot you were on a mac. probably textwrangler is the best free mac text editor.
I'm sure Dreamweaver will cut it just fine.

But thanks anyway :)
you can't edit them in dreamweaver, they're just text files. just ignore all the code and translate the english title and notes and stuff like "discovered by ...".
But... Those are PHP files. It's kjadhsgf times easier to edit them in DW instead of TextEdit... Right..?
well, considering you don't have any of the includes, no ... i don't even know if it would look like anything if something tried to render it. and probably any graphical editor would make additional changes to the file that would make it useless to me as well.

if you have trouble finding where you need to change text in the files then let me know, but i mean it's not that hard ... just look for english text. actually i think textedit might even work assuming it doesn't try to render the file.
Come on to AIM so we can talk.
lol, i don't have aim.


change these parts (with red arrows pointing to them):

also i need to know what the 'select a style' and 'choose a language' texts are in finnish so i can make those right on every page.
Am I doing it right? Here's a translation of the Red Scarlet demonstration.

argh rapidshare ... can't you attach the file to your post ("add an attachment" button down below)?

with the exception of not changing the end of the filename to -fi.php, it looks like you are doing it right. however, i have to inform you that that file is no longer used on the site. the reason is that scarlet's 1:00 100% was beaten first by smokey and then again by scarlet's own 0:55. also i haven't hosted speed runs on m2k2 in some years (instead they are on sda). to make sure your effort didn't go to waste, though, i've actually edited the item info at archive with not only scarlet's long lost "weird stuff" section you rediscovered there, but also with your translation of it.

so yeah in the future first of all make sure the page you're translating is actually on the site right now, and second make sure to change the filename once you're done so it ends in whatever-fi.php
Sure thing, bud.
Yup, Super Metroid is done. Go check it out in the M2K2 section.
Minne sinä teet noita suomenoksia?

Tuone pää sivulleko?

Sanoit että Super Metroid on valmis, mutta eihän sielä ollut vielä suomenkielistä valintaa.
Kokeilepa uudestaan, toimii hyvin!
Jep niin n채kyy. Wink
Quote from nate:
lol, i don't have aim.

and why do you have an AIM-Icon then?
oh ... i guess i used to. removed!