Well like I said, a good dude that just happened to be mormon. Like it was part of his life but didn't have much role in the kind of person he was. I'm sure that describes a whole lot of people, but I just seem to meet a lot of the crazy ones.
I imagine there are really cool, pleasant people of just about any religion. As for strangeness, I think it's more likely that if you're not at least a little odd, you're lying to everyone. I've got no beef against expression, but portrayal of racism makes me pretty uncomfortable. I'm not gonna get up and leave a theater over it, but I'm a little less prone to evaluating the message and form. Porn usually sucks, IMO, and there's too much of it. People act too hard.
Good point about Dark Samus not being proven to be Metroid Prime. I thought it mentioned it in the scan logs, then I rethought because there shouldn't be a log of it - it's never been encountered before. But it has a log for four phases in Echoes alone. O_o
LOL how did this topic went from metroid to comics, religion, etc.? My threads seem to always like being weird when I'm not around. =P
Anyways I always like to think the Prime still took place due to Zebes still existing. AKA, the holographic solar system mentioning Zebes found in the Phendrana Space Pirate labs.
LOL how did this topic went from metroid to comics, religion, etc.? My threads seem to always like being weird when I'm not around. =P
Welcome to M2K2, my good friend. You have officially entered into that gray, nebulous area of the Internet.
The 100% ending of Prime 1 does show Dark Samus' hand coming out of the Metroid Prime's remains. If you could call them remains, that is ... Then again, who would know?
I like Phoenix's timeline, except for one point: Canon states that the Prime games happen six months apart from each other, so that means essentially the whole series takes up a year's worth of time. I like thinking that these major catastrophic events (like blowing up planets) would be spaced farther apart.
And who's to say that the Prime hyper beam is the same as the Super hyper beam? If you asked me, i'd say that the infant Metroid (hate calling it the baby, thanks MOM) absorbed that ability from Mother Brain and bestowed it on Samus, as kind of a final power-up granted mid-fight. So she's using Mother Brain's own ability against her. Same name, two different concepts and implementations.
I'd say a larger discrepancy is the one between Prime 1 and Prime 3 hypermodes. ... Although one could argue that the PED suit uses the same process as the Prime 1 Phazon suit, except where the PED had concentrated phazon in a backpack or produced by Samus, the Phazon suit merely channeled the phazon pools in the same manner the PED suit did. But then why wouldn't you automatically enter Hypermode when entering Phazon in Prime 3, and why did you take damage from Phazon-based attacks?