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Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
If you provide a lock patch, anyone could just open up the .ips file and see exactly what is changed, and then they'd know how to unlock patches.

This whole locking discussion has gotten out of hand. I don't know why you're so hard for a locked-ROM deal, bionicle, but let it go, dude. It'd be one thing if you were worried about your own content being stolen, but why worry about someone else's stuff? Like BT said, it's a bit obsessive to worry that much about what players do with the hacks they download and play. Who cares if someone wants to cheat? If that's what's fun to them, then let them have fun with that. Hacks are first and foremost about a fun gameplay experience, not designers forcing their ideas of gameplay on others.
Edit history:
Acheron: 2008-10-10 09:33:29 am
Quote from Acheron86:
If you provide a lock patch, anyone could just open up the .ips file and see exactly what is changed, and then they'd know how to unlock patches.

This whole locking discussion has gotten out of hand. I don't know why you're so hard for a locked-ROM deal, bionicle, but let it go, dude. It'd be one thing if you were worried about your own content being stolen, but why worry about someone else's stuff? Like BT said, it's a bit obsessive to worry that much about what players do with the hacks they download and play. Who cares if someone wants to cheat? If that's what's fun to them, then let them have fun with that. Hacks are first and foremost about a fun gameplay experience, not designers forcing their ideas of gameplay on others.

Messed up graphic might be even better than locking (in SMILE, not in game). You know, even if you unlock SM Impossible and Redesign, the graphic is all screwed up. Only if I know how to make my own.

There is another way to cheat other than SMILE (nither the cheat code.) Have you tried save swap? You know, using the same save from one hack to another. Maybe my youtube video will explain how. [noembed][url=[/noembed]
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Fixed your tags, the video wouldn't show up before.
Yeah, editing hacks that use custom room headers and move level data will always break in someone else's version of SMILE. You'd need the hackmaker's level_entries and mdb files to be able to see and edit the rooms at all... and even then, there's an extra layer of encryption added to those two particular hacks that has nothing to do with a minor byte change. AFAIK only one person has cracked it.
Quote from Acheron86:
If you provide a lock patch, anyone could just open up the .ips file and see exactly what is changed, and then they'd know how to unlock patches.

This whole locking discussion has gotten out of hand. I don't know why you're so hard for a locked-ROM deal, bionicle, but let it go, dude. It'd be one thing if you were worried about your own content being stolen, but why worry about someone else's stuff? Like BT said, it's a bit obsessive to worry that much about what players do with the hacks they download and play. Who cares if someone wants to cheat? If that's what's fun to them, then let them have fun with that. Hacks are first and foremost about a fun gameplay experience, not designers forcing their ideas of gameplay on others.
I completely agree with Acheron Archeon there.
If GK wants to lock it, too damn bad, bionicle.
if GK doesn't want to lock it, too damn bad, bionicle.
Quote from Crys:
If you have to look in an editor to beat a game there is one of the two problems:

1. The game is to hard.
2. The player is to lazy to experience the hard work that was putted into the making the game.

... And seriously, I am getting sick of people here that opens hacks in SMILE. It's like taking a dump in the makers face.

I'm trying to make sure people do NOT open the ROM in SMILE by providing both palette files, gfx files, and a type of players guide with all the secrets in.
I hope that will prevent people from opening it in SMILE. :/
I honestly can't agree with you when you say that looking into your hack would be like taking a dump on your face.
I'm not trying to tell you what to do with your project, but if people are too stupid to figure it out and ask for help, they probably should be allowed to check out your hack with smile. I don't beleive it's right to tell people how to play your hack.and making a players guide would be too much work IMO.

back to ice metal redux plox!
What's the difference between asking for help and looking at a room in smile? Same. F'in. Thing.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Bloodsonic:
I honestly can't agree with you when you say that looking into your hack would be like taking a dump on your face.
I'm not trying to tell you what to do with your project, but if people are too stupid to figure it out and ask for help, they probably should be allowed to check out your hack with smile. I don't beleive it's right to tell people how to play your hack.and making a players guide would be too much work IMO.

back to ice metal redux plox!

That's not what I meant.

Example: Nintendo makes a game. You can't beat it. What do you do?

Well, I am sure you would NOT open the game in a hex editor and look for what you can't beat.
And I'm also sure you would not call Nintendo and ask how to beat it.

I'm quite sure you would.
1. Try and beat it any way.
2. Ask friends.
3. Look online for a guide.
They's 3 I have no problem with; The two above them I do have. :/

Looking into a hack with SMILE ruins more then you can imagine! At least in my hack.
No offence to you Bloodsonic; Your a nice guy.
But I have seen examples of people who posts pics and/or talk about stuff seen with SMILE. Which ruins even more, both for them self and other players.

The players guide is made to stop people from ruining the game for them self.
I will not answer any questions asked about how to beat the game. Thats for other players to answer! (It would be nice if you keep it to private convos though. To avoid spoiling it for others.)
I want the experience to not be spoiled what ever you play the hack on release or 10 years later.

I don't want to lock my ROM hack because I belive that after the hype of the hack is over. New hackers should be able to go back and see how I made things.
To see what I think is good design.

You may not agree with me. But this is how I see it.
Quote from Crys:
Example: Nintendo makes a game. You can't beat it. What do you do?

When I was little, I'd use a Game Genie. Used to write my own codes for it, too.

I'm pretty sure it edited the game's code...
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Serujisu:
Quote from Crys:
Example: Nintendo makes a game. You can't beat it. What do you do?

When I was little, I'd use a Game Genie. Used to write my own codes for it, too.

I'm pretty sure it edited the game's code...

It do, but only temporary.

Game Genie never was over here in Sweden. I guess I'm a bit more strict on the non-cheating.  ..Which is sad, really. :(

I am limited to not knowing much about GG. But I don't think it shows the code. You only add in supplied "cheat" codes.
Edit history:
Bloodsonic: 2008-10-10 07:11:05 pm
Quote from Serujisu:
Quote from Crys:
Example: Nintendo makes a game. You can't beat it. What do you do?

When I was little, I'd use a Game Genie. Used to write my own codes for it, too.

I'm pretty sure it edited the game's code...
lol same here. Super mario world was too hard! laugh new
Quote from Bloodsonic:
I'm not trying to tell you what to do with your project
If your rom is locked, the only person bothered is probably bionicle.

please don't let your weekend break go on forever! [-o&lt;

EDIT: lol 2k2 veiws
I apologize if this is mini modding AND off subject, but I don't think it's appropiate to pick on Bioniclegenius (or anyone else) just because they don't think a rom should be locked.  It's just personal opinion and in the end ultimately the hacker's choice, whether others like it or not....

Anyway, this is looking good, looking forward to it.  grin new
Bionicle is the only one who did want it locked.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Bloodsonic:
Quote from Bloodsonic:
I'm not trying to tell you what to do with your project
If your rom is locked, the only person bothered is probably bionicle.

please don't let your weekend break go on forever! [-o&lt;

There are always cheaters.  Rolling Eyes
But let's not flame bionicle for that. He can state his opinion in here if he wants too.

Also, I'm not hacking over this weekend because I'm trying to get some drawing done. I'm also trying to learn assembly.

...But you will get more info on that when I actually know enough to do some thing.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
I don't want to spoil steamfair to much. So instead I will show you a pic from Frosty Forest.

I did not want to show this puzzle so early; But I am kinda proud of it! =P
Also, some comments on my latest palette blend would be nice. I like this one a lot myself!
Looks great, nice color combinations and layout.    Very aesthetically pleasing
Quote from G-Krys:

Move over, Red Doors! Here comes Black! whoa (@c.bags)

I like, I like. Keep up the good work!
Samus is too bright  in that enviroment, she's an easy target, too bad stuff around there doesn't know about samus and her big ****ing gun xd

(On topic, I liked it xd)
GK-The left CRE that Samus is standing on looks a bit awkward IMO due to the checkerboard pattern. And in the background, the filler tiles look a bit out of place when used together with the original Crateria background blocks.

Speaking of the filler, have you noticed that distinct square pattern that can be seen in each block? The filler block's lower left 8x8 is too light. It's up to you if you want to change that though, of course. (Dem irc folks learned me up guuud)

my god.
Nice dark purple door! what does it replace?
anyway, I love the pic.
the liney-thingeys in the bg look kind of like those tiles in metroid 2. awesome.
You know what would be cool?  If there was a sort of gravity-reversal thing (like the ones in Luigi's Mansion).  Then you could solve the puzzle in that screen-shot!
I wish.. aiwebs_003
but that is what it looks like.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Gamma_Metroid:
You know what would be cool?  If there was a sort of gravity-reversal thing (like the ones in Luigi's Mansion).  Then you could solve the puzzle in that screen-shot!

Nah, the puzzle is quite simple really. You will see when you get there in-game.
Quote from Bloodsonic:
my god.
Nice dark purple door! what does it replace?
anyway, I love the pic.
the liney-thingeys in the bg look kind of like those tiles in metroid 2. awesome.

It replaces the gray door.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Nice work, Crys.

The colours manage to be bright and different without being too in-your-face.

I too would like to add that I adoor the new door.

*Hopes the really bad joke will go unnoticed*
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Steamfair got 3 palette variations.
This is the third!

Steel! =)
Your graphics have a major style clash compared with the original SM Norfair tiles.  I think one of the reasons is your heavy use of outlines around everything in your tiles.  SM graphics in general don't have them , so to place them up against a set that uses them a lot makes it clash.
Edit history:
Crys: 2008-10-15 03:42:15 pm
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from FirePhoenix0:
Your graphics have a major style clash compared with the original SM Norfair tiles.  I think one of the reasons is your heavy use of outlines around everything in your tiles.  SM graphics in general don't have them , so to place them up against a set that uses them a lot makes it clash.

Yes I know it clashes, it was kinda the point!  Wink

Edit: This area is a bit lol. 3 areas close to each other.